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The Hidden Miracle

Act 1:
Opening Scene

Family Madrigal, 3 kids
Act 2:

3 kids, Mirabel, Julieta, Agustin, Isabela
INNOCENT CECILIA: (MIEABEL’S CUMBIA PLAYS)Hey Mirabel! We‘ve been looking for you.

MIRABEL: Oh, there you are again. You really can‘t live without me, will you?

ANTONELLA: Come on! You are part of the great family Madrigal. We want stories from you!

MIRABEL: All right, all right. What do you wanna hear?

KIDS: Your gift!

MIRABEL: Oh, you‘re really not gonna let that go.

LITTLE ALEJANDRA: C‘mon, Mirabel! What is your gift?!

MIRABEL: I… I‘ve told you everyone‘s gifts! And… and they‘re so great, everyone‘s doing
great, aren‘t they?


MIRABEL: Well, I, uh… I --


MIRABEL: Oh someone help me… (END OF SOUND TRACK)

ABUELA ALMA: MIRABEL! What are you doing...?

MIRABEL: Uh, they were just asking about the family and –

LITTLE ALEJANDRA: She was about to tell us about her super awesome gift! SILENCE
DOLORES: Oh, Mirabel didn‘t get one.

INNOCENT CECILIA: You didn‘t get a gift? If I was you, I‘d be really sad.


MIRABEL: Well, my little friend I am not, because the truth is, gift or no gift, I am just as
special as the rest of my family.

ISABELA: Who wants more pink?

LITTLE ALEJANDRA: Maybe your gift is being in denial.

SRA. ROSA: Cecilia, let‘s go! Your father‘s here!

MIRABEL: Oh, that is your mom! You know what, I think my gift is pushing kids away so
they can go home and help their parents.

--Kids laugh and exit the scene. Mirabel stays at the center, still worrying about the cracks, goes to ask her parents.



AGUSTÍN: Isa‘s wedding is coming up, we need to start preparing.

MIRABEL: (to Julieta) Bee stings.

JULIETA: Ay, Agustín.

AGUSTÍN: I get so nervous, our Isabela‘s getting married soon, I want the best experience
for her, do you think we should get –


AGUSTIN: Ah, you heal everything about me I even forgot what I was saying.

MIRABEL: Hey, mom…

JULIETA: Yes, mi Corazon. . (END OF SOUND TRACK)

MIRABEL: Did you, by any chance… heard something weird last night?


JULIETA: Weird? What weird noises, mi vida? The only sounds I heard last night were your
Papa‘s loud snores.

AGUSTIN: That certainly did not happen.

JULIETA: Sure is.

MIRABEL: Are you sure, mom? No loud… noises or something? No cracks? Earthquake,

AGUSTIN: Did Luisa fell out her bed last night?

JULIETA: (laughs) That is a terrible way to pop a quip, mi vida.

AGUSTIN: I‘m sorry; I was just trying to make things lighter for her. You seem so worried,
Mirabel. What‘s bothering you?

MIRABEL: It‘s just that… I… I feel like I heard something yesterday.

JULIETA: Tell us about it.

MIRABEL: Okay, so, we were decorating, right? Everyone was using their gifts to help the
family while I try my best to carry things my giftless hands can and then when Luisa and
Isabela left I suddenly heard… noises.
AGUSTIN: What noises? Are you sure it‘s not Camilo shape shifting into an animal?

MIRABEL: No, papa. I sure don‘t have Dolores‘ power of hearing but I‘m sure of what I
heard – it‘s definitely not a cow.

JULIETA: What could it be, then?

MIRABEL: The walls, it felt like it had cracks; it feels like… our home‘s being shaken by
something, it felt broken.

AGUSTIN: Mirabel, I think you‘ve been restless for so long, calm down now. Everything is


AGUSTIN: I will look around, all right? You have nothing to worry about, we‘re fine. Our
miracle is strong, so is our home.

JULIETA: Your Papa is right, and we‘re here. See, look around, everything‘s well, my love.
MIRABEL: If you can just…

JULIETA: We will check everything, we‘ll let Abuela know –

MIRABEL: NO! Uh… I mean, no… it‘s okay. Don‘t tell Abuela anything, I trust you. Maybe Luisa was
really just doing something big yesterday, or… or maybe it was indeed Camilo.

AGUSTIN: Mirabel…

MIRABEL: It‘s okay, Papa.

AGUSTIN: All right, then. We‘ll go check everything, don‘t be too hard on yourself, Mirabel.
Remember, there‘s nothing to prove.

MIRABEL: Sure, sure. There‘s nothing to prove.

JULIETA: We‘ll go ahead, go check your sister.

MIRABEL: Luisa? Why?

JULIETA: Isabela.


JULIETA: C‘mon, you two. Sometimes all you need is a sister.

MIRABEL: All right, I‘ll talk to “a sister” (ISABELA LA PERFECTA PLAYS)

--Julieta and Agustin exit the scene, Mirabel steps and bumps to


ISABELA: Uch, a little sisterly advice: if you weren‘t always trying too hard you wouldn‘t be in the

MIRABEL: I wasn‘t even doing anything.

ISABELA: Oh, of course. I‘m well aware. How can you ever do SOMETHING? (Isabela shows off her

MIRABEL: That was unnecessary.

ISABELA: It sure does. What were you doing here, anyway? Finding something you can destroy before
my wedding day

MIRABEL: You know what, if you can just zip your mouth with your pretty, overflowing flowers, it‘ll be
a great help.
ISABELA: Huh. And you wonder why you‘re the least favorite here.

MIRABEL: (whispers to herself) Calm down, Mirabel. Calm down. All good things,

all good

ISABELA: Sometimes I wonder why you still try to whisper and curse me under your breath
when Dolores is out there hearing every word you tell yourself.

MIRABEL: It‘s not like she cares.

ISABELA: She does. As always.

MIRABEL: Why are you still here?!

ISABELA: Oh, sister. This is a kitchen. You don‘t have to be so rude.

MIRABEL: (mockingly) You don‘t have to be so rude. (wall cracks) Isabela?!


MIRABEL: Did you hear that?

ISABELA: Hear what?

MIRABEL: The… the cracks! Check the walls!

ISABELA: What are you talking about?

MIRABEL: The cracks! They‘re back!

ISABELA: Ah. You‘re gone crazy.

MIRABEL: I am so not crazy right now. Isabela, c‘mon I know you heard it.

ISABELA: (sarcastically) Oh, yeah. I heard it. It‘s so clear.


ISABELA: Yeah, yeah, your annoying voice is so clear I can hear the waves.
MIRABEL: Ugh, you‘re of no help at all, Isabela! The only thing you‘re good at is to annoy

ISABELA: Well, at least I am good at something. What‘s so good about you, sis?

--Mirabel caught off guard. She stepped back, hopeless--

MIRABEL: I shouldn‘t have told you about the cracks.

ISABELA: You shouldn‘t have told me anything at all. My wedding day is coming and all you
can do is to stress people out!

---Isabela walks out of frame, Mirabel stays at the center, worried--

MIRABEL: I have to figure out what‘s happening to the miracle. Oh, I have no idea, but
there is one person in this family who hears everything about everything...So if anyone
would know what‘s wrong with the magic, it‘s her…Dolores.
(Mirabel walks out of frame) (END OF SOUND TRACK)


Act 3:
Garde, Village

Isabela, Mirabel, Luisa, 2 citizens, Dolores, Abuela
MIRABEL: (like it‘s not weird) Dolores, hey. (UMBRELLA PANTS PLAYS) You know, out of all my
older cousins, you‘re like my favorite cousin, so I feel like I can talk to you about anything,
and you can talk to me about anything, like the problem with the magic last night that no
one seemed to worry about, but maybe you heard about that maybe I should know about.

---Camilo turns around, showing his face to Mirabel. Mirabel‘s lips fell open as Pepa taps Camilo‘s shoulder

PEPA: Ay, Camilo. Let‘s go.

