A Case Study of OligoHydramnios

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A Case Study of “E” 1°

LTCS secondary to
Angoluan, Patricia Beatriz
Arce, Danica Joy
Asuncion, Harries
Gammad, Joreen Divine
Llanes, Jhon Mark
Mabalay, Jhen Clifford
Ramos, Katherine
Rebocca, Cristelle Joy
Salibad, Carla
INTRO- Tejano, Elaiza Faye
DUCTION Tela, Thea Joy
A.Introduction about patient/background

The subject of this case study is Patient

A, a 20 years old girl from VIGA,
INTRO- Angadanan, Isabela who was admitted on
DUCTION April 23, 2023 at Manango Hospital. The
woman was diagnosed as having a
Cesarean Section Delivery secondary to
severe Oligohydramnios.

B.Significance/relevance to the concept
The findings of this case study aim to provide crucial and depth
analysis in cesarean section and oligohydramnios that is relevant
topic to Maternal and Child Nursing. This study will help in filling
the gap of information on the prevalence and association factor of
INTRO- cesarean section on an institutional basis. It can also be used as
DUCTION baseline information for future researches. Cesarean section has
many complications, related factors and it also costs more than
vaginal births and can result in increased risk to mother and
newborn. Identification of factors associated with a cesarean
section is important to minimize the unnecessary practice of such
life-saving intervention and increase its access to those who need it
the most.
C.Background knowledge
An appropriate volume of amniotic fluid is one of the most
important components of a healthy pregnancy, as it allows room for
fetal growth, help in the development of GIT and the lung, protect
fetus from trauma, maintain temperarture and helps prevent
INTRO- infection. Oligohydramnios, in which the volume of amniotic fluid
DUCTION is abnormally low (< 800 ml) between the 32nd and 36th weeks of
pregnancy, is a serious condition for the fetus and the mother.
Oligohydramnios can be diagnosed with ultrasound performed
during the late second trimester or the third trimester and is defined
by an Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) below 5 cm or below the 5th
percentile to approximate the amniotic fluid volume.

Oligohydramnios is defined as decreased amniotic fluid volume
(AFV) for gestational age. The volume of amniotic fluid changes
over gestation, increasing linearly until 34 to 36 weeks gestation, at
which point the AFV levels off (approximately 400mL) and
remains constant until term. The AFV then begins to decrease
steadily after 40 weeks gestation, leading to reduced volume in
post-term gestations. This pattern allows for clinical assessment of
INTRO- AFV throughout pregnancy using fundal height measurements and
DUCTION ultrasound evaluation.

Oligohydramnios complicates 4.4% of all pregnancies at term.
The incidence of oligohydramnios is less than 1% in preterm
pregnancies while the prevalence rises to more than 12% in post-
term pregnancies (BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 22, 610 (2022). 
Clinical Manifestation
While they vary, some of the most common signs and symptoms
of a lowered amniotic fluid volume are:
• Leaking of the amniotic fluid
• Low amniotic fluid on an ultrasound
• Baby is smaller than what is normal for gestational age
DUCTION • Low maternal weight gain
• Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM)
• Abdominal discomfort
• Sudden drop in fetal heart rate
• Little to no fetal movement, or decreasing fetal movement
• Abnormal findings on a fetal monitor, including fetal
D.Current/ Target population
Caesarean section is a commonly performed operation on women
that is globally increasing in prevalence each year. There is a
large variation in the rates of caesarean, both in high- and low-
income countries, as well as between different institutions within
these countries.
DUCTION International Statistcs
Oligohydramnios occurs in about 1–5% of term pregnancies worldwide;
however, the prevalence rises to more than 12% in post-term pregnancies. In
Africa, prevalence rates of oligohydramnios ranging from 4 to 23% have been
reported previously. Additionally, several maternal, placental, and fetal factors,
including ruptured amniotic membranes, fetal abnormalities, genetic factors,
maternal illnesses, nutrition status, and multiple pregnancies, have been found
to be associated with oligohydramnios.)
E.Risk factors/ Contributing Factors
The main causes and risk factors of oligohydramnios are:
• Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes
• Placental insufficiency – resulting in the blood flow being
redistributed to the fetal brain rather than the abdomen and kidneys.
This causes poor urine output.
• Renal agenesis (known as Potter’s syndrome)
INTRO- • Pregnancy past the due date
DUCTION • Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
• Non-functioning fetal kidneys
• Obstructive uropathy
• Genetic/chromosomal anomalies
• Viral infections
• Preeclampsia
• Maternal Diabetes
• Maternal Dehydration
• Maternal Hypoxia
NURSE • Placental Issues
F. Prognosis and Complications
Oligohydramnios in the second trimester carries a poor prognosis. In the
majority of these cases, there is premature rupture of membranes (which
may or may not be associated with infection), with subsequent premature
delivery and pulmonary hypoplasia – which can cause significant
respiratory distress at birth
DUCTION When oligohydramnios is associated with placental insufficiency, there is
also a higher rate of preterm deliveries (usually through planned induction
of labour). These cases will carry a poorer prognosis than that of a
normally grown fetus.

