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A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the

requirements for the degree of
Bachelor/Master in Science

Under the supervision of
Assistant Professor
University Department of Physics
Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University, Ranchi

This is to certify that the research work reported in this thesis is

entitled “Possible Effect of Electromagnetic waves on Human
Health” is an authentic record of the research work independently
carried out by Miss. SHILPA TIRKEY, Registration Number
DSPMU2020000676 ,Roll Number 20B151907 at the University
Department of Physics, Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University,
Ranchi, Jharkhand, India under my guidance and supervision, in
fulfilment of the requirements for the award of a Master/Bachelor
of Science degree at Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University,
Ranchi and further that no part thereof has been presented
elsewhere for award of any other degree or diploma as per best of
my knowledge. I further certify that he/ She inhabit good moral
character and is a fit and proper person for the award of
Master/Bachelor of Science degree of Dr. Shyama Prasad
Mukherjee University, Ranchi.
Dr Ashwini Kumar Sharma sir
Department of Physics,
Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University,
Ranchi, Jharkhand


I would like to express my special thanks and gratitude to

my physics teacher “DR. ASHWINI KUMAR SHARMA SIR”
for his guidance and suggestion in completing this project.
The completion of this project was possible under his
guidance and support. Then, I would like to thank my
H.O.D sir ANUPAM KUMAR who gave me the golden
opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic- “
Possible Effect of Electromagnetic Waves on Human
Health”. Secondly, I would also like to thank my friend and
family without them I would not have been able to
complete this project. Lastly, I like to thank all my
supporters who have motivated me to fulfil this project on

Thank you

1 Introduction
1.1 What is Electromagnetic Waves.
1.2 History of Electromagnetic waves.
2 Electromagnetic Spectrum.

3 What are the types of EMV. Detailed Explanation

3.1 Radio Waves
3.2 Microwaves
3.3 Infrared Waves
3.4 Visible Light
3.5 Ultraviolet Waves
3.6 X Rays
3.7 Gamma Rays

4 Sources of Electromagnetic Waves

5 Disadvantages and Advantages of these waves.
6 Effects of wave on our health
7 How can we minimize Electromagnetic waves.
Electromagnetic or EM waves are waves that are created as a result of
vibrations between an electric field and a magnetic field. In other words,
EM waves are composed of oscillating magnetic and electric fields.

Electromagnetic waves are formed when an electric field comes in contact

with a magnetic field. They are hence know as electromagnetic waves
electric field and magnetic field of an electromagnetic wave. The electric
field and magnetic field of an electromagnetic wave are perpendicular (at
right angles) to each other. They are also perpendicular to the direction of
the EM wave.

EM waves travel with a constant velocity of3x 10^8ms-1 in vacuum. They

are deflected neither by the electric field, nor by the magnetic field.
However, they are capable of showing interference or diffraction. An
electromagnetic wave can travel through anything-be it air, a solid
material or vacuum. It does not need a medium to propagate or travel from
one place to another. Mechanical waves(like sound waves or water waves),
on the other hand, need a medium to travel. EM waves are 'transverse'
waves. This means that they are measured by their amplitude (height) and
wave length (distance between the highest/lowest points of two
consecutive waves).

EM waves travel with a constant velocityof3x 10^8 ms-1in vacuum. They are
deflected neither by the electric field, nor by the magnetic field.
However, they are capable of showing interference or diffraction. An
electromagnetic wave can travel through anything-be it air, a solid
material or vacuum. It does not need a medium to propagate or travel
from one place to another. Mechanical waves(like sound waves or water
waves), on the other hand, need a medium to travel. EM waves are
'transverse' waves. This means that they are measured by their amplitude
(height) and wavelength (distance between the highest/lowest points of
two consecutive waves).
In physics, electromagnetic radiation (EMR) consists of waves of the
electromagnetic (EM) field, propagating through space, carrying
electromagnetic radiant energy. It includes radio waves, microwaves,
infrared, (visible) light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.
All of these waves form part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Classically, electromagnetic radiation consists of electromagnetic waves,