CAMILO: Worth the shot.

---Camilo annoyingly laughs as he takes his way out of the scene, bumping into Dolores as he walks. Dolores made
a face and went straight to the table, looking at Mirabel---

DOLORES: Hmm, I heard you talking about crack noises to Tia Julieta.
MIRABEL: Yes. And –

DOLORES: And to your sister.

MIRABEL: Oh, yeah, of course, you did. So…

DOLORES: The only one worried about the magic is you... and the rats talking in the walls...
oh, and Luisa. I heard her eye twitching all night.

---A lightbulb goes off in Mirabel‘s head. She looks over at Luisa, who is carrying a table over with one hand---

LUISA: There we go.


(Luisa continue walking)

MIRABEL: Luisa hey –-

(bumps to Isa)
ISABELA: (calling after) What is your problem?!
MIRABEL: Ugh, sorry – Hey Luisa! Hold up!
SRA. OSMA: Luisa, can you re-route the river?
LUISA: Will do!
SR. RENDON: Luisa, the donkeys got out again.

LUISA: On it.

MIRABEL: Luisa, wait a second –-

---Luisa looks back, sees Mirabel, moves faster---

MIRABEL (CONT’D): I need your help. You gotta tell me about the magic. What‘s going on?
What are you hiding?
LUISA: Nothing, just gotta lotta chores, And the magic is fine, so maybe you should just go
MIRABEL: Dolores said your eye was twitching and it never twitches, something‘s making
you nervous –
LUISA: Hey, move. You‘re gonna make me drop this.

MIRABEL: Luisa?! Will you just -- just tell me what it is!

LUISA: There‘s nothing to tell –

MIRABEL: You‘re obviously worried about something! Luisa, if you know what‘s hurting the
magic and it gets worse ‗cause you won‘t tell me what‘s wrong!


The DONKEYS are like, “YIKES” Mirabel‘s like “whoa”

--Luisa realizes, tries to play it off.--- (END OF SOUND TRACK)

LUISA (CONT’D): Wow, uh, sorry, that, uh, that snuck out there... what I meant was... “why
would anything be wrong?” I‘m totally fine. The magic‘s fine. Luisa‘s fine. I‘m totally not
nervous. SILENCE
---They stand in a weird silence, and instead of saying anything...

Mirabel simply... HUGS LUISA---

MIRABEL: I think you‘re carrying way too (GETS SQUEEZED) much. SILENCE
LUISA: Maybe I overdo it.



LUISA: Um, there is something you should know: Last night, just right after I and Isa left, I felt...

MIRABEL: Wha- What, what, what?!

SR. RENDON : Luisa, the donkeys

LUISA: On it!

MIRABEL: Wait, wait, wait - what do you mean? What do you think‘s hurting the magic?
LUISA: Don‘t know. But I heard the grownups once: Before Tio Bruno left, he had like some
terrible vision about it.

MIRABEL: Tio Bruno? What was in his vision?

LUISA: No one knows, they never found it. But if something‘s wrong with the magic, start
with Bruno‘s tower, find that vision.

MIRABEL: (calling after) Wait, how do you ―find‖ a vision?! What am I even looking for?

LUISA: If you find it, you‘ll know. But be careful... that place is off limits for a reason.

---Mirabel rushed towards exit, while Abuela enters the Scene. Dolores came not long after Abuela checks the

DOLORES: Abuela Alma.

ABUELA: Dolores. Have you checked the yard?

DOLORES: I did, Abuela.

--Abuela smiled, Dolores appears to be worried and hesitates to talk. Abuela notices--

ABUELA: Tell me, what‘s bothering you?

DOLORES: Nothing, Abuela! I… I‘m fine.

ABUELA: Come on, now. I know that face of yours. What‘s the problem?

DOLORES: I -- you… trust me, right?

ABUELA: Of course, how can I not? You hear everything; you sure know everything this family has to
know. Come here, tell me.

DOLORES: I already told you what I heard from Mirabel, right? She… just asked me about it earlier.

ABUELA: What did she tell you?

DOLORES: I told her I have no idea about it. If I did, I would have warned everyone already.

ABUELA: Hm-mmm, was it still about the gift?

DOLORES: Yes, but… I feel like Mirabel is causing too much bother this time.

ABUELA: Why? What happened?

DOLORES: I heard Luisa felt weak not long after Mirabel told Tia Julieta about what she
claimed to hear.

ABUELA: She felt weak? That‘s not possible. Luisa‘s the strongest person in our family.

DOLORES: I don‘t know, Abuela. Mirabel might have told her something that worried her.

ABUELA: This can‘t be.

DOLORES: Please do help us, Abuela. I don‘t want us to lose everything, I… I‘m getting
scared. Luisa felt something, what if one of us is next?

ABUELA: That‘s not gonna happen. I promise. We‘ll be fine. Our miracle is strong.
ABUELA (CONT’D): Alright, thank you for telling me this. I will talk to
Mirabel before the wedding day. This needs to be fixed.

DOLORES: Don‘t mention it, Abuela. I‘m always here to help, for our gift,
para la casa Madrigal. (END OF SOUND TRACK)


Act 4:
Storage Room, Village

Family Madrigal, Citizens, Performers
MIRABEL: (to herself) What‘s in your vision, Bruno?

---A FLASH of LIGHTNING and THUNDER shake the room. Startled, Mirabel turns to see PEPA, frazzled, in her


PEPA: (trying to shoo clouds) Sorry, sorry, I- I didn‘t mean to -- shoo, shoo, shoo, -- I just
wanted to prepare things for Isa‘s wedding - and then I heard ―the name we do not speak.

--a rumble of thunder, comedically dramatic---

PEPA (CONT’D): Great, now I‘m thundering. And a thunder will lead to a drizzle and a
drizzle will lead to a sprinkle-- (to herself, a mantra) Clear skies, clear skies, clear skies–
(Repeat from the start)

--Pepa tries to calm herself as she picks up a few of flowers, remaining clothes from the room: sandals, bags, etc—

MIRABEL: Uh, Tía Pepa - if Bru- if he had a vision about “someone "what would it mean
for them? – IT WAS ME 0:09
PEPA: We don‘t talk about Bruno.

MIRABEL: I know, it‘s just, hypothetically, if he ―saw you –

PEPA: Mirabel, please. We need to get ready for the Guzmans.

MIRABEL: I just want to know if it was generally positive... or... likeless positive or—

Félix barges in!

FÉLIX: It was a nightmare!

PEPA: Félix!

FÉLIX: Ey, she needs to know, Pepa. She needs to know.

PEPA: We don‘t talk about Bruno.

FÉLIX: He would see something terrible, and then crack-ba-boom, it would happen.

PEPA: We don‘t talk about Bruno.

PEPA: We don‘t talk about Bruno.

MIRABEL: What if you didn‘t understand what he saw?

FÉLIX: Then you better figure it out, because it was coming for you!


MIRABEL: No, no no. I need to find Tio Bruno. I can do this. I‘ll be fine. This
is the only thing I can do to help everyone. For Abuela, for Casita, para la
casa Madrigal. And… maybe a little for me. SILENCE

Mirabel is seen preparing things she needs to find Bruno as light slowly fades.


Act 5:

Mirabel, Bruno, Dolores

Mirabel prepares her bag, and proceeds to walk when Mirabel climbs into the secret passageway
between the walls of the house to find the inside COVERED in CRACKS, which undulate malevolently. As
Mirabel squints to get a better look, FLASH! A bolt of lightning illuminates... BRUNO, sinister and evil,
who holds the shard. Mirabel and Bruno stare at each other for an electric second. Another flash,
and he turns and runs - his shadow streaking away down a distant corridor. Realizing this may be her
only chance to understand Bruno‘s terrible vision, Mirabel races after him! The rhythm of their feet
creates a syncopated rhythm as they move faster and faster, sliding down unexpected drops and tight
turns. As Mirabel recovers from slamming a wall, another flash illuminates Mirabel—

MIRABEL: Tio Bruno! (1:12 to 1:36)

--The next thing she saw, Bruno was far from her already (audience) Mirabel kept chasing Bruno until
something caught her feet, causing her to fall on the ground. MIRABEL--

MIRABEL: Ah! Help, help! Casita, help me! Stop! STOP! Tio Bruno! (2:03)
-- Mirabel struggles to remove her feet from being trapped; Bruno went rushing to her to help her.
Bruno lost his balance and fell to the ground but he was able to recover fast and stood up, ready to go

MIRABEL: Oh no, no. Tio Bruno, wait!