Amniotic fluid also allows the fetus move its limbs in utero (exercise).
Without this, the fetus can develop severe muscle contractures – which
may lead to disability despite physiotherapy after birth.
F. Prognosis and Complications
• Increased risk of miscarriage or stillbirth
• Compression of fetal organs that can lead to birth asphyxia
INTRO- or hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE)
DUCTION • Premature birth
• Intrauterine growth restriction(IUGR)
• Cord prolapse
• Cerebral palsy
• Preterm birth
• Meconium aspiration

Diagnostic procedures
• Patient history. A thorough maternal and family history
including past medical history, previous pregnancy, or
medication use.
INTRO- • Physical examination. Asking for symptoms like urinary
incontinence, feeling damp, or leaking fluid. An assessment
like measurement of fundal height or a speculum examination.
• Imaging. 
• Ultrasound. Quantitative measurement of amniotic fluid
volume is done using AFI or MVP.
• Doppler ultrasound. Measure the blood flow to fetal blood
vessels, assessing the exchange between the placenta and
the fetus.
Diagnostic procedures
• Patient history
• Physical examination. 
• Imaging. 
• Ultrasound. 
• Doppler ultrasound. 
• Karyotyping
• Dipstick test. 

Medical, Nursing and Surgical Management
• Managing oligohydramnios during first, second, and third
INTRO- • Managing oligohydramnios in post-term pregnancies.
• Immediate Preoperative Care measures
• Intraoperative Care Measures
• Postpartal Care Measures

• Cesarean Section
• Supportive therapy. 
• Fluid therapy.
• Bed rest. 
• Monitoring. 
INTRO- • Biophysical profile.
DUCTION • Non-stress test.
• Medication.
• Antibiotics. 
• Steroids. 
• Amnioinfusion. 
• Labor induction or Cesarean delivery. 

General Objective
• To have an in-depth analysis concerning
Oligohydramnios to acquire accurate and reliable
information relevant to one of our core subjects,
Maternal and Child Nursing, to gain additional
knowledge and for a deeper understanding of this
pregnancy complication, thus allowing us to
determine the most appropriate nursing care and
intervention to address the patient’s condition.

Specific Objectives:
• To define Oligohydramnios, to understand why this condition is an
indication of Cesarean Section Delivery.
• To know about the patient maternal, past medical history, genetic and
family predospition which may be a contributing factor for having
• To know and become familiar with the anatomy and physiology of the
NURSE affected system.
CENTERED • To analyze and interpret diagnostic and laboratory results and nurse’s
role on the said procedures.
• To know what pharmacological treatment is appropriate for this
condition, how it works and its contraindication.
• To present the anatomy and physiology of the system involved, in
relation to the condition of the patient.
• To formulate a relevant nursing care plan with the identified problems
of the patient that is needed to manage
• To provide pertinent nursing intervention and management necessary to
the condition of the patient.

I.Chief Complaint
The patient came to the hospital with a complain of labor pain.

