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• After working on yourself to make sure you

don’t sabotage your own success and after

recognizing the power of the devil, the next
adversary are the people that you have in your
• God created us to be social beings, with a
need to socialize with other people.
• Luke 2:52 -
• God said in Genesis that it was not good for
man to be alone; it meant that it was not good
for man to live in isolation.
• There is a certain threshold of results that you
cannot attain alone, in this world
interdependence is a law of growth.
• Show me who are uniting with and I can
predict your future.
• Eccl 4:9 two are better than one
• But here the warning, just because you need
people you don’t go consorting with anybody.
• And if you choose some people they got to
bring something on the table to make you
• Prov 13:20 walk with the wise and become
• The company called self just like a normal
company requires a board of directors, that is
your inner circle. The quality of the board of
directors determine the trajectory of the
• Companies are meticulous when it comes to
the choice of the directors.
• The four human endowments that can assist us
to make wise choices;
• These are the unique endowments that distinguish us
from the animal world;
• Self-awareness – having a deep understanding of one’s
emotions, strengths, weaknesses, needs and drives.
• Such individuals know their values and goals; and
anything that is not consistent with their goals will be
• Conscience – the inbuilt referee, its an internal
guidance system.
• Independent will – it is our capacity to act.
• Creative imagination – it is the power to
envision a future state.
• Association can be an assassin – association has
the ability to exponentially increase the
likelihood that you will succeed in life by arriving
at the places you were created to arrive at and
by doing the things you were created to do in
the time you were allotted in this earth.
• For this reason it is important to surround yourself with
people who are going in the same direction as you.
• Your destiny has a clock and time waits for no man, its
time to take inventory of your dream team and make
adjustments where neccessary.
• Whoever you choose to keep close company with is a
predictor of what you will become.
• You make not agree with that but your opinion has got
no bearing on facts;
• 1 cor 15: 33 - be not be deceived.
• God said that he would make for a man a
suitable helper – friends should be suitable for
• A person can be good but together you are
not good for each other; because the
suitability should produce fruitfulness.
• If I can be more productive when I am alone,
then we are not suitable for each other
• Our conversation is productive, the kind where
you feel like someone has put wings beneath you
and you can fly.
• Reasons why people bring the wrong people into
their inner circle;
• inadequacy – the greatest desire of any
individual is to be validated or accepted.
• Stop focussing on the pieces that you don’t have
and concentrate on the masterpiece that you are.
• The most stable platform upon which you can
build your self-worth is the word of God. It
provides the accurate description of whom you
• Therefore I don’t need people to validate me, I
already know whom I am.
• Don’t depend on others for approval, as long as
you are working for someone else approval,
people will manipulate you into their agendas.
• Kill the comparison game – we live in an era
where social media allows us to see what
everyone is doing, when they are doing it.
• Everyone can portlay that are living on the fast
• We see a picture from an angle they choose,
with an edit they made and it tells a thousand
words, but more often than not leaves out a
• A false definition of what success is – success is the
purpose of a thing accomplished. There is nothing wrong
with making a fortune, acquiring mega fame but success is
the aforementioned.
• Lack of self-discipline – when you become a master your
destiny. External threats are no longer the motivating
• When you start exercising self displine all kinds of funny
stuff will happen; the resistance;
• The most dangerous form of resistance is internal
resistance -
• Counter internal resistance by two powerful forces;
pain and pleasure.
• A success driven person has his own reality and other
people are guests in it, live your life by your own rules.
• If you want to reach the top, you have to have a
powerful belief that the truth for you may not be the
truth for others.
• While you may accommodate other people in your life,
they need to understand that if they don’t to be part of
your competitive world, they are free to leave.
• A compromise that is designed to make you
mediocre and subscribe to other person belief
is not an agreement that is worth your time.
• Embark on an adventure that will allow you to
become a king of your own realm – you are
not forcing people to enter your reality and
there is no reason for them to have the right
to take charge of how you should live your life.

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