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Public health Internship - Summer 2023

University of Arizona Health Sciences

COCCI Graphics
One of my first projects for my
internship was to develop new
graphics for one of our outreach tools,
the COCCI acronym. This pneumonic
describes the step for diagnosis and
treating a Valley fever infection. There
are pages with full descriptions of
each step on the VFCE website, but I
wanted to make something more
condensed that could be promoted on
our social media page.

(See full images in ePortfolio tab)

Valley Fever Awareness Week Planning
Each year in November, we celebrate
Valley Fever Awareness Week. In years
past, we have hosted webinars and
lectures, created social media campaigns,
and promoted the statewide VFAW
Poster Contest. This year, we anticipate
hosting a few outreach events in both the
Tucson and Phoenix areas with the help
of AzDHS. I have started preparing
arrangements for these events and
developing a plan for our social media
Research Project
I have joined a research project that is focusing on the development of
new diagnostic and therapeutic tools for Valley fever infections. There is
a severe lack of novel, accurate diagnostic tools, which has delayed the
process of receiving care for these infections. Patient outcomes can be
improved with the therapeutic interventions that our lab is working to
create. Much of my internship has been focused on researching and
learning more about existing tools and why they are not adequate for the
needs of patients today. The project is still in its preliminary stages but
may be finished by May 2024.
OpenSpecimen is a biorepository tool that we are beginning to integrate
into our center’s research laboratories and clinical care areas. I have
been asked to head the process of learning how this software works,
beginning to consolidate and organize current specimens, and teaching
others how to use this tool to improve workflow and collaboration
within the center. This project is in its preliminary stages, and I
anticipate spending the bulk of next semester’s internship hours
working on this project.
In addition to these projects, I continue to support our center’s
administrative team by managing our website and social media pages,
helping with various clerical tasks, and communicating with patients
and pet owners to provide them with reliable and accurate information
about Valley fever and redirect them to the appropriate provider. I have
really enjoyed being exposed to many different areas of public health
while working at the VFCE and seeing how everything I have done
furthers the mission of our center.

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