MIRABEL: (confused, pursuing) What? No -- Hold on – END OF SOUND TRACK

Mirabel hurries after Bruno and follows him through a strange ―back of house tour: pipes, furniture,
relics, evidence of the rooms on the other side, etc. (LAS HERMANAS PELEAN PLAYS)

MIRABEL (CONT’D): Wait, wait -- Ow – what was in your vision? -- what does it mean -- Is
it why you came back or—

--Tio Bruno passes a piece of wood--

TIO BRUNO: Knock, knock, knock. Knock on wood.

--Then he crosses his fingers and holds his breath--

MIRABEL: Tio Bruno?

--He passes another piece of wood.--

TIO BRUNO: (tapping a wall, OCD) Knock, knock, knock. Knock on wood.

TIO BRUNO (CONT’D): You were never supposed to find me, no one was -- a little salt.

--He throws salt behind--



MIRABEL: Wait, have you been in here... patching the cracks?

--Bruno looks up at all of the patched cracks—

--Mirabel stares at Bruno--

MIRABEL: How long have you been... back here?

MIRABEL (CONT’D): (realizing)You never left.

TIO BRUNO: Well, I- I left my tower, which was you know, a lotta stairs, and uh in here -
(SHOWS FOOD) eh? Kitchen adjacent - ooo plus, free entertainment!

TIO BRUNO (CONT’D): So whattya like? Whattya like? You like sports? Game Show?
Telenovelas? Their love could never be.

MIRABEL: (looking around) I don‘t understand.

TIO BRUNO: Well, because she‘s his aunt and she has amnesia, so she can‘t remember that
she‘s his aunt, you see it‘s like a very forbidden kind of-

MIRABEL I don‘t understand why you ―left,” but didn‘t ―leave?”

TIO BRUNO: (avoiding eye-contact) Oh, well... because you know the mountains around the
Encanto are pretty tall... and uh - you know like I said, free food... And everything...
TIO BRUNO (CONT’D): My gift wasn‘t helping the family... but uh... but I love my family,
you know... I just don‘t know how to... I just don‘t knowhow to...

On that last phrase, Bruno finally looks to Mirabel.

TIO BRUNO (CONT’D): Well anyway, I think you should go, because um -- well, I don‘t
really have a good reason, but if I did, you‘d be like, I should go cause that‘s a good reason.

--Mirabel walks over to him, gently—( THE ULTIMATE VISION PLAYS – 0: 25)

MIRABEL: What was in your vision? Tio Bruno…I just... wanted to make the family proud of
me... just once. But if I should stop... if I‘m hurting my family... just tell me.

TIO BRUNO: And then what?

MIRABEL: What do you mean what?

TIO BRUNO: If I tell you my vision, would you believe me? Or would you
manipulate everyone into thinking I am the bad guy just like what she did?

MIRABEL: What… I don‘t understand. What did they do to you? Who is she?

TIO BRUNO:(sighs) It‘s depressing that everyone still believes her.

MIRABEL: Tio Bruno, please, just tell me what happened. What was in your
vision? Why were you kicked out? Why can‘t we talk about you?

TIO BRUNO: Because everyone believes my vision hurts everyone! It doesn‘t

help, it‘s a curse, it‘s… to them… I‘m… I‘m worthless.
MIRABEL: Tio, that is not true. You are the only person who can help me right now, we can
save the miracle. We can save everybody.
TIO BRUNO: You think so?

MIRABEL: I know so.

TIO BRUNO: Okay, and? What do you want me to do?

MIRABEL: Let‘s… do another vision.

TIO BRUNO: What? No! No, I stopped, I can‘t…

MIRABEL: Tio Bruno, please. For this family. We‘re running out of time.

--Bruno sighs in defeat. Bruno slowly stands up and went towards Mirabel--

TIO BRUNO: Okay, we‘ll, try… but you have to promise me you won‘t tell anyone!

MIRABEL: I promise.

TIO BRUNO: All right, then. Come here.

--Mirabel hesitatingly stepped closer to him--

TIO BRUNO (CONT’D): It‘s usually a long one, when I do my visions. I need a bigger space,
but you know, I already left my tower. But I can do small visions, just… just a peak of
what‘s gonna happen.

MIRABEL: I… don‘t understand a thing, but okay.

TIO BRUNO: Don‘t freak out, yeah?

MIRABEL: Why does that scare me?

TIO BRUNO: It‘s not gonna be scary, but it sure will shock you.

MIRABEL: Alright, alright. I‘m ready.

TIO BRUNO: Give me your hand.

MIRABEL: What‘s next?

TIO BRUNO: Close your eyes.

MIRABEL: Am I gonna pass out?

TIO BRUNO: No. Relax, close your eyes, concentrate, clear your mind and let our
connection take over.
--Mirabel just nodded, Bruno breathed deeply and started the vision. Background sound effects are played
throughout the ritual--

MIRABEL: What? Where?!

TIO BRUNO: Concentrate, Mirabel.

--Bruno‘s sand kept on getting louder everytime--

MIRABEL: I can‘t! It‘s getting loud!

TIO BRUNO: I know, keep your eyes closed, clear you mind.

MIRABEL: Okay, clear my mind, clear my mind.

TIO BRUNO: There, there, do you see?

MIRABEL: No… no, no. Why…

TIO BRUNO: We‘re almost there.

MIRABEL: What… why is she… no!!! (END OF SOUND TRACK)

--Mirabel flinched, opened her eyes in shock and stepped back from Bruno—


MIRABEL: No, it can‘t be. She can‘t, that‘s not…
BRUNO: I knew you‘re not gonna believe me.
MIRABEL: No, no, I‘m sorry. I believe you. I just… can‘t believe why she
would do that?
BRUNO: Maybe that‘s the reason why you were in my vision as well.
MIRABEL: What? I didn‘t see myself in your vision. What do you mean?
BRUNO: People see what I allow them to see. I showed you who‘s hurting the gift, it‘s on
your shoulders now how to stop it. You were in my vision, you‘re gonna help the family.
You‘re gonna save us.

MIRABEL: How do I save the family?! Why didn‘t you show me how?

BRUNO: Because I don‘t know.

MIRABEL: But it‘s in your vision!

BRUNO: Look, if I could help anymore I would but, that‘s all I know. You were there, but I
saw no signs of what‘s gonna happen next. Like your future was undecided.

--Mirabel sighs, as she walks back and forth--

BRUNO: Stop, stop. You‘re making me dizzy.

MIRABEL: Alright. I‘ve decided. Let‘s plan this out, Tio Bruno.
BRUNO: What… I don‘t wanna be included, I… I‘m fine being alone here, I don‘t need –

MIRABEL: Tio, please, I need your help. For our family.

BRUNO: I – alright. But, but if the plan gets messy you‘re gonna have to tell them I have
nothing to do with this. I… don‘t wanna leave this house.

MIRABEL: You‘re not gonna leave this. No one‘s gonna leave this house. I promise. Now
let‘s do this.

BRUNO: Okay, where do we start the --

ABUELA: (from the back) MIRABEL!

--Bruno and Mirabel looked at each other--

MIRABEL: Tio Bruno…

BRUNO: Go ahead. They‘re looking for you. Not knowing what to do next, Mirabel hurried to
go out.

