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Functional Lab Report

Major Lab 2


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for The Award of Degree

Master of Business Administration

Submitted By: - Submitted To: -

Yash Agarwal Dr. Bhumija Chouhan
MBA/2021/4447 Associate Professor


RTU Batch “2021-2023”
Table Of Contents

S.No. Topic Page No.


1 Questions 3-15


2 Hands on Practice on Software 16-30


3 Book Review 31-41


4 Bibliography 42
Question1. Pick a brand and gather all its marketing communication materials. How effectively has the brand mixed
and matched marketing communications? Has it capitalized on the strengths of different media and compensated
for their weaknesses at the same time? How explicitly has it integrated its communication program?


Marketing communication is the use of different channels and tools to advertise a product or a service. It includes direct
marketing, branding, and printing of materials, sponsorship, and PR activities.
The brand mixes and marketing communication has been useful to Apple Company. They have
communicated the marketing message of the brand to the targeted consumers and maintained the
marketing message's Consistency due to marketing communication.

Apple marketing communication mix explains the company’s stance towards individual elements of
the marketing communication mix such as print and media advertising, sales promotions, events
and experiences, public relations, direct marketing and personal selling. The main aim behind Apple
marketing communications mix is to communicate the marketing message of the brand to the
target customer segment through elements listed above.
I explore Apple using a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) model.

● Strengths include the ecosystem, brand recognition and customer loyalty, and management and culture.

● Weaknesses include overreliance on iPhone revenue, declining global Smartphone market share, and few successful
product innovations over the last decade.

● Opportunities include AR & VR, Wearable’s market, and Autonomous Vehicles.

● Threats include litigation over App Store fees, smart phones and tablets becoming commodities, and international
economic and political risk.

 The marketing communication materials used by Apple are personal selling, events and experience, print and media

advertising, direct marketing, and sales promotions.

1. Advertising :

The advertisement of Apple on the phone is consistent, always with white background and strikingly
appealing to the consumers. Besides, Apple is never hesitating to highlight the advantages of the
products to the target audience.
2. Sales Promotion :

Apple  is not focusing a great deal on sales promotion. Perhaps that is because excessive promotion, particularly in terms of
pricing discount may affect the brand name adversely in the long run.

3. Public Relations and Publicity :

Apple is an outstanding company in utilizing publicity for free and yet powerful way to interact with consumers. As discussed
and observed, it is found that the continuous news coverage about Apple products, particularly about i-Phones in the year 2010,
has been able to produce a halo effects.

4. Events and Experiences

In Apple Stores, it can be seen that many people are playing with the touch screen of Apple. There are many funny games
designed by Apple; and these games are played by the crowd and prospects customers.

5. Direct Marketing

As a customer of i-Pod, I received emails about i-Phones whenever new launches or new models are available. This is
essentially the direct email marketing techniques used by Apple, to get in touch with the previous customers.
Question2. Pick a brand. Identify all its brand elements and assess their ability to contribute to Brand equity. Also
mention, your favorite brand characters? Do you think they contribute to brand equity in any way? Can you relate their
effects to the customer based brand equity model?

Brand elements, sometimes called brand identities are those trademark able devices that serve to identify and differentiate the


The McDonald's Corporation is the world's largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants:
 Brand Name: McDonald's
 Url:
 Logo's and symbols: The famous 'M'
 Characters: Ronald McDonald
 Slogans: I'm lovin' it
 Jingles
 Packaging

My favorite brand character is McDonald’s mascot Ronald McDonald .

Yes brand character contributes to brand equity in following ways:

1) Brand Awareness:
• Currently, McDonalds ranked on the 6th position as world’s most important brand and observed as the most visited fast food
• The main focus of McDonalds is United States, and prefers to spend higher portion of budget there and
introduce their new products and test their innovation. But as being a global fast food chain, it create
awareness in every country according to the traditions or cultures.

2) Brand Association:
McDonalds is heavily associated with its brand because of its product category; fast food, fries and burger, etc. it has high score
in terms of branded products items name, like big mac, French fires and many others. It is associated as cheap meals, affordable
for the consumers. McDonalds offer “Make your own meal”, which has become the positive gaining point for it and many
consumers started to shift to McDonalds.
3) Brand Loyalty:

McDonalds is successful in gaining strong brand loyalty from its customers, as in all over the world its fries and kids’ meal are
famous, and as its kids are its main customers.

4 ) Brand Asset:
Its main assets are its employees and secret recipe of their sauces and burger patties.
Effects to the customer-based brand equity model:

  Brand Awareness:
McDonald’s has a strong hold on the young consumer, offerings to better fit the demands of the
health-conscious consumer.

2) Brand Performance:
• There are many breakfast, lunch, and dinner combo for many choices.
• McDonald’s requires for a very strict system in food safety.
• McDonald’s has been doing its business as a “retailer” with a mind of a brand.
3) Brand Imagery:
Attitude of service is a very strong point of McDonald’s to impress customers by
the professional, prompt and friendly

4) Brand Judgment:
• It is especially for customers easily to see stores decoration, space, uniform
and service staff.
• Customers are equal, and affordable price for families and delicious food
5) Brand Feelings:
McDonald’s can attract customers by showing them brand’s look, feel and culture

6) Brand
“The Resonance:
right main is that McDonald’s had had the opportunity to build a brand or not
• Hootsuite is an incredibly useful application for managing social media network channels.
• Often referred to as a social media management system or tool, it enables you to view multiple streams
at once and monitor what customers are saying.
• You can post updates, read responses, schedule messages, view statistics, and much more. Many
international brands—including Coca-Cola and Sony Music—utilize this timesaving approach to social
media marketing. 

1) Posting and Scheduling :

Schedule your posts so you don’t have to be online when it’s the optimal time to post to your networks.

2) Creating Content :
Creating content is easy. Along the left of the screen is a menu that opens on hover. Here you can access
all the features. Select the Publisher tab and click Schedule a message.

 3) Manual Scheduling :

 You can schedule manually or automatically. Manual scheduling is the default. To schedule manually, select the date on the calendar, choose
the hour and minutes from the dropdown boxes, and select AM or PM.
4) Scheduled Tab

The Scheduled tab gives you a list of scheduled posts. View it in the calendar (requires upgrade), edit, or delete.

 5) More Posting Options :

You can also schedule content from mobile. A Chrome extension lets you share links from the web without having to paste the
link into Hootsuite. The premium plans allow you to upload and schedule hundreds of posts at once in CSV format.

Key Benefits of Using Hootsuite to Manage Your Company’s Social Media Presence:

1. Monitor Multiple Social Media Streams in One Place :

2. Schedule Posts in Advance :

3. Easily View Analytics Data :

4. Social Media Listening :


- - By Tony Treacy

1 Why Persuasion Is at the Heart of Pitching

Being persuasive is an essential skill for everyone in business, especially those who work with customers or are involved in business

development and sales. Persuasion means inducing or leading someone to do something through reason and argument.


The sales process can also be convoluted and its dynamics, and the activities that occur throughout it, are driven by a number of

factors. Some may be unique to a particular industry, or to specific products and services, or to the circumstances and business needs

driving a customer at that time.

What it means is that the customer is persuaded to think the supplier has the right answers, the right products, the right people, and

the right skills. They come to think a specific supplier meets their needs better than anyone else. Customers are not persuaded by

chance. Sometimes the process can happen quickly, because the customer has an urgent need and is in a hurry to make a decision .  








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