which are synchronized oscillations of electric and magnetic fields.
Electromagnetic radiation or electromagnetic waves are created due to
periodic change of electric or magnetic field.
Depending on how this periodic change occurs and the power generated,
different wavelengths of electromagnetic spectrum a reproduced. Ina
vacuum, electromagnetic waves
travel at the speed of light, commonly denoted c. Inhomogeneous, isotropic
media, the oscillations of the two fields are perpendicular to each other and
perpendicular to the direction of energy and wave propagation, forming a
transverse wave. The position of an electromagnetic wave within the
electromagnetic spectrum can be characterized by either its frequency of
oscillation or its wavelength. Electromagnetic waves of different frequency
are called by different names since they have different sources and effects on
matter. In order of increasing frequency and decreasing wavelength these
are: radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet
radiation, X-rays and gamma rays.
Electromagnetic waves are emitted by electrically charged particles undergoing
acceleration, and these waves can subsequently interact with other charged
particles, exerting force on them. EM waves carry energy, momentum and angular
momentum away from their source particle and can impart those quantities to
matter with which they interact.
Electromagnetic radiation is associated with those EM waves that are free to
propagate themselves ("radiate") without the continuing influence of the moving
charges that produced them, because they have achieved sufficient distance
from those charges. Thus, EMR is sometimes referred to as the far field. In this
language, the near field refers to EM fields near the charges and current that
directly produced them, specifically electromagnetic induction and
electrostatic induction phenomena.

In quantum mechanics, an alternate way of viewing EMR is that it consists of

photons, uncharged elementary particles with zero rest mass which are the
quanta of the electromagnetic field, responsible for all electromagnetic
interactions. Quantum electro dynamics is the theory of how EMR interacts
with matter on anatomic level.
Quantum effects provide additional sources of EMR, such as the transition of
electrons to lower energy levels in an atom and black-body radiation. The energy
of an individual photon is quantized and is greater for photons of higher
frequency. This relationship is given by Planck’s equation E=hf, where E is the
energy per photon, f is the frequency of the photon, and h is Planck’s constant. A
single gamma ray photon, for example, might carry
~100,000 times the energy of a single photon of visible light.

The effects of EMR upon chemical compounds and biological organisms depend both
upon the radiation's power and its frequency. EMR of visible or lower
frequencies(i.e., visible light, infrared, microwaves, and radio waves) is called
non-ionizing radiation, because its photons do not individually have enough energy
to ionize atoms or molecules, or break chemical bonds. The effects of these
radiations on chemical systems and living tissue are caused primarily by heating
effects from the combined energy transfer of many photons. In contrast, high
frequency ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays are called ionizing radiation, since
individual photons of such high frequency have enough energy to ionize molecules
or break chemical bonds. These radiations have the ability to cause chemical
reactions and damage living cells beyond that resulting from simple heating, and
can be a health hazard.
1.2 History of Electromagnetic waves:-
Electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths other than those of visible sight were
discovered intheearly19th century. The discovery of infrared radiation is as cribbed
to astronomer William Herschel, who published his results in 1800 before the Royal
Society of London. Herschel used a glass prism to refract light from the Sun and
detected invisible rays that caused heating beyond the s\red part of the spectrum,
through an increase in the temperature recorded with a thermometer. These
"calorific rays" were later termed infrared.

In 1801, German physicist Johann Wilhelm Ritter discovered ultraviolet in an

experiment similar to Herschel's, using sunlight and a glass prism. Ritter noted
that invisible rays near the violet edge of a solar spectrum dispersed by a
triangular prism darkened silver chloride preparations more quickly than did the
near by violet light.
Ritter’s experiments were a nearly precursor to what would become photography.
Ritter noted that the ultraviolet rays(which at first were called“ chemical rays")
were capable of causing chemical reactions.

In 1862²64James Clerk Maxwell developed equations for the electromagnetic field

which suggested that waves in the field would travel with a speed that was very
close to the known speed of light. Maxwell therefore suggested that visible light (as
well as invisible infrared and ultraviolet rays by inference) all consisted of
propagating disturbances (or radiation) in the electromagnetic field. Radio waves
were first produced deliberately by Heinrich Hertz in 1887, using electrical circuits
calculated to produce oscillations at a much lower frequency than that of visible
light, following recipes for producing oscillating charges and currents suggested by
Maxwell's equations. Hertz also developed ways to detect these waves, and
produced and characterized what were later term Ed radio waves and micro waves.
The last portion of the EM spectrum to be discovered was associated with
radioactivity. Henri Becquerel found that uranium salts caused fogging of an
unexposed photographic plate through a covering paper in a manner similar to X-
rays, and Marie Curie discovered that only certain elements gave off these rays of
energy, soon discovering the intense
Radiation of radium. The radiation from pitchblende was
differentiated into alpha rays (alpha particles) and beta rays (beta
particles) by Ernest Rutherford through simple experimentation in

EM radiation (the designation ‘radiation’ excludes static electric and

magnetic and near fields) is classified by wavelength into radio,
microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays. Arbitrary
electromagnetic waves can be expressed by Fourier analysis in terms of
sinusoidal monochromatic waves, which in turn can each be classified into
these regions of the EMR spectrum.