--End of ACT V--

Act 6:
Dinner with Guzman

Family Madrigal, Mariano, Sra. Guzman
--Mirabel is seen rushing, and bumps to his father– CHANGING THE PAST (0:57)

AGUSTÍN: Miraboo. Get dressed, cause I do..

--Agustín stops as he checks Mirabel. He looks to Mirabel, concerned. Mirabel looks at Agustín, considers lying, but
realizes she should just spill it--

AGUSTIN: Mirabel, what‘s… wrong?

MIRABEL: (spilling out) I... broke into Bruno‘s tower, I saw his last vision, the family‘s in trouble, the
magic is dying, the house is breaking, Luisa‘s gift is fading and I it‘s all because of...

AGUSTIN: Shh, shh… Mirabel…

--Agustín stares at Mirabel, stunned--


--Agustin eyes go wider... walks back and forth, trying to absorb what he just heard—

AGUSTÍN: (smiling but panicking) We say nothing, my dear. Abuela wants tonight to be
MIRABEL: But Papa?

AGUSTIN: Sshh 'til the Guzmans leave, you did not break into Bruno‘s tower, the magic is
not dying, the house is not breaking, Luisa‘s gift is not fading, no one will know.

MIRABEL: But our family's in danger. We should-

AGUSTIN: We‘ll tell Abuela after this night, just act normal, okay? No one has to know.

MIRABEL: Alright, no one has to know...

--Suddenly there‘s a NOISE, and they turn to see... DOLORES, all the way across the hallway. But her eyes tell us,
she has clearly heard everything that Agustín just said–

DOLORES: (whispered) I know. (2:03)

MIRABEL: Papa! She‘s gonna tell everyone!

AGUSTIN: Stop panicking. Dolores isn't like that.

MIRABEL: And what if she does?

AGUSTIN: We just have to trust Dolores.

MIRABEL: But ---

ABUELA ALMA: (O.S.)(sweetly, but firm) Time to eat!

--Agustín realizes they‘re busted–

MIRABEL: Papa, what are we gonna do?

AGUSTIN: I will figure it out. Don‘t panic, okay? (END OF SOUND TRACK)

--Agustin and Mirabel started walking towards the kitchen, whereas Luisa struggles to push the table at the center,
Madrigals arranging plate sand sits one by one . Mirabel tries to sit beside Dolores-- (MEET LA FAMILIA PLAYS)

CAMILO: Oops, I got here first.

---Mirabel didn‘t bother teasing Camilo and just sits between Isabela and Agustin, exchanging glances from time to
time. The Madrigal family, plus MARIANO and his ABUELA GUZMAN (European Spanish, judgmental) sit at the
dining table—
ABUELA ALMA: I am glad both of you made it here. The Guzmans and the Madrigals together will be
so good for the Encanto. Pretty Isabela and Mariano will be a perfect match!

ABUELA GUZMAN: Yes, then let‘s hope tonight is not a horrible disaster. You prepared a
perfect night, don't you?

ABUELA ALMA: (chuckles, then toasts) Of course! Encanto and the Madrigals prepared a lot
tonight. To a perfect night. Salud!


-- Mirabel does her best to act normal as she maintains unwavering eye contact with Dolores, who struggles to keep the secret in... but looks like
she‘s gonna pop any minute. As the Abuelas lightly chuckle (there is fun, light tension between them) Mirabel keeps staring at Dolores, willing her
not to divulge the secret—


MIRABEL: (nonverbal) Please no.

DOLORES: (nonverbal) *smirks*

ABUELA GUZMAN (O.S.): I assumed that all was well in La Casa Madrigal...though, when it
comes to my Mariano, it is always best to see for myself.


view of Dolores--

MARIANO (O.S.): Adobo?

--As the adobo pass, Mirabel now sees that Dolores couldn‘t hold out any longer and is now telling Camilo the secret
- he chokes on his food, his head changes into Mirabel then Bruno as he snarfs on the table--

ABUELA GUZMAN (O.S.): La Familia Madrigal has always been a pillar of our communi...ty...
Not great.

--Everyone looks at him - especially the two Abuelas (and Isabela). Abuela Alma doesn‘t like this at all and pours
more wine for Abuela Guzman to distract her--

FÉLIX: (not in front of company) Camilo, fix your face.

--Camilo looks to Mirabel, who is starting to panic that Camilo now knows her secret too, but as she tries to ―stare
him into keeping Quiet” a PITCHER of water PASSES IN FRONT OFHER--

ISABELA (O.S.): Water?

--As the water jug passes, Mirabel sees that Camilo is now whispering to Félix. Félix‘s eyes go wide and he chokes
on some water, which flies onto Abuela Guzman‘s plate. Abuela Alma watches this, quietly panicking, trying to
maintain her composure--

ABUELA ALMA: (a little weirded-out) Mirabel, the cream, please.

Mirabel smiles at Abuela and turns to Agustín for the cream.

MIRABEL: Pa, the cream.

--Reveal Agustín next to Mirabel. He tries to hand her the cream, but his hand is shaking like crazy. Mirabel takes
the cream and passes it to Abuela. Thunder draws Mirabel‘s attention to... Pepa. Félix is whispering in her ear, and
now a small swirling hurricane forms over the dining room table--

ABUELA ALMA: (clearly embarrassed) Pepa? Clear skies.

--Pepa tries her best to calm herself down to shrink the cloud--

PEPA: Clear skies, clear skies, clear skies…

--Julieta leans over to Pepa, concerned. Pepa whispers in Julieta‘s ear. Julieta flushes, then looks to Mirabel,
DEEPLY WORRIED. Mirabel tries to avoid her mother‘s gaze, looking at the floor to avoid eye-contact--

MARIANO (O.S.): Mirabel...?

--Mirabel, freaked out, sits up fast, bonking her head on the underside of the table, then pops up--

MARIANO (CONT’D): ...everything okay? Mirabel stares at Mariano, caught. Then...

AGUSTIN (O.S.): Everything‘s great, she‘s just... excited! For you to propose, which you
should do as fast as you can--


MARIANO: Uh, I was actually... gonna...

MIRABEL: You were actually gonna! Great!

--Mirabel swivels Isabela‘s chair toward Mariano. Abuela Guzman is a little weirded out-

ABUELA GUZMAN: Well, well -- well...since everyone here has a talent, my Mariano wanted
to begin with a song. Luisa, could you bring over the piano?

--Luisa, at the end of the table, moans, fighting tears. She sad marches to ―get the piano knowing she can‘t lift it.
As she goes, Mirabel sees the cracks spreading--

LUISA: (through tears) Okay.

MIRABEL: Uh, it‘s actually family tradition to sing after.

--On “AFTER Mirabel shoves Mariano‘s hand on Isabela‘s. And motions for him to begin--

MARIANO: (Takes a breath) Isabela, most graceful of all the Madrigals

As the cracks spread, the House starts to malfunction.

--Mirabel moves behind Mariano, shielding the family from seeing the cracks, but now awkwardly horning in on the

MIRABEL: You‘re doing great.

--Sound of cracks continues… interrupting Mariano--

MARIANO (O.S.): The most perfect flower in this entire Encanto. Outside, Luisa tries to
shove a piano, making horrible scraping noises. Abuela Guzman looks utterly confused.


MARIANO: this entire Encanto.


--No longer able to contain herself, Mirabel lunges at Coatis – (END OF SOUND TRACK)


--Luisa falls to the ground, CRYING in defeat. Pepa started causing storm and sound of cracks started getting louder–


DOLORES: (blurting) Mirabel found Bruno‘s vision.

MIRABEL: Dolores, please no!

DOLORES: listen up everyone!

MIRABEL: Dolores...

DOLORES: She‘s in it, she‘s gonna destroy the magic and now we‘re all doomed!

MIRABEL: Abuela, no!

