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Course : Introduction to Programming

Effective Period: September 2022

Data Type and Input/Output

Session 03
Learning Outcomes
• LO 1: Differentiate Between Conventional Programming and
Object Oriented Programming
• LO 2: Explain object-oriented concept and features
(inheritance, polymorphism, interface, abstract, class
• LO 3: Apply Object Oriented Concept using Java
• LO 4: Construct a program with Object Oriented Programming

• Textbooks
• Y. Daniel Liang. (2020). Introduction to Java Programming and
Data Structures, Comprehensive Version. 12. Pearson. New
York. ISBN: 978-0136520238.
• Data Types
• Type Casting (Conversion)
• Input/Output (I/O)
• Output Format
• Constant

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Data Type
• An attribut that has range value and type.
• To be used as a value storage from execution process.
• Based on its data type :
– Boolean (boolean)
– Numeric (byte, short, int, long, float, double)
– Character (char)
– String (String)

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Data Type Categories
• Based on Complexity :
– Atomic DT (boolean, byte, char, short, int, long, float,
– Composite DT (Array, Struct, List, Queue, Stack, String,
• Based on Source:
– Native / primitive / basic DT
– Abstract DT
• Based on Customization:
– Built-in DT
– User-defined DT

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Numeric Data Type
Name Range Storage size
byte  -27 (-128) to 27-1 (127) 8-bit signed
short  -215 (-32768) to 215-1 (32767) 16-bit signed
int  -231 (-2147483648) to 231-1 (2147483647) 32-bit signed
long  -263 to 263-1 64-bit signed
 Negative range: -3.4028235E + 38 to -1.4E-45
float 32-bit IEEE 754
Positive range: 1.4E-45 to 3.4028235E+38
  Negative range: -1.776931348623157E + 308 to -
double 64-bit IEEE 754
Positive range: 4.9E-324 to

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Sample of Numeric Data Type
• Filename :

• Output:
There are 4 Circles with radius 4.5
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Type Casting (Conversion)
• Convert a value to different type.
• Type casting conversion :
– Widening a type: convert a value from smaller data
to bigger data. (Automatically done by Java).
– Narrowing a type: convert a value from bigger data
to smaller data.

Size of data type (smallest to biggest)

byte, short, int, long, float, double

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Type Casting (Conversion)
• Parentheses is use as a syntax for narrowing.
• Example 1:
float f = (float) 10.1;
int i = (int) f;
• Example 2 :
double d = 4.5;
int i = (int) d;

• As depicted from example 1-2 above, f and d values

haven’t been changed.

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Numeric Casting
Example of storing numeric value to a numeric data

Output 

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Type Casting (Conversion)

Conversion from String to Atomic data type can be done by

class helper.
Class Data type Usage
Boolean boolean Boolean.parseBoolean(…);
Byte byte Byte.parseByte(…);
Character char String.charAt(<index>);
Short short Short.parseShort(…);
Integer int Integer.parseInt(…);
Long long Long.parseLong(…);
Float float Float.parseFloat(…);
Double double Double.parseDouble(…);

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Type Casting (Conversion)
Type Casting (Conversion)

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Type Casting (Conversion)

Type Casting (Conversion)

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Type Casting (Conversion)
Type Casting (Conversion)

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Type Casting (Conversion)

Type Casting (Conversion)

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Character Data Type

• The character data type, char, is used to represent a single

• Unicode and ASCII code
– Mapping character to its binary representation is called encoding
– Unicode: encoding scheme that is designed as a 16-bit character
– Original Unicode: 16-bit limit (65,536 characters possible)
– Supplementary Unicode: Those characters that go beyond the 16-bit
limit (extended from the Unicode standard)
– ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)- a 7-bit
encoding scheme for representing all uppercase/lowercase letters,
digits, punctuation marks, and control characters
– Unicode includes ASCII code

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Example of Character Data Type

• Both statements assign character A to char variable letter

and letters

• The increment and decrement operators can also be used on

char variables to get the next or preceding Unicode character.

– Output: B

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String Types &
Boolean Variables

• String is used to represent a string of characters

Output 
– Note: String will be explained more in the Tutorial Class

• Boolean Variables: A variable that holds a Boolean value

• Values: true or false
Input / Output (I/O)
• A Communication between computer to other entity
(Human / Machine)
• Input: Signal/Data will be recevied by system.
• Output: Signal/Data will be sent from system.
• I/O perform or I/O operation.
• Input Devices e.g. : keyboard, mouse
• Output Devices e.g. : monitor, printer
• I/O Devices e.g. : disk, file

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Input in Java Programming
• Get input from console using Scanner.
• Library java.util.Scanner.
• It needs to import declaration :
import java.util.Scanner;
• Afterward declare an object creation :
Scanner input = new Scanner(;

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Common used Scanner’s methods
Method Description
next(); Input String (word)
nextLine(); Input String (sentence)
nextByte(); Input number (byte)
nextShort(); Input number (short)
nextInt(); Input number (int)
nextLong(); Input number (long)
nextFloat(); Input number (float)
nextDouble(); Input number (double)

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• System.out.print
– print into console without linefeed (newline).
• System.out.println
– print into console with linefeed (newline)
• System.out.printf
– same as System.out.print, supports format output

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Input / Output (I/O) Example

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Input / Output (I/O)
Sample Output Program :

Input an integer value : 5

Integer value = 5
Input a double value : 6.5
Double value = 6.5
Input a String value without space : Java
Double value = Java