For certain classes of EM waves, the waveform is most usefully treated as

random, and then spectral analysis must be done by slightly different
mathematical techniques appropriate to random or stochastic processes. In
such cases, the individual frequency components are represented in terms
of their power content, and the phase information is not preserved. Such
are presentation is called the power spectral density of the random process.
Random electromagnetic radiation requiring this kind of analysis is, for
example, encountered in the interior of stars, and in certain other very
wideband forms of radiation such as the Zero point wave field of the
electromagnetic vacuum.

The behavior of EM radiation and its interaction with matter depends on its
frequency, and changes qualitatively as the frequency changes. Lower
frequencies have longer wavelengths, and higher frequencies have shorter
wavelengths, and are associated with photons of higher energy. There is no
fundamental limit known to these wavelengths or energies, at either end of

the spectrum, although photons with energies near the Planck energy or
exceeding it(far too high to have ever been observed) will require new physical
theories to describe.
The electromagnetic spectrum covers electromagnetic waves with
frequencies angling from below one hertz to above 1025 hertz,
corresponding to wavelengths from thousands of kilometers down to
a fraction of the size of anatomic nucleus. This frequency range is
divided into separate bands, and he electromagnetic waves within
each frequency band are called by different acmes; beginning at the
low frequency(long wavelength) end of the
spectrum these are:
1 . Radio Waves

2. Microwaves

3. Infrared

4. Visible Light

5. Ultraviolet

6. Rays and 7. Gamma Rays

3.Detailed Explanations:-
3.1:-Radio waves
Radio waves are the waves having the longest wavelength in the
electromagnetic spectrum. These waves re a kind of electromagnetic
radiation and have a frequency from high 300 GHztolowas3 kHz though
somewhere it is defined as above 3GHzas microwaves. At 300 GHz, the
wavelength is1 mm and at 3 kHz is 100km. They travel at the speed of light
just like all other electromagnetic waves do. Lightning or astronomical
objects make all the waves that have naturally occurred. Artificially formed
radio waves are used in radio communication, radar, computer networks,
broadcasting, different navigation systems, and different applications.

What are Radio Waves?

Radio waves are usually produced by radio transmitters and can be received
by radio receivers. Radio waves having different frequencies contains
various characteristics of propagation in the earth’s atmosphere. The
longwave get diffracted around different obstacles and follow the outline
whereas the short waves reflect the ionosphere and get back over the
horizon of sky waves. The propagation distance of both the waves is
limited to the visual horizon as short wavelengths bend or diffract little
and travel in a line of sight. Bands of radio waves
The study of electromagnetic phenomena includes reflection,
polarization, refraction, absorption, and diffraction holds much
importance in the study of the way radio waves move in space and
over the earth’s surface.

Wavelength, speed, and frequency as radio waves travel at a speed

similar to that of light and slowed down based on that object’s
permittivity and permeability while passing through an object.
Wavelength is used to define the distance between one peak of the
wave’s electric field to the other being inversely proportional to the
wave’s frequency.

3.2 Microwaves-
Microwaves are defined as electromagnetic radiations with a
frequency ranging between 300 MHz to 300 GHz while the wavelength
rangesfrom1 mm to around 30cm. The microwave radiation is
commonly referred to as microwaves. They fall between the infrared
radiation and radio waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. A few of
the properties of microwaves are as follows:
Metal surfaces reflect microwaves. Microwaves with a certain
wavelength pass through the earth’s atmosphere and can be useful
in transmitting information to and from satellites in orbit. Hence,
the satellite dishes are made of metal as they reflect microwaves

Microwaves of certain frequencies are absorbed by water. This

property of microwaves is useful n cooking. Water in the food
absorbs microwaves, which causes the water to heat up, therefore
cooking the food.

Microwave transmission is affected by wave effects such as

refraction, reflection, interference, and diffraction.

Microwaves can passthrough glass and plastic. This is the reason why
we use aplastic or glass container in a microwave oven and not metal
containers as metal reflects microwaves.
Something which is not very well known is the use of microwaves in
getting the first clues to the occurrence oft he Big Bang. In the 1960s,
two scientists, who happened to be working with special low noise
antennae, noticed something very strange. They were picking up
noise from all directions, and they noticed something even stranger.
The noise from all directions did not vary in its intensity. Arno
Penzias and Robert Wilson, the two scientists, figured that if it were
coming from anywhere on earth, then the direction would be quite
specific… but it wasn’t .They realized that they had discovered cosmic
microwave background radiation by mistake! This microwave
radiation fills the entire radiation and was our first clue to the
occurrence of the Big Bang!

