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On December 31, 2019 a
clustering of pneumonia
cases of unknown etiology
ND was reported in Wuhan
City, Hubei Province of

As of February 27,
2020 there have
been a total of
83,105 confirmed
cases of the CoViD
-19 (2019 -nCoV)
including 2,858
The CoViD – 19
outbreak, originally
centered in Wuhan
city, is continuing to
show evidence of
broader geographic
spread across
mainland China.
Where did corona virus come from??

Based on these results, the authors said the CoViD – 19 (2019-nCoV) likely
originated in bats. However, no bats were sold at the Huanan seafood market,
which suggests that another yet-to-be-identified animal acted as a steppingstone
of sorts to transmit the virus to humans.
"It seems likely that another animal host is acting as an intermediate host
between bats and humans," said study co-lead author Guizhen Wu, of the
Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
On January 9, 2020, Chinese health
authorities reported that the cause of this
viral pneumonia was preliminarily
identified as a novel (new) type of
coronavirus (2019-nCoV) which is
BACKGROU different from any other human
coronaviruses discovered so far
Initially the said disease was thought to
be transmitted through animal contact
but recent reports of health workers
infected with the 2019-nCoV suggests
human to human transmission
DOH hereby issues these interim guidelines to
provide guidance to all national health
security partners and stakeholders so as to
take necessary precautions, prevent and
immediately act in the event of entry of
potential cases of CoViD – 19 (2019-nCoV) in
BACKGROU the country
Being a novel or new pathogen never
experienced by humans, it is considered an
emerging infectious disease and is currently
being monitored and the details of the
pathogen is investigated.
Coronaviruses are a large family of
viruses causing respiratory illness
ranging from the common cold to
more serious infections such as
Coronaviruses are named for the crown-like
spikes on their surface.
There are four main sub-groupings of
coronaviruses, known as alpha, beta, gamma, and
Rarely animal coronaviruses can evolve and infect
people and then spread between people such as
has been seen with MERS CoV and SARS.
There are seven coronaviruses that can infect
CoViD – 19 (2019-nCoV) Novel
Current available information show that most patients present with fever, fatigue,
little sputum and small number of patients with difficulty breathing. CXR
findings of Pneumonia described as infiltrative lung disease.
How Other
Human coronaviruses most
commonly spread from an
infected person to others through
the air by coughing and sneezing
close personal contact, such as
touching or shaking hands
touching an object or surface
with the virus on it, then
touching your mouth, nose, or
eyes before washing your hands
rarely, fecal contamination
CoViD – 19
The virus is mild in
nCoV) presentation as
Novel compared to SARS
Coronaviru and MERSCoV
Prevention for
CoViD -19 (2019 • Video
Prevention for
CoViD -19 (2019
Wash your hands often
with soap and water
for at least 20 seconds.
Use an alcohol-based
hand sanitizer that
contains at least 60%
alcohol if soap and
water are not
There is currently no vaccine to
Prevention prevent CoViD – 19 (2019-nCoV)
infection. The best way to prevent
for CoViD - infection is to avoid being exposed
19 (2019 to this virus. However, as a
Novel reminder, CDC always
Coronaviru recommends everyday preventive
actions to help prevent the spread
s) of respiratory viruses, including:
Prevention for CoViD -19 (2019 Novel
Avoid touching your eyes,
nose, and mouth with
unwashed hands.
Prevention for
CoViD -19 (2019
Avoid close
contact with
people who are
Stay home when
you are sick.
Prevention for
CoViD -19 (2019
Novel Coronavirus)
Cover your cough
or sneeze with a
tissue, then throw
the tissue in the
Clean and disinfect
frequently touched
objects and
Coronavirus Short film
Tips: How to
Children • Video
Cope with
During the
Covid-19 v=M3WO5lrnIsU
In crisis situation children can
perceiving anxiety which can cause
them to fell stress. Depending on their
age the responses may vary. Some may
become overly attached while others
may withdraw some may become
anxious, angry, or agitated or others may
become wetting the bed.
1. Play
Encourage children to play and suggest
activities to help them relax.
2. Bond
Try to keep children to close parents,
caregivers, or family members if separation
is necessary due the hospitalization,
quarantine or isolation, try to ensure regular
contact via telephone or any other available
3. Routine
Establish a daily routine, and schedule
and stick to it as much as possible
specially in the house. Create a routine
in which they can participate in
household activities but also provide
enough time to play and rest.
4. Talk to Them
Explain what happening and provide a
clear information on how to reduce the
risk of being infected by disease
5. Be Clear
Use words and phrases that are easily
understood and age appropriate Calmly
explain what could happen if your child or
family member begins unwell. Let them know
that may require medical attention or even
hospitalization to make sure they recover.
listen to their concerns show the your
support and be there to reassure them.
Bear in mind this is also a difficult time
for them and that they need extra love
and attention
Thank You!!!

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