II.History of Present Illness

April 23, 2023 around 5 pm in the afternoon she was instructed by her
NURSING family to walk around hoping to speed the dilation of her cervix
assuming that she will undergo normal spontaneous delivery (NSD).
According to her 2 days prior to admission she can already feel on and
off pain in her hypogastric (lower abdomen) and lumbosacral (lower
back) region and she reported frequent urination. That is why, around
7pm they went to Manango Hospital with a chief complaint of labor
pain, she undergone Ultrasound and found out that there is a leak of
amniotic fluid and she was directed to emergency LTCS. She was
admitted at exactly 8:59 pm and the surgery started around 9pm and
she successfully delivered a healthy baby boy.

Nursing health history A

Demographic data
Date of Admission: April 23,
Name: Patient O
Time of Admission: 8:59 pm
Age: 20 years old
Gender: Female
PROCESS Bed: OB Ward – 3
Address: P4 VIGA, Angadanan,
Attending Physician: Dr.
Danilo Martinez Manango
Birthday: June 10, 2002
Admitting Diagnosis: PUFT
C/S: Married
Religion: Roman Catholic
III.Past Medical History

As a child, she experienced having mumps and chicken pox

although she has completed her vaccines.”. According to the patient,
she was never hospitalized. She only went to Manango Hopsital
twice for check-up and ultrasound during the course of her
pregnancy. She was never injured and did not have a history of
NURSING blood transfusion. The patient is a primigravida or o woman who is
PROCESS pregnant for the first time. She also have a mild UTI and allergies to
“malalansang pagkain”.

IV.Family History
The patient reported that one of her sister also undergone
Cesarean Section Delivery because there has been a leak of amniotic
fluid and has a case of cephalopelvic disproportion.
V.Social and Personal Health History
The patient is from P4 VIGA, Angadanan, Isabela. She is a Senior
High school graduate and she likes to stay at home most of the time
but sometimes she manages the sari-sari store of her mom. The
patient is the 5th child among the the 9 siblings. She is living a one-
storey house with a small sari-sari store in front. She is a housewife
and she makes herself busy with household chores. She is financially
NURSING supported by her parents and her husband. She does not have any
PROCESS vices, eats her meal 3 times a day and walk short distances as her
everyday exercise. According to her, she is very reserved when it
comes to meeting new people but eventually become talkative after
getting close with the person. She doesn’t have any issues regarding
their neighborhood since their neighbors are most of her relatives.
She bonds with them by watching movie together and throwing jokes
at each other. She only attends occasion only if she is invited.
VI.Review of System
General Description: Neuro:
(+) Fatigue (+) Headache
(+) Weakness
Mental Health Status
Nose: (+) Anxiety
(+) Cold (+) Fears
(+) Obstruction
Gastro Intestinal Tract:
(+) Constipation
(+) Change in Body Mass

