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How to identify, explore,

and expand on themes in

Term 3 Week 1
What is a Theme?
● What the author wants you to leave
the story thinking about
● Often a broader idea on life that
can be applied outside the text
● Usually not stated, it must be

Why do we learn about Themes?

● Themes allow us to tap into other

people’s perspectives, and broaden
our understanding of society, the
species, and ourselves.
● This is essential to progressing
society and our maturation into
human beings.
Breaking down a theme… Extension


Main/big concepts that are A perspective presented by the Important beliefs, or principals
woven throughout the text: text about a theme: which help guide an individual's
EXAMPLES EXAMPLES sense of right and wrong.
➔ Logic (single word) ➔ Everything can be EXAMPLES
➔ ‘Logic and reason’, ‘the explained by logic. ➔ Christopher values logic
infallibility of logic’ ➔ Individuals can as it helps him to make
(inter-related words or understand the world sense of a world ruled by
phrase) through logic. emotion.
➔ Trust versus emotion ➔ Emotions help explain
(binary) what logic cannot.
Curious Incident Themes Brainstorm
Here’s what I’ve found and
observed in Curious Incident
Curious Incident Themes

Logic vs emotion

Growing up and change

Truth, love and safety

Outside Perspectives

Grief, and coping with loss

Strategies for Unpacking a Theme

1 Define, look, connect

2 concept map

STRATEGY 1: define, look, connect

Find and explore CONNECT
DEFINE examples in the text After exploring the
Find out what the that relate to this examples you should
idea/concept means. theme. Outline what look for patterns. Here
Then link this meaning these examples tell us you also need solidify
to the text. about the plot or your ideas into
characters in relation to thematic statements.
the idea.
Strategy 2: concept map
Characters Events
Christopher values logic and uses this as ● Christopher determines a good day and a bad day through the
a his sole way of understanding the world. colour cars he sees.
However, in many instances this limits his ● Ed’s emotional reaction to Judy leaving - she can’t speak to
ability to understand the world and his Christopher and he tells Christopher his mum has died.
interactions fully. Also his inability to ● Ed’s revelation that he killed Wellington
manage negative emotions impacts his ● Christopher’s use of deduction to determine where he will live when
relationships. He also likes Sherlock he can’t live with dad anymore.
Holmes because he uses logic to solve ● He expresses most negative emotions by groaning or hitting people
mysteries. → eg hitting the police officer, groaning in the train station, barking
at passengers on the train.
Ed Boone reacts in a much more
emotional way which clashes with
Christopher. Quotes
● “I got Siobhan to draw lots of these faces and then write down next to
them exactly what they meant. I kept the piece of paper in my pocket and
Judy Boone’s inability to connect with took it out when I didn't understand what someone was saying.” p. 3
Christopher affected her emotionally. ● “And one way of things being in a nice order was to be logical” p. 31
Logic vs emotion ● “He [your father] said I couldn’t come back. He was really angry.”
● “And I think that was when I realised you and your father were probably
SIobhan aims to support Christopher in
better off if I wasn’t living in the house” p. 136
understanding emotions. ● “But, shit, Christopher, when that red mist comes down. . . Christ, you
know how it is.” p. 151
● “And then I thought that I could go and live with Mother because she was
my family” p.161
● “...the system didn’t work anymore” p. 250

Cars → Symbolise Christopher’s personal system of logic.
Sherlock Holmes → stands for Christopher’s personal values of logic and
mental detachment
Stars → Used by Christopher as a grounding device when he is challenged
emotionally. Help to bring perspective to his situation by distancing him.
STRATEGY 3: interrogate examples

Examples: Ideas: What is Mark Haddon trying to get us to

understand about individuals or society’s use of
logic and emotion to understand the world?
1. Chapter 47: p. 31-32
2. Chapter 157: p. 133-136 C
3. Chapter 211: p. 216-217 VS
4. Chapter 233: p. 266 -268
(And I got the results of my EMO What messages, warnings,
Maths A level… to end) TION suggestions, lessons is Haddon
trying to communicate to us as readers?
Now… pick one of the themes you have identified and explore it
using the method of your choice.

Goal: Find the Values and Ideas within the Theme of your choice.

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