3.3 Infrared Waves:-

Infrared radiation (IR), sometimes known as infrared light, is
electromagnetic radiation (EMR) with wavelengths longer than
those of visible light. Hence, it is undetectable by the human eye,
although Ire of wavelengths up to 1050nanometers (nm)s from
specially pulsed lasers can be seen by humans under certain
conditions. Infrared light extends from
the suggested red edge of the visible spectrum at 700nanometers to
1millimetre. Most of the thermal radiation emitted by objects near
room temperature is infrared.

Infrared radiations are also referred to as heat or thermal waves or

electromagnetic waves. This is because they have a heat-inducing
property. Sometimes infrared rays are used in applications where
heat production is required like in infrared heaters or for therapeutic
purposes where a patient requires physical therapy.

Sometimes infrared rays are classified as near-infrared and far-


Near-infrared rays are used in electronic applications like TV

remote sensors and photography. Their applications can be similar
to visible light applications since their wavelength ranges are

A pseudo color image of two people taken in long wavelength infrared

body temperature thermal) radiation.
Much of the energy from the sun reaches the Earth in the form of infrared
radiation. The balance between absorbed and emitted infrared radiation has
a critical effect on the earth’s climate. Below, we have listed the properties
of Infrared waves.

3.4 Visible Light

Visible light waves area form of electromagnetic radio waves such as infrared
radiation, Xrays, microwaves, and ultra violet radiation. We can see these
waves as the colors of the rainbow where each
Colo includes a different wavelength. Red has the longest wavelength and
violet has the shortest one. When all the waves are seen together, they
form white light. When white light comes through the prism, it gets
broken into the colors of the visible light spectrum.
The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human
eye is known as the visible light spectrum. Visible light range comes under
the range of EM spectrum between infrared and ultraviolet having a
Of about 4x 1014 to 8 x 10 14 cycles per second and wavelengths of about 7
Nano meters or 2.9 x10 inches to 380 nm.
All electromagnetic radiation is light, but we can only see as mall portion of this
radiation³the portion we call visible light. Cone-shaped cells in our eyes act as
receivers tuned to the wavelengths in this narrowband of the spectrum. Other
portions of the spectrum have wavelengths too large or too small and energetic
for the biological limitations of our perception.

3.5 Ultraviolet Waves:-

UV light (ultraviolet light) has a wavelength between 10 and 400nmthat is
shorter than the visible light but longer than the X-rays and is a type of
electromagnetic radiation. These are present in sunlight and contribute 10% of
the total light from the sun.
Ultraviolet (UV) isa form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelength from 10
nm[1] (with a corresponding frequency around 30PHz) to 400nm (750THz),
shorter than that of visible light, but longer than X-rays. UV radiation is
present in sunlight, and constitutes about 10% of the total electromagnetic
radiation output from the Sun. It is also produced by electric arcs and
specialized lights, such as mercury-vapor lamps, tanning lamps, and blacklights.
Although long-wavelength ultraviolet is not considered an ionizing radiation
because its photon slack the energy to ionize atoms, it can cause chemical
reactions and causes many substances to glow or fluoresce.

Consequently, the chemical and biological effects of UV are greater than simple
heating effects, and many practical applications of UV radiation derive from its
interactions with organic molecules.
The UV spectrum, thus, has effects both beneficial and harmful to life.

portable Ultraviolet

3.6 X Rays

An X ray, or, much less commonly, X radiation, is a penetrating form of

high energy electromagnetic radiation. Most X rays have wave length

ranging from10 picometers to 10 nanometers, corresponding to

frequencies in the range 30 petahertz to 30 exahertz (30×1015Hz to

30×1018Hz) and energies in the range 145eV to 124keV. Xray wave

lengths are shorter than those of UV rays and typically longer than

those of gamma rays. In many languages, X is referred to as Rontgen

radiation, after the German

scientist Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen, who discovered it on November 8,1895.He
named it X-radiation to signify an unknown type of radiation. Spellings of X-
ray(s) in English include the variants x-ray(s), x ray(s), and Xray(s).The most
familiar use of x-rays is checking for fractures(broken bones), but x-rays are
also used in other ways. For example, chest x-rays can spot pneumonia.

X-rays areal so called ionizing radiation because of the way they interact
with matter.

