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Java 1

How to print in Java with Examples: 3

 Three methods or functions are provided in the Java language to print the output. These
methods depend on the method requirement and desired output in coding.
1. Java print() method: Data displays in the same line using print statement in java.
2. Java println()Method: Output print in the current line, and cursor position moves to the
next line.
3. Java printf()Method: data displays with the particular format as per requirement.
 Table of Contents
Method 1: Java print() method

 Java print method works for printing content to the console. It belongs to an
overloaded method of the java PrintStream class. It takes a string as an input
 The output cursor remains on the same line after printing the input statement. This
method works if we do not parse any parameters. The print statement uses “\n” to go
to the next line.
 The syntax shows how to operate the Java print statement.
 System.out is a Java method for creating an instance of the PrintStream class. It shows
the Standard Output Stream. You cannot use the PrintStream object directly.
• System: The System is a final class that is used in the “Java.lang.package” to display
• out: The “out” is an instance of the java System class with a public member field. It is a
type of PrintStream package to create objects internally.

 The given example shows the working procedure of the print() method.

class HelloCoder{
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.print("How to Print in Java! \n");
System.out.print("Hello Coder!");
Method 2: Java println() method

 Java println method is an advanced form of the print() method. It is used to show text
on the console. It belongs to the PrintStream class through the overloaded method.
this method is worked with a string parameter. After printing the given information, the
cursor is moved to the beginning of the next line.
 Syntax:
 The syntax shows how to operate the Java println statement.
println(): The PrintStream class used to display output on the console.

Let’s see the example of the print() method.

 public class HelloCoder {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 System.out.println("How to Print in Java! ");
 System.out.println("Hello Coder!");
 System.out.println("Guru99!");
 }
 }
The print() method has the following overloaded methods:

Other java overload methods in println()

Overloaded Methods Print data format

print(boolean b) This method shows the Boolean value

print(char c) A method displays the character

print(char[] s) It shows an array of characters
It displays double-precision floating-point

print(float f) A method shows the floating-point number

print(long l) It shows a long integer

print(int i) It shows an integer number
print(object obj) This method operates object value
print(String s) This method displays string value
Method 3: Java printf() method

 Java printf method displays the formatted string on the console with the specific
format. It is a java-overloaded method of the PrintStream class to print values. The
specifiers are displayed with formatted arguments in the method.
 Syntax:
 The syntax shows how to operate the printf() statement.

 Let’s see the example of the print() method.

 public class HelloCoder{
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 System.out.printf("'%s' %n","How to Print in Java!");
 System.out.printf("%S %n","Hello Coder!");
 System.out.printf("'%S' %n","Learning");
 }
 }
printf() specifiers in Java

Specifier Type
%c Character value
%d Integer value
%f Floating number
%s string of characters
%% Print or display a percent(%) sign
%e exponential floating-point value
Let’s see the example of the print method in Java.
 public class HelloCoder{
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 System.out.println("How to Print in Java!");
 System.out.printf("%S %n","Hello Coder!");
 System.out.print(" Guru99");
 }
 }
How to print using entered data in Java

 How to print using entered data in Java

 The following steps show us to print entered data.
 Step 1) Use the Java scanner package to support user input data.
 Step 2) A Scanner class or object operates to accept input from standard input. It enters
through the keyboard.
 Step 3) Create the variable using the “Scanner(” method.
 Step 4) Use the variable. nextInt() then reads all values from the keyboard.
 Step 5) this method gets input data until it encounters a new line character (Enter).
 Step 6) Finally, the input value prints the normal output using the System.out.print() function.

Let’s see the example of the enter user input data and print in Java.
 import java.util.Scanner;
 public class HelloCoder {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
 Scanner reader_data = new Scanner(;
 System.out.print("Enter a Value: ");
 int number_data = reader_data.nextInt();
 System.out.println("User entered: " + number_data);
 int add = number_data+number_data;
 System.out.println("Addition: " + add);
 }
 }
Other java overload methods in print()

 The print() method has the following overloaded methods:

Overloaded Methods Print data format

print(boolean b) This method shows the Boolean value

print(char c) This method shows the character

print(char[] s) This method displays an array of characters

print(doubled) A method shows double-precision floating-point number

print(float f) This method displays a floating-point number

print(long l) This method shows a long integer

print(int i) This method shows an integer number

print(object obj) It works for object value

print(String s) This method operates and displays string value

Comparing print statements in Java

Overloaded Methods Print data format

print(boolean b) This method shows the Boolean value

print(char c) This method shows the character

print(char[] s) This method displays an array of characters

print(doubled) A method shows double-precision floating-point number

print(float f) This method displays a floating-point number

print(long l) This method shows a long integer

print(int i) This method shows an integer number

print(object obj) It works for object value

Comparing print statements in Java

Java println() statement Java print() statement

The cursor displays on the next line after
The cursor appears on the same line after
displaying the output on the console. We
displaying the output on the console using
can interpret ‘ln’ in ‘println’ as the ‘next
the print().
We can use the System.out.println(data) We can use the System.out.print (data)
function to get the data and show the cursor function displays the input data on the same
on the next line. line.

• The print statement is a simple way to display data for a Java programmer.
• The System.out.print() function works with the three methods: print, println, and printf.
• We can operate data in a single line and the next line format using the Java print
• The specifiers and overloaded method are used to display information with a required
data type.
• The Java printf() function uses specifiers as per user requirements. The print() and
println() methods use overloaded methods.
• The input data operates and displays using the scanner package and method.

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