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9 Steps Of New Venture Creation

1 - Problem? 1. Problem/ Opportunity W1, W2

What problem/opportunity 2. Target Market/ Customer
have you identified?
Segment W5
3. Competition W3
2 – Target 3 - Competition?
Segment? What alternatives exist today for
4. Market Analysis/ Ecosystem W3
Who feels the problem most
someone to solve the problem? 5. Execution Strategy/ Solution
acutely right now?
(Business Model Canvas) W4, W5,
4 – Ecosystem/ Macro Environment?
Are there any “show-stoppers” in the ecosystem (patents, regulatory approvals, etc.)?
6. Operations W9
7. Financial Model W10
5 – Strategy/Solution
What is your product/service and
8. Team W9
solution (4P’s) and why will you win or
Build Business Model Canvas?
9. Risk Mitigation W8
10. Scalability & Growth Potential
6- Operations? 7 - Financial Model? 8 - Team? 9 - Risk?
Logistics and Funding Strategy Founders and Advisors Mitigation and Sensitivity

9+1 Steps Of New Venture Creation

1. Problem/ Opportunity W1, W2

2. Target Market/ Customer Segment W5
3. Competition W3
4. Market Analysis/ Ecosystem W3
5. Execution Strategy/ Solution (Business
Model Canvas) W4, W5, W6
6. Operations W9
7. Financial Model W10
8. Team W9
9. Risk Mitigation W8
10. Scalability & Growth Potential

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