3.7 Gamma Rays:-

Gamma rays from radioactive decay are in the energy range from a few
kiloelectronvolts(keV) approximately megaelectron volts (~8MeV), corresponding
to the typical energy level sin nuclei with reasonably long lifetimes. The energy
spectrum of gamma rays can be used to identify the decaying radio nuclides
using gamma spectroscopy. Very-high-energy gamma
rays in the 10010 teraelectronvolt (Tee V) range have been observed
from sources such as the Cygnus X Ro quasar.

Natural sources of gamma rays originating on Earth are mostly

a result of radioactive decay and secondary radiation from

atmospheric interactions with cosmic ray particles. However,

there are other rare natural sources, such as terrestrial

gamma ray flashes, which produce gamma rays from electron

action upon the nucleus. Notable artificial sources of gamma

rays include fission, such as that which occurs in nuclear

reactors, and high Energy physics experiments, such as neutral

pion decay and nuclear fusion.

4. Sources of Electromagnetic Waves:-
How are electromagnetic waves produced? Neither stationary charges nor
charges in uniform motion (steady currents)can be sources of electromagnetic
waves. The former produces only electrostatic fields, while the latter produces
magnetic fields that, however, do not vary with time.
It is an important result of Maxwell’ s theory that accelerated charges radiate
electromagnetic waves. The proof of this basic result is beyond the scope of
this book, but we can accept it on the basis of rough, qualitative reasoning.
Consider a charge oscillating with some frequency.(An oscillating charge is an
example of accelerating charge.) This produces an oscillating electric field in
space, which produces an oscillating magnetic field, which in turn, is a source
of oscillating electric field, and so on. The oscillating electric and magnetic
fields thus regenerate each other, so to speak, as the wave propagates
through the space. The frequency of the electromagnetic wave naturally
equals the frequency of oscillation of the charge. The energy associated with
the propagating wave comes at the expense of the energy of the source ²the
accelerated charge.
From the preceding discussion, it might appear easy to test the prediction
that light is an electromagnetic wave. We might think that all we needed to
do was to set up an ac circuit in which the current oscillate at he frequency
of visible light, say, yellow light. But, alas, that is not possible. The
frequency of yellow light is about 6 × 1014Hz, while the
low frequency that we get even with modern electronic circuits is
hardly about 1011Hz.

This is why the experimental demonstration of electromagnetic wave

had to come in the
frequency region (the radio wave region), as in the Hertz’ experiment
(1887). Hertz’ successful experimental test of Maxwell’ theory
created a sensation and
sparked off other important works in this field. Two important
achievements in this

connection deserve mention. Seven years after Hertz, Jagdish

Chandra Bose, working at Calcutta(now Kolkata), Electromagnetic

Waves succeeded in producing and observing

Electromagnetic waves of much shorter wavelength (25mm to 5 mm).

His experiment, like that of Hertz’s, was confined to the laboratory.
At around the same time, Guglielmo Marconi in Italy followed Hertz’

succeeded in transmitting electromagnetic waves over distances of

many kilometers. Marconi’s experiment marks the beginning of the
field of communication using electromagnetic waves.

1.Electromagnetic waves are produced only by charges that are

accelerating, since acceleration is absolute, and not a relative

2.An electric charge oscillating harmonically with frequency ,

produces electromagnetic waves of the same frequency .

3.An electric dipole is a basic source of electromagnetic waves.

5. Advantages of Waves:- Radio waves-
Radio waves are able to wirelessly carry important information almost
instantaneously and, aside from just transmitting audio and television

• They make cellphones, global positioning systems and space

communication possible.

• Radio waves offers mobility at a lower price.

• It has a very low setup price as it does not need digging and laying
the cables.
• Radio waves can transit long distances.
• Radio waves can penetrate well, therefore we canal so receive
• No land acquisition right is required.

• The microwave spectrum has larger bandwidth and hence large
amount of information can be transmitted using it.

• Day by day radio frequency spectrum is getting crowded. Microwave

technology helps to manage crowded spectrum with the use of high
selective receivers, modulation (SSB, PSK, QAM etc.) and spread
spectrum techniques, data compression etc.

• Microwave spectrum is divided into different channels as per

• The center frequencies for these channels are allocated with gaps
between them so that channels will not overlap and do not cause
interference to nearby channels.

• Microwave communication is used since earlier days as one of the

Line of Sight Communication in hilly remote areas where other
means of wired communication is not
possible to be installed. Microwave and satellite communications
are prefect choice in such places

Infrared waves:-
o The main advantage of infrared technology is its simple and
extremely cheap senders and receivers which are integrated
into early all mobile devices available today.