Genitourinary Tract:
Menarche: 11 yrs. old; Irregular
Nursing health history
a.Patterns of Health Prior to During Hospitalization
1. Health Perception- For her, she is a The patient believed
Health Management healthy person as she that she was healthy
Pattern rates her health 7 out of because all her
10. When she gets sick, laboratories were
like fever and cough or normal and she
when her UTI and delivered the baby
NURSING allergy attack, she successfully.
PROCESS usually buy medicine in
the pharmacy without
consultation and
prescription of the
doctor. If the medicine
did not work, she
usually resort to herbal
medicine like “lagundi”
and “gawid”.
Nursing health history
a.Patterns of Health Prior to During Hospitalization
2. Nutritional The patient eats her meal Patient is restricted to
Metabolic 3 times a day. She prefers consume food orally
to eat vegetable rather (NPO)
than meat. “Kung wala
lang siguro nagbabawal
sakin makakaubos ako ng
NURSING 3 bote ng softdrink sa
araw-araw” as verbalized
PROCESS by the patient. She also
love to eat junkfoods but
she also likes to eat fruit
that is sweet or sour. She
consumes 4-5 glasses a
day. And she is allergic to
“malalansang pagkain”.
Nursing health history
a.Patterns of Health Prior to During Hospitalization
3. Elimination According to the patient The patient has been
she voids 5-7 times a inserted with an IFC,
day with a yellow color 500 ml urine output.
urine and she has no She had a hard time
difficulty in voiding. She defecating since it is
NURSING defecates 3 times a day painful for her to push
after every meal, brown because of her incision.
PROCESS in color with no difficulty
of defecation,
4. Activity -Exercise The patient likes to do The patient prefers to
household chores like rest and limits her
sweeping and movement.
sometimes help and
manages the sari-sari
store of her mom. Her
exercise includes
walking short distances.
Nursing health history
a.Patterns of Health Prior to During Hospitalization
5. Sleep/rest The patient sleeps at 8 pm Sleeping pattern is
and usually wake up disturbed due to pain of
around 7 to 9 am with no incision site and her duty
difficulty in sleeping. She as a mother.
takes a rest after doing
some task in the house.
PROCESS 6. Cognitive/ According to the patient, The patient has been
Perceptual Pattern she is a Senior Highschool informed about her
graduate, she can speak situation and can now
Tagalog and Ibanag. She explain why she has to
can function well but she undergo Cesarean
lacked knowledge Section Delivery. She has
regarding her pregnancy no problem on her
complication. She has no breathing, taste, hearing
problem on her breathing, and vision. She has a bit
taste, hearing and vision. trouble of communicating
She can communicate effectively due to acquired
effectively.. moderate anxiety.
Nursing health history
a.Patterns of Health Prior to During Hospitalization
7. The patient perceived The patient is still shy
Self-Perception/Self- herself as a shy person. and she is concerned
Concept Pattern about her body image.
8. Role-Relationship The patient is a Patient is now a mom of
housewife. She likes to do a healthy baby boy. Her
NURSING household chores. She relationship with her
PROCESS recently got married last husband got better. And
February 2023. According the bond between her
to her, her husband is one family remained.
of the factors that causes
her stress and she usually
confide to her mother. She
is close to her siblings but
their bonding is limited
since they are more focus
on managing the farm.
Nursing health history
a.Patterns of Health Prior to During Hospitalization
9. Coping / Stress The patient mostly cope up Patient relieves her stress
Tolerance with stress by playing by watching the baby,
music, watching TV and playing music, watching TV
using social media like and using social media like
Facebook. Facebook.
10. Value -Belief The patient is religion is The patient believe in God’s
NURSING Roman Catholic. She existence and power and
believes in God’s existence was thankful for the
PROCESS and power. She seldomly successful delivery of her
goes to church but she baby..
shows her faith through
11. Sexuality- The patient had her first There is no sexual
Reproductive Pattern menstruation when she was intercourse and no plans on
11 years old. She and her using contraceptive.
husband are usually having
intercourse 2 times a week.
There is no use of
Physical Examination
Received patient lying down, conscious and coherent with Lactated
Ringer's Solution at 800cc level.

Height: 149 cm Body position/allignment:

weight: 58 klg supine and appropriate
Body makeup: Mesomorph
NURSING Communication pattern: Passive Mental Aquity
Skin color: Brown
PROCESS Turgor: Poor
Oriented, responsive and
State of Hydration: Poor
Schera: White Other health related patterns
Pupils: Reactive fatigue, restlessness, weakness,
and pain
Vital Signs
HR: 85 bpm Environment:
RR: 22cpm Room temp: adequate
Temp: 36.10C Lighting: adequate
Capillary Refill: 2.3sec
Physical Examination

SKIN Incision in abdominal area Due to 1LTCS

(no drainage, and
When pinched, skin goes An indication of
back to its previous state dehydration
for 2.5 sec.
NURSING HEAD Presence of dandruff Due to activity
PROCESS intolerance; cannot
perform individual
NOSE Presence of Obstruction due to colds
MOUTH Dry Due to loss of fluid
Indication of dehydration
TOUNGE White in color Due to poor oral hygiene
ABDOMEN Increase size in lower part Due to area of surgical
PARAMETES RESULT Normal Interpretion
WBC 10.7 x˄3/uL An increased in WBC indicates
that inflammation is currently
PROCESS Lymphocyte 15.1 20.0-40.0 A decreased of lymphocytes
indicates that you are higher
risk of infection

Granulocyte 76.7 50.0-70.0 An increased of granulocyte

indicates an infection
HGB 11.9 37.0-57.0 A decreased of hematocrit
indicates anemia.
PARAMETES RESULT Normal Interpretion
AFI Q1 4.07 mm 20-80 mm