DOLORES: You want to ruin Isabela's night. You're doomed Mirabel

--EVERYONE LOOKS AT MIRABEL and... CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Cracks ripple seemingly from Mirabel around the
whole room and everyone‘s powers fritz and spasm. The ground cracks under Isabela who (shocked) shoots a
bunch of vines directly into Mariano‘s face.Pepa‘s storm cloud opens up, unleashing a torrent of water onto the
whole table. Windows blew open where we can see the WHOLE TOWN out front, ready to celebrate--

--Abuela Guzman was furious, snatching Mariano‘s hand and angrily walks out--
ABUELA ALMA: Señora, por favor!
ABUELA GUZMAN: No! Your family is doomed!
ABUELA ALMA: It's just a misunderstanding. We can fix this!
MIRABEL: Abuela, kindly listen to me -- there‘s gotta be an explanation!
Isabela stomps past Mirabel.

ISABELA: (to Mirabel, dramatic) I hate you, Mirabel! I hate you!

--Luisa races past Mirabel, sobbing--

LUISA: (crying) Ahh, I‘m a loser! Im such a loser!


--Pepa runs out, her weather going crazy--

PEPA: (to Mirabel) What did you do?!

--More cracks ripple through the house--

MIRABEL: I‘m not doing anything! Bruno‘s vision… it‘s...

--Pepa walks out, following everyone. Abuela Alma looks at the townsfolk outside, trying to maintain composure--

ABUELA ALMA: The magic is strong! EVERYTHING IS FINE! We are the Madrigals!

--No one was left to hear Mirabel‘s explanation as they all rushed towards Abuela, Luisa and Isabela who are most
affected ones. Mirabel was left at the center, devastated--

MIRABEL: This… isn‘t what I wanted…

--Mirabel dropped to her knees, almost giving up. A moment of silence as she takes her eyeglasses off to wipe her
eyes. She took a deep breath, and reached her bag, only to find a shred of green glass. She then fixed herself,

MIRABEL (CONT’D): I gotta have the vision. I need to talk to Tio Bruno. For everyone. Para
la casa madrigal. --(END OF SOUND TRACK)

End of Scene 6--

Act 7:
Bruno’s Room

Bruno, Mirabel
--Bruno was sitting, half-asleep on his chair when Mirabel suddenly barged in , startling him in return–


MIRABEL: Tio Bruno!!!

--Bruno stands up, covering his face with a bucket and almost tripped trying to hide--
BRUNO: What, why, what the vision is not here, I‘m not Bruno!

MIRABEL: Ugh, Tio Bruno, it‘s me. Mirabel.

--Bruno slowly took the bucket off his head--

BRUNO: Oh. You‘re back.

--Mirabel sighs, and walks carefully towards him--

BRUNO: You look like my rat.
BRUNO: You look dead.
MIRABEL: Ugh, Tio Bruno…
BRUNO: What happened?
MIRABEL: We… had dinner with the Guzmans. You know, Isa‘s getting married and…

BRUNO: Isabela… oh, right, right, that‘s the reason why –

MIRABEL: I told my dad everything

--Bruno starts walking back to his chair, and tries to look for something, leaving Mirabel talking alone--

BRUNO: I gotta show you something –

MIRABEL: We had dinner with them, and –

BRUNO: I saw this vision earlier –

MIRABEL: And then Dolores told them, I was gonna break the miracle.

--With what Bruno heard, he stopped in the middle of walking towards Mirabel. He looked at his hands holding his
vision, and then sighed. He continued approaching Mirabel with a sad face--
BRUNO: This is probably the reason why I saw this earlier.

MIRABEL: What‘s that?

BRUNO: I did another vision, in hopes of… helping you.


BRUNO: And then I saw this, there‘s still a chance, Mirabel. I now figured out what can help you.

MIRABEL: It… it means I can still save everyone, right?

--Bruno nods, and once again looked at his vision--

MIRABEL: What is it, Tio Bruno?

--Bruno slowly, and dramatically shows his vision to Mirabel, who‘s

patiently waiting, and then--


TIO BRUNO: Oh, yeah. Your sister, that‘s great! (END OF SOUND TRACK)
--Mirabel stares at it in disbelief. Bruno realizes she‘s hates his
vision. He chucks it like it‘s garbage– (LAS HERMANAS PELEAN PLAYS)
TIO BRUNO (CONT’D): *sighs* I told you. My visions never went good. Now you‘re gonna
blame me.

MIRABEL: What… no, no, Tio Bruno, I‘m not… I‘m not blaming you, it‘s just – Why would
―embracing Isabela do anything? C'mon Tio, why did your vision show her?

TIO BRUNO: Idaknow, our family got a miracle, how do you help a family miracle? You hug
a sister.

--Mirabel looks at Bruno like he‘s stupid--

CAMILO (in the back): (calling out) Mirabel?! Mirabel?!

TIO BRUNO: Was that Camilo?

MIRABEL: Yeah, they‘re looking for me AGAIN.

TIO BRUNO: Oh, I think we‘re running outta time here.


MIRABEL: It‘s not gonna work. She won‘t hug me, ever, okay? (THE HOUSE KNOWS PLAYS)
She hates me. Also, I don‘t know if you heard, I ruined her proposal. I'm the one to blame.

TIO BRUNO: “Mirabel”

MIRABEL: “it is just annoying – of course it‘s Isabela”

TIO BRUNO: “Mirabel”

MIRABEL: “and what‘s her problem with me anyway, she‘s the one with”

TIO BRUNO: Mirabel! PAUSE Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, you see you‘re missing the point. CONTINUE The
fate of the family is not up to her, it‘s up to you. You‘re exactly what this family needs. You just have
to see it. By yourself, after I leave.

MIRABEL: What? You‘re not coming? --END OF SOUND TRACK

--Bruno steps back, while Mirabel tries to hold him still--


TIO BRUNO: It was your vision now, Mirabel... not mine. MIRABEL: No Tio! I need you.

TIO BRUNO: No need Mirabel. You can do it. See that, it‘s on your hands now.

--Mirabel squints her eyes, accusing Bruno--

MIRABEL: You‘re afraid Abuela will see you, aren't you?

TIO BRUNO: Yep, I mean yes... that too. (then) Hey, after you save the miracle... come visit.

MIRABEL: (smiles,then) After I save the miracle, I‘m bringing you home. You're a madrigal,
Tio Bruno. You don't deserve to be hidden. You're as great as we are.

--Bruno gives Mirabel a smile then knocks on wood, crosses his fingers, holds his breath and tips backwards into the

TIO BRUNO: Knock-knock-knock-knock-knock-knock on wood.

--Bruno then walks out of frame--

MIRABEL: You got this. Just gonna save the miracle... (SO DUMB) with a
--Mirabel walks towards the exit, but stops right before she goes and looks back. She went to find one
of the visions Bruno left, and put it inside her bag before finally walking outside--

--End of Act VII--

Act 8:
Isabela’s Room

Isabela, Mirabel
Mirabel enters ISABELA‘S AMAZING FLOWER ROOM. It‘s a lush, Colombian flower garden, tropical and very, very
PINK. Isabela is nowhere to be found. Mirabel looks around... Cautiously--

MIRABEL: (super sweet) Isa? Hey! Are you there?

--Mirabel continues through the room--

MIRABEL (CONT’D): (calling out) I know we‘ve... had our issues... but I‘m... (HATING
SAYING IT) ready to be a better sister... to you... So we should just... hug... Let‘s hug it out.

--Mirabel looks up to find... Isabela on a crazy flower bed... which looks more over-the-top than usual--

ISABELA (O.S.): (menacing) Hug it out...? Luisa can‘t lift an empanada. Mariano‘s nose
looks like a smashed papaya. Have you lost your mind?!

MIRABEL: Isa, I feel like you‘re upset...

ISABELA: Of course I am!

MIRABEL: But you know what cures being upset? A warm embrace from your sister.

ISABELA: Get out.

--Isabela throws flower petals to Mirabel--

ISABELA (CONT’D): Everything was perfect! Abuela was happy, the family was happy, you
wanna be a better sister, apologize for ruining my life!