O No licenses are required for infrared and shielding is very


o PDAs, laptops, notebooks, mobile phones etc. have an infrared

data association (IrDA) interface.

O Electrical devices cannot interfere with infrared transmission.

Visible Light:-
The main advantage of visible light is that you can see it.

Visible light is not harmful to our eyes.

Visible Light usually poses no health hazards to human body and eyes.
Light sources are every where and can be more efficiently used by increasing its
simultaneously functionality by transmitting data in addition to lightning an

Ultraviolet Rays:-

It plays a vital role information Of Ozone. It Helps

In Production Of Vitamin.
UV Rays Emitting Devices Are used as Pest Controlling Devices.

It Is Used To Study Various Chemical Structures.

UV light is use dipnets control devices and fly traps, as the

insects are attracted to the fluorescent light and are trapped on

coming in contact with the device.

X-Rays waves:-

It is cheaper and simple technique.

It has lower radiation compare to CT scan.

X-rays are not absorbed very much by air, hence specimen

need not be in an evacuated chamber.
It helps to diagnose tumors easily without the need of surgery.
X-rays are widely used by radiologists to , for infections, to identify
level of injury, and to identify abnormal bones. It helps to locate
alien objects inside or a round bones.

Gamma Rays:-

We use the min the treatment of cancers to kill carcinogenic

cells and prevent them from growing.

To treat tumors.

We use them for preserving the foods tuffs for along time as the soft
gamma rays can kill micro organisms easily.

To produce nuclear reactions.

To provide valuable information about the structure of an atomic


In industry, gamma rays are used to check the oil pipeline and
detect its weak points.

In the field of medicines, gamma rays are used for

radiotherapy and sterilizing medical equipment.
Disadvantages ofWaves:-

Radio Waves:-
Radio transmission can be interfered with other senders, or
electrical devices can destroy data transmitted via radio.

Bluetooth is simple than infrared.

Radio is only permitted in certain frequency
bands. Shielding is not so simple.
Very limited ranges of license free bands are available worldwide
and those that are available are not the same in all countries.

For the frequencies which are below 30MHz standard circuit analysis
can be applied. For the frequencies in the microwave range, E-H
wave analysis need to be applied.

As we know lumped components such as resistors, inductors and

capacitors do not have same characteristics at microwave
frequencies as they have at lower frequencies. Hence it is difficult to
implement these components at microwave frequencies.
At microwave frequencies, transit time of current carrier i.e. electron
is higher which takes large percentage of actual signal. Due to this
fact, conventional transistors do not function properly at microwave
frequency compare to lower frequency.
Infrared Waves:-
Disadvantages of infrared transmission are its low band
width compared to other LAN technologies.

Limited transfer rates to 115Kbit/sand we know that even

4Mbit/s is not a particular high data rate.

Their main disadvantage is that infrared is quite easily

shielded. Infrared transmission cannot penetrate walls or
other obstacles.

Typically, for good transmission quality and high data rates a LOS
(Line of site), i.e. direct connection Is needed.
Visible Light:-

Eye Health Problems. The light you see has a wavelength

within the range of about 380 nm to 780 nm and a frequency

Vision-Related Accidents. The human eye’s primary defense to

damage due to overexposure to light is for it to close.

Film Exposure Problems. Visible light affects films including

those used in X-rays, film photography and movies.

Deterioration of Materials. Visible light can cause chemical

changes to different materials,

The disadvantage are that it can cause skin cancer if you are
exposed to sufficient amounts of UV light (in particular.

A major disadvantage of UV light as a disinfectant is that the

radiation is not very penetrating, so the organism to be killed
must be directly exposed to the rays.


Radiation risk: X-rays put individuals at high risks of health

issues. Exposure to radiation mutates cells.
Frequent use of X-rays can cause mutations in your DNA. This
results in DNA change.
X-rays use ionizing radiation to produce imaging results on a
Gamma Rays:-
When gamma rays pass through the human body, they ionize
the tissue. Ionization from gamma rays can cause three
different reactions in living cell tissues.
If a gamma ray burst hit the Earth at high intensity, it would
negatively interact with the upper atmosphere, creating
nitrogen oxides that would lead to the destruction of the
Earth's ozone layer.

6. Effectsof Electromagneticwave onour health:-

Evidence for cellular effects of electromagnetic fields:-
The general opinion is that there is no direct evidence of hazardous
effects on human health incurred by low-frequency radio frequency
waves. Studies at the cellular level, which uses relatively higher
frequencies, demonstrate undesirable effects. Some studies
revealed that different dimensions of electromagnetic wave shave
not shown any DNA damage on different cell lines.

