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What important word have you

remembered in our previous discussion?

Can you share

something about that
• Who is the major player in
the consumer purchase
decision making process?

• Are there other participants

in the process? Who are they?
Consumer buying roles:
There are five roles individuals
may portray in a consumer buying

• Initiator
• Influencer
• Decider
• Buyer
• User Can you cite an example of a purchase where
these participants are present?
Let’s identify the consumer buying roles:

Initiator Influencer Decider Buyer User

The wife in the family suggest to her husband that since their
eldest son is about to start working, it may be time for him to
have his own car. The younger son actually agrees with the
suggestion and informs his parents of the practicality of
providing his elder brother with a car. His elder sister also
suggests a certain brand, model and color of a car. The father
then make a visit to several car showrooms, until he eventually
decides on the purchase and pays for the car. The eldest son
receives the car and uses it as his personal vehicle.
• In your life as a student, are there
people around you who act as
initiator, influencer, or buyer (if

• How about in your religious life,

who are the participants?
Consumer decision-making
Role play . . . process
• Need recognition
• Information search
Present a scenario in a role play where a • Evaluation of alternatives
consumer makes a purchase with the • Purchase decision
presence of the five consumer buying • Post-purchase evaluation
roles. Include in your presentation the
details of the consumer decision making Buying Roles
• Initiator
process. • Influencer
• Decider
• Buyer
Choose one representative to identify • User
the buying roles and the step in the
decision making process after the
Consumer markets-
are individuals or
households who purchase
products and services for
personal consumption.

Organizational markets-
are individuals and companies
who purchase goods and
services for some use other
than personal consumption.
Three types of organizational markets:
• Industries/producers- are business
organizations that purchase goods and
services for the purpose of producing
other products and services or for use in
their production and operating
• Resellers- are entities that buy
goods and services in order to
resell them at a profit.

• Government- are agencies or

government units at all levels that
purchase goods and services for the
purpose of producing public services.

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