PROCESS AFI Q2 2.39 mm 20-80 mm Low AFI in every quadrant
indicates a significant
decrease in the amniotic
AFI Q3 9.94 mm 20-80 mm

AFI Q4 5.26 mm 20-80 mm

AFI 21.66 mm 50-250 mm

f.Review of Anatomy and Physiology
In development, the amnion arises by a folding of a mass of
extra-embryonic tissue called the somatopleure. Lined with
ectoderm and covered with mesoderm (both are germ layers), the
amnion contains a thin, transparent fluid in which the embryo is
suspended, thus providing a cushion against mechanical injury. The
NURSING amnion also provides protection against fluid loss from the embryo
PROCESS itself and against tissue adhesions.

The chorion is one of the membranes that surround the fetus
while it is still being formed. In mammals, the fetus lies in the
amniotic sac, which is formed by the chorion and the amnion and
separates the embryo from the mother’s endometrium.
f.Review of Anatomy and Physiology
Amniotic Fluid
Amniotic fluid is a water-like substance surrounding the fetus
in your uterus. The fetus grows inside an amniotic sac filled with
amniotic fluid during pregnancy. The amniotic sac forms around
12 days after you become pregnant. When your water breaks (a
sign of labor), your amniotic sac breaks and amniotic fluid leaks
from your vagina.
Amniotic Sac
Amniotic sac filled with fluid acts as a cushion to protect the
developing fetus. The outer membrane of the amniotic sac is
called the amnion, and an outer layer known as the chorion. The
internal amniotic sac cavity is filled with amniotic fluid.
f.Review of Anatomy and Physiology
Umbilical Cord
The umbilical cord is considered both the physical
and emotional attachment between mother and fetus. This
structure allows for the transfer of oxygen and nutrients from the
maternal circulation into fetal circulation while simultaneously
removing waste products from fetal circulation to be eliminated
Intervillous Space
The intervillous space of the placenta is a part of the fetal-
maternal interface, where maternal blood enters to provide
nutrients and gas exchange. Little is known about the maternal
immune cells at this site, which are in direct contact with fetal
f.Review of Anatomy and Physiology
In anatomy any of the small, slender, vascular projections that
increase the surface area of a membrane. Important villous
membranes include the placenta and the mucous-membrane
coating of the small intestine. The villi in the placenta are known
as chorionic villi.
The placenta is an organ that develops in the uterus during
pregnancy. This structure provides oxygen and nutrients to a
growing baby. It also removes waste products from the baby's
blood. The placenta attaches to the wall of the uterus, and the
baby's umbilical cord arises from it.
f.Review of Anatomy and Physiology
Uterine wall
The uterus is an organ in the lower belly (abdomen) or pelvis. It is
part of the female reproductive system. It's where a baby grows. It's
sometimes called the womb.The uterus is hollow and pear-shaped. It is
about the size of a fist. It's in your lower belly (pelvic area). Your uterus
is connected to the fallopian tubes. These tubes help carry eggs from the
NURSING ovaries into the uterus. The lower part of the uterus connects to the
PROCESS vagina and is called the cervix. The wider, upper part of the uterus is
called the corpus or fundus. The uterus plays a key role in your
reproductive health and function. The three main jobs of the uterus are:
Pregnancy: Your uterus stretches to grow your baby during pregnancy. It
can also contract to help push your baby out of your vagina. Fertility:
Your uterus is where a fertilized egg implants during conception and
where your baby grows. Menstrual cycle: Your uterine lining is where
blood and tissue come from during menstruation.
f.Review of Anatomy and Physiology

f.Review of Anatomy and Physiology

Nursing Care Plan
Acute pain related to Risk for Infection
surgical trauma as related to surgical
evidenced by verbal incision and presence
report of pain and of invasive devices
pain scale of 6/10. secondary to 1st° LTCS

NURSING Activity intolerance Knowledge deficit

related to movement related to inadequate
PROCESS hesitancy secondary information about
to surgical incision pregnancy
as evidenced by complications as
verbalization of fear evidenced by patient’s
to move and pain in verbalization of
the site of incision. confusion