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Output Format
Specifier Description Example 1 Output 1 Example 2 Output 2
˽false false˽
%b boolean %6b %-6b
˽˽true true˽˽
%c character %5c ˽˽˽˽a %-5c a˽˽˽˽
˽˽˽69 69˽˽˽
%d integer %5d %-5d
1234567 1E+06
˽˽3.14 3.14˽˽
%f Floating-point %5.2f %-5.2f
˽20.60 20.60˽
%e scientific %10.2e ˽˽3.14e+02 %-10.2e 3.14e+02˽˽
%s string %10s ˽˽˽˽˽hello %-10s hello˽˽˽˽˽

Note : ˽  space

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Input / Output (I/O)

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• American Standard Code for Information Interchange
• 7-bit, 128 characters (000 s/d 127)
• uppercase/lowercase letters, digits, punctuation
marks, dan control characters
• Next development of ASCII  Unicode has 1,112,064

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Sample Output :

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• a constant variable is a variable that is always constant
• Example :
– π (PHI) = 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279
50288 41971 69399 37510
– g (gravitation) = 9.8
• Constant should have been declared and initialized.
• Final is a keyword in Java to declare constant.
• Declaration :
– final dataType CONSTANTNAME = VALUE;
– Example: final double PHI = 3.1415;

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• Create a program that can count the area of 2
geometries : square and rectangle. The following UI is
the one you have to create.
• Relational & Comparator operations
• Logic & Boolean operations
• Truth table

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Relational procedure
• Relational procedure == Comparator procedure.
• Comparing two values.
• Using 6 relational/comparator operator.
• The result has Boolean type.
• The values have number, ASCII, or String data type.

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Comparator operator
Operator Description Example Result
< less than 1<2 true
<= less than or equal to 1 <= 2 true
> greater than 1>2 false
>= greater than or equal to 1 >= 2 false

== equal to 1 == 2 false

!= not equal to 1 != 2 true

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Comparator operator
• Character can be compared by refering to its ASCII
– Example: ‘a’ is more bigger than ‘A’ because ASCII
number for ‘a’ (97) is bigger than ASCII number for
‘A’ (65).
• Word can be compared by String helper.
• Comparator operator is different than asssignment
– X = 14  store 14 to X.
– X == 14  compare if X is equal to 14.

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Comparator Operation

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Logic/Boolean Procedure
• Logical procedure == Boolean procedure.
• Execute 1 or 2 logic values.
• It has 4 types Logic/Boolean operator.
• The result has Boolean data type.
• Truth table

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Boolean Operator

Operator Name Description

! not logical negation
&& and logical conjunction
|| or logical disjunction
^ exclusive or logical exclusion

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NOT (!)
p !p Example
true false !(1>2) is true, because (1>2) is false
false true !(1>0) is false, because (1>0) is true

• Operator not (!) inverts the original value.

• true  false and false  true

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AND (&&)

p1 p2 p1 && p2 Example
false false false (2>3) && (5>5) is false
Because both (2>3) and (5>5) are false
false true false (2>3) && (6>5) is false
Because (2>3) is false
true false false (6>5) && (2>3) is false
Because (2>3) is false
true true true (3>2) && (5>=5) is true
Because both (3>2) and (5>=5) are true

• AND Operator (&&) is true when all of its operands are

• If one of its operand is false, then AND is false.
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OR (||)

p1 p2 p1 || Example
false false false (2>3) || (5>5) is false
Because both (2>3) and (5>5) are false
false true true (2>3) || (6>5) is true
Because (6>5) is true
true false true (6>5) || (2>3) is true
Because (6>5) is true
true true true (3>2) || (5>=5) is true
Because both (3>2) and (5>=5) are true

• OR (||) Operator is true if one of every its operand is true.

• If all of its operands become false then OR is false.
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XOR (^)

p1 p2 p1 ^ p2 Example
false false false (2>3) ^ (5>5) is false
Because both (2>3) and (5>5) are false
false true true (2>3) ^ (6>5) is true
Because (2>3) is false and (6>5) is true
true false true (6>5) ^ (2>3) is true
Because (6>5) is true and (2>3) is false
true true false (3>2) ^ (5>=5) is true
Because both (3>2) and (5>=5) are true

• Operator XOR (^) is true when both if its operands has different condition.
• When its operands has same condition then XOR is false.

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Tabel Kebenaran: Demo

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Truth Table: Demo

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Thruth table: Leap Year

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Did You Know?
• When evaluating p1&&p2, Java evaluates p1 first.
– If p1 is true then Java evaluates p2.
– If p2 is false then Java doesn’t evaluate p2.
• When evaluating p1||p2, Java evaluates p1 first
– If p1 is true then Java doesn’t evaluate p2.
– If p1 is false then Java evaluates p2.

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1. Assuming that x is 1, show the result of the following
Boolean expressions.
– (true) && (3 > 4)
– !(x > 0) && (x > 0)
– (x != 1) == !(x == 1)
– (x >= 0) || (x < 0)
2. List the precedence order of the Boolean operators.
Evaluate the following expressions:
– 2 * 2 – 3 > 2 && 4 – 2 > 5
– 2 * 2 – 3 > 2 || 4 – 2 > 5

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• Y. Daniel Liang (2020), Introduction to Java
Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive
Version 12th, ISBN: 978-0136520238, Pearson
Education, New Jersey.

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