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Trolley for Boom Rear, Front and Arm

1. Overall plan

• To design, manufacture, and install transport equipment for the parts shown in
Table 1.
• 3 types of parts “boom rear, boom front, and arm” can be transported at the same
• The trolley is electrically powered.
• The equipment used should be widely available.
1. Equipment detail
Movement image
Control panel
Safety fence plug① Rail Safety fence plug②

Loading Trolley Trolley Unloading
side Back side


◆Working Process
1.Remove the safety plug ①
2.Workpiece is loaded onto trolley using EOT crane
3.Insert the safety plug①
4.Press “Go” button
5.Trolley moves
6.Remove the safety plug②, and carry out part
7.Insert the safety plug②
8.Press “Back” button  ⇒ return to process 1.
1. Equipment detail

• Trolley load capacity is 7.5ton
• Trolley shall be electrically movable.
• Trolley rails should be below floor level.
• Control panel required in both side.
• Do not mount motor on a trolley.
• Prevention the workpiece from falling over.
• Stop with the limit switch.
• trolley speed : 20m/min(5m/min) ( 20m/min 。 Start & end 5m/min )

• Lock the workpiece loading and unloading area with a safety plug.
• Trolley runs only when all safety plugs are connected.
• If safety plug is disconnected while equipment is moved, stop immediately.
• Add an emergency stop button to the control panel.
• Play music during moving.

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