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Safety Moment

By Rayed Aldhafiri
MOC-F&O Process Advisor
Wafra Joint Operation

© 2013 Chevron 1
LG polymers,
Click Visakhapatnam,
to edit Master title style India – Gas Tragedy

 Chemical manufacturing facilities startup activities are associated with

disastrous events
 These Facilities should have higher level of attention. Why?

 Startup hazards are increased by inexact operating instructions, lack of

experience in startup operations and a plant in a non-standard condition.

 What Happened in our example today: LG polymers, Visakhapatnam, India?

 LG Polymers produces different grades of Poly Styrene from Styrene monomer.

Styrene is a reactive monomer and polymerization reactions occur even at
ambient temperatures slowly and increase to rapid rate at elevated temperatures.
While in storage, Styrene monomer reaction is inhibited by careful control of
temperature and addition of inhibitor chemicals.

 LG Polymers unit had gone for safe shutdown during lockdown period for
COVID- 19 pandemic. Styrene monomer is stored in fixed roof tank with proper
addition of inhibitor and refrigeration system to control tank temperature.
© 2013 Chevron
LG polymers,
Click Visakhapatnam,
to edit Master title style India – Gas Tragedy

 On 7th May 2020, the plant re-opened following end of the nationwide lockdown
including 2000 metric tons of styrene stored in tanks, which were left unattended.

 Styrene monomer must be stored between 20-22 degree C (68-72 Degree F).

 A computer glitch in the factory’s cooling system allowed to exceed safe levels
causing styrene to vaporize between 2:30am and 3:30am while maintenance
activity was in progress.

 The gas leaked from the storage tank and spread to the nearby villages.

 The fumes had spread over a radius of 3 kilometers. Hundreds of people were
rushed to hospitals with breathing difficulties and burning sensation in the eyes.

 Many locals had been found unconscious & ultimately, resulted in 13 fatalities of

 The preliminary investigation found that malfunction of the tanks refrigerating unit
led to an increase in temperature, causing the Styrene liquid to evaporate.
© 2013 Chevron
LG polymers,
Click Visakhapatnam,
to edit Master title style India – Gas Tragedy

© 2013 Chevron
LG polymers,
Click Visakhapatnam,
to edit Master title style India – Gas Tragedy

© 2013 Chevron
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What can you do?

Everybody in your organization, should be able to understand below tasks

based on his/her role to prevent such types of disaster:

 Understand the magnitude of a potential incident in you plant

 what safety systems are in place to prevent and mitigate the event?
 Check all relief devices to be inspected and maintained as required.
 What are the system in place to respond to that event?
 What is my role in making sure that these preventive systems are functioning?
 Review standard operating procedures (SOP’s) before startup
 Conduct fit for purpose PSSR before plant startup.
 Conduct “WHAT IF” analysis for all major activities and develop mitigation plan.
 Conduct MOCK drill in association with field coordinators/ operators.
 Management should identify field leaders that are expert of startup activities.
 Since, most of incidents happen either during shift change or in a night shift, the
right kind of manpower deployment is needed for these periods.
© 2013 Chevron
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Thank You

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