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Argumentative Essay

Quarter 2
Week 3
What is an Argumentative Essay?

● A persuasive form of writing that aims to change the mind

of the reader by convincing the reader to agree with the
writer’s point of view.
Important Terms

claim support reasons

The author’s position on an Any material that is used to Statements made to justify
issue or problem. prove a claim. an action, decision, or
(main idea) belief.

evidence counterarguments

Specific references, quotations, examples, An argument made to

and opinions that support a claim. It may oppose another argument.
include statistics, personal experience, or
opinions of experts.
A good argumentative essay should feature the
1. It clearly states the claim or position on an issue.

2. It provides reasons including facts and opinions.

3. It also presents opposing views (counterarguments) and

explains their weakness.
Parts of Argumentative Essay

Introduction Body Conclusion

It presents the problem and It contains the reasons. It restates the main claim
gives the background Each paragraph talks about and gives one or two
information needed for the one reason which includes general statements that
argument and the thesis facts or opinions. The exactly summarize the
statement or the main idea reason is supported by arguments and support the
of the essay. details or materials. main premise.
End of discussion.

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