Martinez et al. evaluated the effects of exposure to ELF-EMF on the

antioxidant systems in liver, kidney and plasma in Wistar rats. They
found that two hours of 60 Hz EMF exposure led to early changes in
free radical levels, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in
plasma and glutathione (GSH) content in heart and kidney were
decreased, but there was no change in the lipid per oxidation.

Heavy metal sex poseur and electromagnetic hyper

Some people are more susceptible to exposure with electromagnetic
fields from others. It Is referred as Electro hyper sensitivity (EHS).
The pathophysiology of EHS is unknown. Some authors claimed it is
concerned with heavy metal exposure. Heavy metals bound the
proteins within tissues and organs are thought to have low toxicity.
Mortazavi and coworkers have found that static magnetic field as
well as microwave radiation emitted from mobile phones may
induced themercury vapor release from dental amalgam,
increasing concentration of dissolved mercury in saliva among
amalgam bearers.

Electromagnetic fields and blood-brain barrier:-

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) in mammalians is composed of
endothelial cells with tight junctions including pericytes and
extracellular matrix. Transmembrane proteins form a physical
Physiology of the blood-brain barrier:-
BBB allows for a more restricted Exchange of cells and molecules
between the blood and the brain parenchyma. Transcellular and
paracellular transport can ocurr at only via the blood vessel wall,
but also via cranial and spinal nevre roots.

Thermal effects of EMF exposure on permeability:-

Environmental heat in excess of the mammalian thermoregulatory
capacity can increase the permeability of the BBB to macromolecules
(50). Neuronal album in uptake in various brain regions was shown to
be dose dependently related to brain temperature, with effects
becoming apparent with temperatureincreasesof1° Cor more.

Effects on nervous system and psychologic disorders:-

Due to mobile phones used close the brain tissue, electromagnetic
waves affects it the most. Numerous studies have investigated the
effect of exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic waves from
the mobile phone base stations on nervous system and behaviors.

Effects on osteogeneses is and chondrogenesis:-

Although extremelylowelectrom0agnetic fields have been shown
to exert beneficial effects on cartilage tissue.

These results have shown that both static and 50 Hz EFs influence the
early development of rat bones. However, the influence of static EFs
Is more pronounced than that of the 50 Hz field.
Lymphatic and hem a to poetic cancers:-
Some epidemiological trials have published data stating that the exposure
to high-frequency electromagnetic fields may be associated with
lymphatic and hem a to poetic cancer.
Brain tumors:-
They analyzed the relationship between brain tumors and occupational or
residential exposure in adults.

It was found that the risk for meningioma was higher in subjects living in the
vicinity of power lines when the increase was considered separately for ELF.
These data suggested that occupational or residential exposure to ELF may play
a role in the occurrence of meningioma.

The effect of mobile electromagnetic radiation on human health is the subject

of new interest and study. Mobile or cellular phones are now an essential part
of modern telecommunications. Radiation is energy and we are being exposed
to radiation from numeral sources. It occurs when unstable nuclei of atoms
decay and release particles. With the use of astonishing increase in mobiles
phones research findings provide at least some information concerning how
specific types mays way biological tissue, including that of the brain. However,
the sharp cell phone exposure affects the human brain is unclear. As human
brain is very sensitive so these waves may affects brain function in humans.

7. How can we minimize Electromagnetic waves:-

Protective Measures for Commonly Used Appliances When talking cellphone,
the safest way is speakerphone mode with the phone a hand’ s length away.
It still emits some radiation, but better than holding the phone to our head. A
Bluetooth emitter will deliver lower levels of microwave radiation than the
cellphone, but more than the wired headset. When the phone is not in use,
the headset is turned off. It Is better not to keep the
phone turned on next to our body throughout the day, or the cellphone is to
be positioned in such a way so that the antenna, which emits radiation, is
facing away from us. We can try to use the phone when there are maximum
number of bars, indicating the best reception.
When signal quality is poor, cellphone emits more radiation. Also, we may
avoid using cell phone in elevators, cars, trains or planes because cellphones
draw more power, and emit more radiation, in enclosed metal spaces. When
at home, it is good to use a wired landline and not a very powerful digital
enhanced cord less telecommunications(DECT) phones³the kind with abase
station and satellite handsets. Cordless phones connected to a landline can
emit radiation much like cellphones. If there is a wireless router in the house,
it can be kept in a little-used room and out of the bedroom (or turned off
altogether at mid night).
Also, vanishing cellphones, wireless phones and computers from the bedroom
makes it free from electronic radiation.
If we are worried about “ dirty electricity” , we can use a battery-powered
alarm clock and make sure that extension cords or power strips do not sit
under or around the bed and also avoid electric blanket sand wired mattress
warmers. Main electrical and circuit breaker panels give off high EMF within
3to 4feet. So, let’s stayaway from the circuit breaker. Whenever possible,
connecting the internet with an ethernet cord and not a wireless router,
using a wired printer, as well as wired computer peripherals like mouse,
keyboard are good options. While in airport and the like, we may disable the
computer’ s wireless connectivity software, including Bluetooth; otherwise,
the computer will continuously send out electronic “ handshakes”
, exposing us to more EMFs.. The baby monitors, often configured to sit right
under the
bed or the mattress, emit radiation comparable to a cellphone. Beware of
radio-frequency- based smart meters, as they emit electromagnetic radiation.
While buying a TV, choose an LCD.