MIRABEL: Isabela...

ISABELA (CONT’D): Go on... apologize.

MIRABEL: (that‘s a tough one) I... am... sorry...(can‘t keep going)...That your life is so


--Worried she‘ll miss this important opportunity, Mirabel tries to grab onto furniture to stop her momentum--
MIRABEL: Wait, fine, ―I apologize‖ - Okay I'm sorry I wasn‘t trying to ruin
your life -- (struggles ungracefully) Some of us have bigger problems, you
selfish, entitled princess!

ISABELA: Selfish?! I‘ve been stuck being perfect my whole entire life and
literally the only thing you have ever done for me is mess things up!
--Mirabel tries to extricate herself from Isabela‘s vines as she keeps getting dragged backwards--

MIRABEL: Nothing is messed up! You can still marry that big, dumb hunk


--A tiny cactus pops up between them. Mirabel (oblivious to the cactus, stares at Isabela seemingly
stunned about Mariano--

MIRABEL: Oh my gosh... Isa... that is a very serious confession... (then,

stands, deep breath, not slick, extends arms) Okay, get over here, bring it in.

But Isa doesn‘t respond, she isn‘t looking at Mirabel... she‘s looking at the
ground, at... THAT WEIRD LITTLE CACTUS. Isabela is transfixed.



Isa picks up the cactus, mesmerized...

ISABELA (singing)
ISABELA (CONT’D): You‘re a bad influence. (“THE CRACKS EMERGE” starts at 00:09)
--Mirabel and Isabela sit up to find... Abuela entering the courtyard... which we reveal looks crazy and dangerous with all of
Isabela‘s out of-control plants--

MIRABEL: (excited) Abuela!

MIRABEL (CONT’D): It‘s okay, everything‘s -- we‘re gonna save the miracle - the magic -

ABUELA ALMA: What are you talking about? Look at our home. Look at your sister! It's all doomed!

MIRABEL: Please, just listen, Abuela. Isabela wasn‘t happy and -

ABUELA ALMA: Of course she isn‘t happy, you ruined her proposal

MIRABEL: “no, no she needed me to ruin her proposal and then we did all of this and the candle
burned brighter and the cracks”

ABUELA ALMA: “Mirabel”

MIRABEL: I‘m saving the miracle! It's on me, Abuela!

MIRABEABUELA ALMA: You have to stop, Mirabel!

--A TREMOR shakes the entire ENCANTO. Luisa enters the courtyard, concerned, and stands with Isabela--

ABUELA ALMA (CONT’D): The cracks started with you. Bruno left because of you. Luisa‘s
losing her powers, Isabela‘s out of control, because of you. I don‘t know why you weren‘t
given a gift, but it is not an excuse for you to hurt this family! It's enough for you to be

--As Abuela says that cracks emerge all around her. Mirabel‘s heart nearly breaks as she looks at Abuela. Julieta and
Agustín enter, having heard the argument--

MIRABEL: What, no Tio Bruno didn‘t…

ABUELA ALMA: Enough! Dolores told me everything.

MIRABEL: That‘s it, listen to me…

ABUELA ALMA: You‘re making everything worse with every single thing you say, enough,
--Mirabel fell silent stepped back– END OF SOUND TRACK


MIRABEL: “I will never be good enough for you. Will I? No matter how hard I try.
Then, a quiet realization as she looks at her family. The rest of the Madrigal enters the scene.”
MIRABEL (CONT’D): “No matter how hard any of us tries. Luisa will never be strong
enough. Isabela won‘t be perfect enough Bruno left our family because you only saw the
worst in him.”

ABUELA ALMA: “Bruno didn‘t care about this family”

MIRABEL: “You don't consider him as a family! He loves this family – I love this family! We
all love this family!”

ABUELA ALMA: Stop pretending that you care for this family!

MIRABEL: You‘re the one that doesn‘t care! You‘re the one breaking our home!

--Cracks begins to spread into the town--

ABUELA ALMA: Don‘t you ever!

MIRABEL: The miracle is dying, because of you!

ABUELA ALMA: You ruined the miracle and you can't save it. You cannot blame me for
something I did not do.

MIRABEL: I just wanted to help!

ABUELA ALMA: You are not helping at all!

Mirabel once again fell silent, while breathing heavily, she broke down; none of the family says anything
as she runs out of the hall.


--Everyone looks at Isabela as she chases after Mirabel. Everyone was silent and can‘t look at each other‘s eyes.
Slowly, each one of them started leaving—
Act 9:

Dolores & Bruno
--Green light illuminates the whole room as Bruno walks back and forth. Finally, he stopped in the middle and sat
on his chair. Just then, sound of cracks were heard, then Dolores came out of nowhere–


DOLORES: It‘s disappointing to hear how both of you underestimated me.

--Bruno‘s eyes were wide opened, shocked by the sudden visit--

BRUNO: Dolores.

DOLORES: You know why I did it. You know so well.

BRUNO: Dolores, please, do not harm Mirabe—

DOLORES: I wasn‘t gonna do anything.

BRUNO: What more do you want? I‘ve given you enough time to change your mind, you
don‘t have to do it, Abuela –


DOLORES: If she had loved you then why were you stuck here?

--Bruno stepped back as Dolores walks towards him--

DOLORES: If she had loved me then why am I stuck here?

BRUNO: Dolores, you should‘ve just told her your gift is hurting you.

DOLORES: Gift? You call this a gift? All my life, Tio Bruno, all my life I‘ve got nothing but a

DOLORES (CONT’D): Every single thing, every single drop of their words gets through me.
I‘ve been nothing but the receiving end of everyone‘s praise, of how much they admire
Isabela‘s perfect figure, of how amazing Luisa is, of how much Camilo puts a smile in
everyone‘s faces, of how Mirabel makes them proud for doing literally nothing and how
Abuela questioned me when you told her about your vision!

BRUNO: Dolores…
DOLORES: And now, you‘ve told Mirabel everything, you even showed her your vision.

BRUNO: She needed my help.

DOLORES: And I didn‘t?

BRUNO: Dolores, I am sorry –

DOLORES: One thing, Tio Bruno. I asked for one thing. You can‘t even keep your vision to
yourself, why did you have to tell Abuela?!

BRUNO: Because I care for this family! And Abuela cares for this family, and if she had
known about my vision, she could‘ve helped you, Dolores.

DOLORES: She wouldn‘t! She‘ll be disappointed, that‘s what she does for every single
mistake! Like I can‘t be human, like everyone has to be perfect!

BRUNO: Dolores, please –

DOLORES: Like everyone has to be like Isabela!
--Dolores turned her back, fixed her posture like nothing happened and starting walking, eventually, she then
DOLORES: Abuela‘s about to kick Mirabel out.
BRUNO: What?
DOLORES: She believes everything I say. Including those lies I told her.
BRUNO: What did you tell her?

DOLORES: That Mirabel‘s hurting the magic.

BRUNO: You know that‘s not true!

DOLORES: I know. What‘s true was in your vision. If I can‘t be perfect like Isabela, I‘ll be
nothing like Mirabel.

BRUNO: Why are you doing this?

DOLORES: (sarcastically) For all of us. Para la casa Madrigal.

BRUNO: You‘re not doing this for anyone but you. I‘m sorry Dolores, but I can‘t let you
harm yourself.

DOLORES: Harm myself? Stopping the miracle means stopping everyone else‘s. Let‘s be
powerless together, then maybe Abuela will start loving us the way she does to Isabela.
Isn‘t that what you‘ve always wanted?

BRUNO: That‘s it. I‘ll show you what I saw in my vision. I‘ll show everyone.

DOLORES: You know the pieces were all inside my room. I broke it, remember?

BRUNO: I could give you your own replica if you want. You know I can always do visions if I
want to. Good thing Mirabel found me.

DOLORES: What are you doing?

