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- All about adverbials, adverbial phrases and

What are Adverbials?
Adverbials are words that we use to give
more information about a verb. They can
be one word or phrases and often say
how, where, when or how often
something happens or is done, though
they can also have other uses.An
adverbial phrase is a phrase that takes
on the role of an adverb in a sentence.
Types of Adverbials
● Conjunctive adverbs
● Adverbs of frequency
● Adverbs of time
● Adverbs of manner
● Adverbs of degree
● Adverbs of place
● Adverbs of purpose
● Adverbs of probability
Types of adverbials
Conjunctive Adverbs

A conjunctive adverb, adverbial
conjunction, or subordinating
adverb is an adverb that connects
two clauses by converting the clause
it introduces into an adverbial
modifier of the verb in the main
clause. For example, in "I told him;
thus, he knows" and "I told him. Thus,
Adverbs of frequency
he knows", thus is a conjunctive

Adverbs of frequency describe how
often something happens. They can
be divided into two categories based
on how specific they are.Examples:
Adverbs of indefinite frequency in a
- Anna always works on Saturdays.

Adverbs of manner
03 An adverb of manner describes how
an action is performed or how
something happens. In most cases,
adverbs of manner occur after the
main verb. Examples: Adverbs of
manner in a sentence
- Jessie read quietly.
- Tom laughed loudly.
Types of adverbials
Adverbs of degree

Adverbs of degree are used to
qualify verbs, adjectives, or adverbs
by expressing extent or degree. Some
common adverbs of degree include:
“extremely,” “absolutely,” “slightly,”
“quite,” and “enough.” Examples:
Adverbs of degree in a sentence
- The treehouse you built is very
Adverbs of place

05 An adverb of place provides

information about the location of an
action (e.g., position, distance, and
direction). Adverbs of place typically
occur after the main verb of a
sentence. Examples: “Adverbs of
place” in a sentence
Adverbs of
- Go downstairs and open the door.
- Confetti was thrown everywhere.
06 We use adverbials of probability to
show how certain we are about
something. Examples: “Adverbs of
probability” in a sentence
- Perhaps the weather will be fine.
- Maybe it won't rain.
Types of adverbials

Adverbs of time
07 We use adverbials of time to
● when something happens:
I saw Mary yesterday.
She was born in 1978.
● how long:
We waited all day.
They have lived here since 2004.
● how often (frequency):
They usually watched television
in the evening.
We sometimes went to work by
Adverbs of purpose

08 Adverbs of purpose (also called adverbs of

reason) help to explain why something is
the case. Many adverbs of purpose
function as conjunctive adverbs. Other
adverbs of purpose usually take the form
of adverbial phrases instead of individual
Examples: Adverbs of purpose in a
The company made a huge profit; therefore,
Adverbial phrases
An adverbial phrase (or adverb
phrase) is a group of words that acts as
an adverb to modify the main clause of
a sentence. Adverbial phrases can be
made up of two adverbs. These are
typically formed by adding a qualifier
or intensifier (e.g., “incredibly,”
“rather,” “very,” “somewhat”) before
another adverb. Examples: Adverbial
phrases with two adverbs
Bri ate her breakfast very quickly.
Detective Jones caught the thief quite
Types of Adverbial phrases
● Adverbial phrases of manner
● Adverbial phrases of time
● Adverbial phrases of purpose
● Adverbial phrases of place
Type Function Example

Mann Explain how something Emir spoke of his daughter with

er happens pride.

Place Explain where I threw my coat on the chair.

something happens

Purpo Explain why something I’m going to the airport to pick up

se happens my aunt and uncle.

Time Explain when Let’s go for a walk after dinner.

something happens

Table of types of adverbials phrases,

their function and it’s example
Adverbial clauses
An adverbial clause, sometimes referred to

as an adverb clause, is a group of words

that, together, functions as an adverb. This

means that the clause describes or modifies

a verb, adjective, or another adverb. Unlike

other types of clauses, an adverbial clause is

always a dependent clause. This means that

it cannot stand on its own as an independent

sentence. Adverbial clauses make sentences

richer by providing additional context and

description that standard adverbs cannot.


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