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Verify Exactness and Solve

the Differential Equation

• Name : Manoj M. Patgar

• Class : B.Sc III Semester
• Subject : Mathematics ( Ordinary Differential Equation and Real Analysis – I)
• Roll No. : U02IX21S0012
• College : Govt. First Grade College, Ankola
Verify Exactness And Solve The Differential Equation.
( xy² + x )dx + yx² dy = 0

solution : Compare above equation with,

Mdx + Ndy = 0
M = (xy²+x)
∂M/∂y = ∂(xy²+x)/∂y
∂M/∂y = ∂xy + 0
∂M/∂y = 2xy

N = yx²
∂N/∂x = ∂(yx²)/∂x
∂N/∂x = 2xy

∂M/∂y = ∂N/∂x
∴ The solution is,

y-constant ∫Mdx + ∫( Terms in N not containg x )dy = C

y-constant∫(xy² + x)dx + ∫ 0 × dy = C
⇒ y²x²/2 + x²/2 = C

⇒ (x²y² + x²)/2 = C


x²y² + x² = 2C

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