--Bruno gets his sand, and everything she needs for the vision and started pouring them on the ground, as loud as
he can--
BRUNO: I am doing another vision.

DOLORES: That won‘t help. It‘s gonna be over.

--Bruno continued doing his rituals, making it as loud as possible, irritating Dolores--

DOLORES (CONT’D): Stop! Tio Bruno! You‘re wasting your time.

BRUNO: You know one thing I realized? You actually can‘t hear everything.

DOLORES: I do. I hear every --- Tio Bruno! Stop, it‘s hurting –

--Bruno keeps pouring the sand, as part of his ritual, it gets louder, creating a deafening noise--

DOLORES: You know they‘re not gonna believe you.

BRUNO: I know. But they will believe in Isabela.

DOLORES: Isabela?

--Dolores stopped, Bruno looked at her. She was surprised, as she starts hearing voices clearly; she looks at Bruno
with anguish--
DOLORES (CONT’D): No, no, no, no. You can‘t do this to me.

BRUNO: I certainly can.

DOLORES: You tricked me! You‘re not doing a vision, you‘re blocking their voices!

BRUNO: I knew this is gonna happen. Good luck.

--Dolores tries as fast as she can to walk out the door, only to be trapped by one of Bruno‘s woods--

DOLORES: Tio Bruno! No! Please, help me out! I promise, I‘ll tell Abuela anything, they‘re
gonna let you stay –

-She was cut off when Bruno splashes her face with sand and salt, irritating her more--

DOLORES: You are such a menace! Casita, help me!

BRUNO: Casita can‘t help you here. It won‘t. Our home knows what it‘s doing. So does the
miracle. So does the candle.

DOLORES: Shut it, Tio Bruno. I can hear your lies!– END OF SOUND TRACK
--Bruno splashes her face once more, keeping her still to give Mirabel and Isabela longer time to talk to Abuela. He
turns his back and sits on his chair as Dolores tries to get off the wood. When she successfully did, she hurriedly
picked up a bucket and knocked Bruno out using it. Bruno fell down instantly; Dolores was shocked by the sudden
result and tries to check Bruno—

DOLORES: I‘m sorry, Tio Bruno.

--Dolores kept checking him, when—

DOLORES (CONT’D): But you made me do it.

--Dolores started running, rushing to stop Isabela and Mirabel from telling Abuela--
Act 10:
Living Room

Family Madrigal
--Mirabel is found sitting on a couch, crying while her bag is beside her. Isabel walks in, and slowly approaches
ISABELA: (concerned) Mirabel…
MIRABEL: I just wanted to help –
--Isabela pulls Mirabel in a hug, comforting her--

ISABELA: I know. Calm down, now. I‘m here.

MIRABEL: Believe me, I didn‘t mean to ruin anything, I… love this family.

ISABELA: And this family loves you, Mirabel. Abuela just…

MIRABEL: Abuela thinks I‘m worthless. She thinks I don‘t deserve her love, I don‘t deserve
to be in this family.

ISABELA: Hey, that‘s not true –

MIRABEL: It‘s easy for you to say because she loves you.

--Isabela sighs, not knowing what to say--

ISABELA: I‘m sorry. I‘m sorry that I can‘t help you. If only I can do something –

--Mirabel looked at her, and realizes something– END OF SOUND TRACK



MIRABEL: I mean, yes, you can help me.

ISABELA: What? How?

MIRABEL: Look, I… I went to Tio Bruno‘s tower. Right after I… ruined your proposal. And

--Mirable takes out the vision out of her bag and shows it to Isabela--

MIRABEL: He showed me this.

ISABELA: That‘s… me. That‘s us. We did hug earlier. What does that mean?

MIRABEL: It means you can help me save the Miracle.

ISABELA: What, how? What do you mean? How do we save the miracle?

MIRABEL: That‘s not the only thing he showed me. We… did a vision together and…

--She was cut off when Abuela suddenly enters the living room--


ISABELA: Abuela.

--Isabela and Mirabel stands up. Isabela tries to hide Mirabel on her back as she faces Abuela Alma--

ABUELA ALMA: (looking at Mirabel)We need to talk.

ISABELA: Abuela, please, that‘s enough.

--The rest of the family comes in, except Dolores--

ABUELA ALMA: Why? Didn‘t you see how reckless she was with her words? If she‘s not


LUISA: But Mirabel is right. (THE ULTIMATE VISION PLAYS – 00:26)

--Luisa steps forwards, and went beside her sisters--

MIRABEL: Luisa… no you don‘t have to –

LUISA: No, Mirabel. You are not alone.

ABUELA ALMA: What is the meaning of this?

LUISA: Abuela, please, enough. Mirabel didn‘t do anything wrong. She‘s right, there‘s
something wrong with the miracle and –

ABUELA ALMA: And it‘s because of her.

LUISA: It‘s not on her. She knows what‘s going on and she wants to help us. I am slowly
losing my powers, and she‘s the only person who can help us.

ABUELA ALMA: Luisa, if you don‘t ---

JULIETA : Mama, that‘s enough. Please, my daughters are hurting.


PEPA: Calm down, mama.

LUISA: Abuela, I am tired. I won‘t be able to help this family if you keep putting too much
pressure on me, on everyone. Please, just let this go and let Mirabel help us.

CAMILO: She‘s right, Abuela. It‘s hard using my gift these days, and I don‘t…enjoy it
anymore, it doesn‘t help me anymore.

FELIX: Camilo…

--Felix approaches Camilo to comfort him while Isabela steps forward again--

ISABELA: Abuela, please… just allow us to be who we are, we can‘t always please

ABUELA ALMA: You don‘t understand. The only thing I ever wanted was to keep this family
DOLORES: Have you shown them?

ABUELA: Dolores? What… are you doing? Why are you holding the candle?

DOLORES: Really, Mirabel? You waited for me to tell them the truth?

ABUELA ALMA: What are you talking about?

DOLORES: Tell them, Mirabel. It‘s your time. I know you‘ve waited for this to happen.

ABUELA ALMA: (to Mirabel) What did you do to her?

MIRABEL: Nothing! I didn‘t do anything. Fine! You want the truth? I‘ll give it to you.

--Mirabel takes the vision out of her bag and slammed it on the floor. Everyone let out a gasp when they realize
who‘s in the vision--


DOLORES: It satisfies me how my cousins and my own brother told you what they really
feel. I just know they‘ve been carrying that since forever.

ABUELA ALMA: Dolores, why are you in that vision? You… told me it was Mirabel.

DOLORES: I lied.

ABUELA ALMA: Why are you doing this? Why did you have to do this? Why?

DOLORES: Because of you!

ABUELA ALMA: Dolores, I –

DOLORES: You have ruined my life. All you ever did was to make sure everyone is perfect.
All you ever cared for was yourself. You never think of me, you never once ask me how I
feel, you‘ve only wanted things from me that will satisfy you. I am hurting because of you.
Everyone‘s losing their power because of you!
ABUELA ALMA: Dolores, I didn‘t mean to ---

DOLORES: Ask everyone what they feel. Luisa‘s been carrying the weight since she was
seven. Camilo‘s having an identity crisis because you keep telling him to change. Isabela
has been hurting because of trying every single day to please you. And Mirabel…Dolores
laughs sarcastically.

DOLORES: She was your only chance.

ABUELA ALMA: Dolores, please, put the candle down. You‘re gonna hurt yourself.