Moderate anxiety and fear related to development

of complications as evidenced by expressed
concerns regarding consequences
Drug Study

1. Ampicillin 5. Cephalexin
Antibiotic Antibiotic
2. Diclofenac 6. Mefenamic Acid
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Analgesic
7. Mefenamic Acid
3. Tramadol Analgesic
Opioid Analgesic 8 Methylergonovine
4. Diazepam maleate
Anticonvulsant Oxytocics
Discharge Planning (METHODS)
Cephalexin (keflex)(1capsule,3 times a day for 1 week).
Antibiotic(it works by killing bacteria) that inhibits bacterial cell wall
synthesis, rendering cell wall osmotically unstable, leading to cell
death by binding to cell wall membrane, lysis mediated by cell wall
autolytic enzymes.To treat genitourinary tract infections caused by
NURSING Escherichia coli.
Mefenamic acid (1 capsule,3 times a day) is known as a
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It works by blocking
your body’s production of certain natural substances that cause
inflammation. This will help to decrease pain and swelling.Take this
medication with a full glass of water. If stomach upset occurs while
taking this medication, take it with food or milk. Upset stomach,
nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness, or blurred vision may occur,
if any of these effects last or get worse report to your doctor
Discharge Planning (METHODS)
Methylergometrine (methergin). Methergine is an ergot
alkaloid that affects the smooth muscle of a woman uterus improving
the muscle tone as well as the strength and timing of uterine
contraction. To prevent and treat postpartum hemorrhage caused by
uterine aton or subinvolution. Hypertension, chest pain, palpitations
last or get worse should be reported to the doctor.
NURSING Multivitamins with Iron.( Replenish iron levels) CS can
PROCESS lead to blood loss, which can result in iron deficiency anemia. Iron is
essential for the production of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood
cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. Multivitamins with iron
can help replenish iron levels and prevent anemia. (Boost immune
system) Multivitamins with iron contain vitamins and minerals that are
important for a healthy immune system, such as vitamin C and zinc.
CS mothers are more susceptible to infections and illnesses, so
boosting the immune system can help prevent complications.
Discharge Planning (METHODS)

You may resume activities as tolerated such as walking.
Your significant other may help you with other daily activities
at home. Pausing before standing and again before walking will
NURSING prevent drop in blood pressure.
Gently clean and dry the incision sight everyday using
betadine. Wear loose,comfortable clothes and cotton underwear
so that it won’t rub against your incision sight or squeeze your
abdominal area.
Discharge Planning (METHODS)

Encourage the patient to keep the proper genital
hygiene and proper cleaning of the incision site/area.
Shower as needed and pat the incision dry. Instruct the
patient to keep the surroundings clean and well
The C-section incision can make everyday
movements uncomfortable while its healing. To relieve
discomfort, instruct the patient to press a pillow or
hand against her abdomen when shifting a position or
with a sudden movement such as sneezing or
Discharge Planning (METHODS)
Follow up care can help you to identify misunderstanding and answer
question, or make further assessment and treatments. Encourage the
patient or significant others to make attend all recommended
appointments, explain to the patient the importance of follow up
checkup and advise them that it’s also good idea to monitor the patient
NURSING health, reinforce action plans, confirm medicine regimens, and see how
PROCESS the patients is doing and ensure that there is no complication. And call
the physician or nurse call line if the patient has any of the following
Signs and symptoms of infection
Severe pain and discharge from the wound
Abdominal cramps or pain
Surgical injury
Heavy vaginal bleeding
Bowel obstruction
Discharge Planning (METHODS)
Encourage the patient to eat soft food like rice porridge (lugaw) or
nutritious food to help her heal the incision site, drink 8 glasses of
water a day to stay hydrated. If the patient is breastfeeding, instruct
the patient to increase additional calories each day.
To avoid constipation, eat high fibers like foods such as whole
NURSING grains, raw fruits and vegetables.
Encourages the patient and significant others to pray all of the
time and attend church masses every Sunday because this supports
our abilities to overcome adversity and to heal. Our spiritual
alignment reinforces our commitment to recovery and God is
always good all the time.

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