DOLORES: If this gift is what‘s giving you the reason to expect so highly of us, we might as
well be a powerless family. You don‘t have yours either, anyway. Right? And everyone‘s
miserable because of you. Dolores steps forward, keeping distance from everyone else. Sound of
crack continues, getting louder and louder.
ABUELA ALMA: Dolores, don‘t do it. Please. END OF TRACK

DOLORES: At top of them all, Tio Bruno left because of you. And this candle?
This gift? All of this will die because of you! (LA CANDELA PLAYS)

ALL: No!!!
--Some of them try to stop her, but Dolores, without hesitation, smashed the candle on the floor. Heavy
smoke appeared, cracks were everywhere and a high pitched sound resonated inside the whole house—



Act 11:

Family Madrigal, Guzmans, Town folk
--It was total darkness, some ashes can be seen when lights slowly turn on. Dolores was seen covering her ears. Casita was
broken, and they lost all their gifts. Everyone looked around with devastation, not believing what had just happen. Abuela was still
in shock when she approaches Dolores who hasn‘t stopped covering her ears– (SAD PIANO MUSIC PLAYS)

ABUELA ALMA : Is everyone… alright? Mirabel? Are you hurt?

MIRABEL: N-no, Abuela. I‘m… okay.

ABUELA: Is anyone hurt?

DOLORES: Mama… Abuela…

--Dolores‘ voice alerted everyone, Pepa rushed towards Dolores to check her--

PEPA: Dolores, my child. Is everything alright?

--The rest of the family rushed towards Dolores--

FELIX: Dolores, are you okay? Are you hurt?

ABUELA ALMA: What‘s happening?

DOLORES: I can‘t… I can‘t… hear… what, why…

Everyone gasps, Mirabel pushed herself in front to check Dolores and ask Abuela Alma-
MIRABEL: What happened? Abuela, why can‘t she hear anything? I… I know it would stop
everyone‘s miracle but why did it take –

-ABUELA ALMA : The miracle knows.

ISABELA: What do you mean, Abuela? We all lost our powers but none of us had the same
effect as hers.

ABUELA ALMA: Because she was the one who broke it. It senses everything, you see, when
you and Mirabel started fighting, it sent us a sign. When Mirabel and I fought, Casita almost
broke. But when one of us tries to stop it

MIRABEL: It stops everything for that person.

--None of them makes a move, but Abuela hugs Dolores--

ABUELA ALMA: I am sorry, Dolores. This is all my fault.

AGUSTIN: Everyone makes a mistake, mama. Don‘t be too hard on yourself.

JULIETA: I… I can help Dolores, but I need my gift. Without it… I won‘t have anything else
to heal her.

PEPA: No, no, my Dolores.

FELIX: I feel so useless, I can‘t do anything for her.

CAMILO: Is she gonna be alright?

ABUELA ALMA: I shouldn‘t have treated you like this. I shouldn‘t have treated anyone like
this. I‘m… sorry. Everyone was silent, Mirabel stands up to get the broken candle.

MIRABEL: If there‘s only something, anything, that I can do to save everyone, to bring
everything back to normal, I would do it. I would save this family. Just… once.


--Mirabel hugged the candle in total breakdown, while everyone else watch in silence. Total silence embraced the
place, when a sudden light emits from where the candle was. Camilo saw it first—


CAMILO: Mirabel, the candle.

--Mirabel looks up to see everyone looking at her, including Dolores. The candle is back, Isabela suddenly grows a
plant out of nowhere, indicating that their powers were back—

LUISA: Oh, Abuela, I feel… strong.

ABUELA ALMA: What just happened?

ISABELA: I… I grew a flower! The miracle is back!

AGUSTIN: Really?

ISABELA: Yes! Mirabel, you saved us! You saved our family!

MIRABEL: What? I didn‘t even do anything…

ISABELA: You DID do something special.

PEPA: What about Dolores? Mi vida, are you alright?

--Dolores slowly looks up and hugged Abuela Alma--

JULIETA: I‘ll get the meal.

DOLORES: No need, Tia Julieta.

--Everyone was relieved when Dolores spoke, showing that her hearing is back--

DOLORES (CONT’D): I was so scared, Abuela.

ABUELA ALMA: Calm down, now. You‘re safe. We are safe.

DOLORES: I am so sorry, I was so selfish. I didn‘t think of anyone when I did that, it‘s just

ABUELA ALMA: You don‘t have to explain anything, Dolores. It‘s alright.
ABUELA ALMA (CONT’D): I‘m the one to blame; I was too selfish thinking of my reputation.
But it won‘t change my love for this family. I accept everyone for who they are, and for who
they are not. And to you, Mirabel, I‘m sorry for everything I‘ve done. Thank you, for saving
us, for saving our family.

MIRABEL: I… don‘t know what to say, Abuela. I don‘t have a gift, a miracle…

ABUELA ALMA: You are the hidden miracle.

--Dolores reaches out for Mirabel‘s hand and smiles at her--

DOLORES: Thank you for saving us, Mirabel. I hope you can still forgive me.

MIRABEL: Oh, come on. We‘re human. --END OF TRACK

--Dolores smiled and helped Abuela stand up– (ALL OF YOU INSTRUMENTAL PLAYS)

LUISA: (looking around the house) Ah, now there‘s alotta work right here.
ISABELA: (looking at Agustin) Papa, you face is swelling.

AGUSTIN: I‘ll be okay.

CAMILO: Uh... not if we don‘t have a house.

--They look to Camilo. Félix nudges Camilo with his elbow--

CAMILO (CONT’D): (OFF FÉLIX) What? We don‘t have a house, I can‘t say we don‘t have a
house? What is that? Not a house.

LUISA: Well, I gotta start working on this. It‘s getting late.

BRUNO: I can help.

--Everyone turns around to see Bruno. Bruno walks slowly, careful not to cause any more damages while everyone
watches him in shock--

BRUNO (CONT’D): I‘m… sorry, I was late.

MIRABEL: Tio Bruno, what… happened to your head? Were you hurt –-
BRUNO: No, no, I‘m okay. Dolores and I… uh, got a little physical earlier, but I‘m okay.


BRUNO: Mama…

--Bruno slowly walks towards Abuela Alma, and stares at the floor--

BRUNO (CONT’D): I feel like, it‘s my fault, so… I‘ll just explain everything and then… leave,

MIRABEL: Tio Bruno –

BRUNO: Mirabel, it‘s fine, really…

--Bruno was cut off when Abuela hugs him tight before he even finishes his sentence, followed by Pepa and

ABUELA ALMA: We missed you. So much.

BRUNO: You do?

--Dolores approaches them and holds Bruno‘s hand--

DOLORES: Tio Bruno, I‘m sorry, for doing that (points at Bruno‘s head) to you. I… uh…

BRUNO: I understand you, kid. I‘m the older one, I should be the one to –

DOLORES: No, Tio Bruno. I don‘t want you to blame yourself. I now understand what you
were trying to do. You were trying to save me.

BRUNO: Well… uh, but I didn‘t! Mirabel did!

ABUELA ALMA: Ay, mi Bruno. You both saved it.

LUISA: All right! We really gotta start moving now, though.


--Everyone laughs and starts picking up pieces visible to them. Mirabel looks at them, smiling--
--Mirabel looks to her family, who all smile back. Mirabel turns, then places HER doorknob into the FRONT DOOR of
the House and… WHOOSH! AN EXPLOSION OF LIGHT races over the entire Encanto, restoring its magic…and
redefining the cracks that spread to the entire town. A new miracle. As the House comes back to life once more, the
House ―waves‖ at Mirabel and she waves back– (ENDING-SONG/COLOMBIA )

MIRABEL : Hola, Casita.

MIRABEL (CONT’D): Hey, everyone. Come here!

-”Everyone yanks each other to see the newly built home. Isabela creates new, bizarre plants, transforming herself
away from expected ―perfection.” Luisa regains her strength, carrying a table for them to rest on. Pepa started
dancing with Felix with their umbrella. Camilo, Dolores and Mariano play at the background. Watching all of this is
Mirabel, Bruno and Abuela Alma who are suddenly... yanked off screen by the House, which grabs the entire family,
placing them for a NEW FAMILY PORTRAIT. One of the citizens takes a camera and sets it for them. Abuela happily
calls everyone--

ABUELA ALMA: Everyone, together.

--The Casita squeezes this whole, imperfectly perfect family together--

FAMILY... AND MIRABEL: La Familia Madrigal!

--The End--

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