Different types of shielding fabrics are available in the market to protect us

from the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields and radiations.
Shielding fabrics with a natural look & feel are used for-bedding ,drapes,
clothing, grounding, tents. Mesh type
shielding fabrics are used for: screens, canopies, windows, sheer curtains,
enclosures. High tech & industrial conductive fabrics are used for: pouches,
wallcovering, gaskets, grounding, liners. Other fabric-like shielding materials
are used for: connections, fasteners, sealing leaks, closures, Niue situations.

A fabric made with bamboo fiber and silver offers exceptionally high RF
shielding performance. It is perfect for making microwave shielding
antiradiation pajamas, shirts, hoods, curtains or sheets. Polyester/cotton
blended with microfine stainless-steel fibers creates low cost, tough fabric
similar to khaki. . Pure Silver coated on tony Lon is a very conductive, high
shielding performance fabric. It is commonly used for electric field shielding,
microwave shielding, anti-static surface RF shielding jacket, hat, garment
liner ,Faraday enclosure, window drapes or appliance cover . Carbon is
conductive in some forms, and a very good microwave absorber. A low cost
microwave absorber sheet laminated with plastic is made by using nonwoven
nearly pure carbon fibers can achieve both good microwave shielding.

Use of speaker/ hands free devices or earphone (not wireless) while speaking
Distancing the phone from the body (it is recommended not to carry it on the
body: for example in pants belt, pocket or on a strap round the neck)
Conversing as little as possible in areas with weak reception (areas with
relatively few antennas or with poor or disrupted reception such as elevators
and trains) Limiting number and duration of calls when using cellular phones
and considering use of alternatives(landline telephones)Regarding children – It
is recommended to limit children’s exposure to cellular phones as much as
possible, to consider carefully the age at which they start using them and
under all circumstances care should be taken to follow there commendations
in this population.

IN industries, the signals and return currents are carried using ground
systems. They also form there refences for an a log and digital circuits,
there by protecting the human and equipment from fault and lightning.
When current flow in the grounding system, it causes the potential
When lightning strikes, it causes a potential difference in units of
thousand volts. Right from the beginning of circuit design, the ground
system should be considered such that the system works with required
safety requirements. When sketching aground or troubleshooting
aground problem, it is first required to ascertain where the current is

When various kinds of grounds coincide, the current may not return by
the assumed path. Proper grounding depends on several factors such as
the frequencies and impedances, the length of cabling required, and
safety issues.
From the above analysis, it is concluded that most of the negative
impacts are especially in the spectrum of Radiofrequency (RF) band
which is use in wireless communication. Alongside the across the board
utilization of mechanical items in everyday life, the natural impacts of
electromagnetic waves have started to be all the more broadly
examined. Advantages of EM waves are countless but as we know
anything have both advantage and disadvantage. Many researchers show
on their research that the electromagnetic field generated from their
source which was all-around us effect human body some papers said the
long time exposure effect human body and some paper suggest it can
cause various types of cancer and disorders in human internal organs like
brain ,kidney, lungs and many more one side we see huge population
using phone and above we see they have very great impact on human
beings but if they really harming people then it is really a good matter on
which we should talk about otherwise we may loss a whole generation.

The general sentiment is that there is no immediate proof of perilous

impacts on human by radiofrequencies. Major Studies found that
moderately high frequency electromagnetic radiation, exhibit
unfortunate impacts. As of late, there are a ton of learns about impacts
of EMF on cell level; DNA, RNA atoms, a few proteins, and hormones,
intracellular free radicals, and particles have appeared. Especially, the
drastically expanding number of cell
phone clients rise noteworthy worries because of its latent capacity harm
on individuals RF fields. In the previous decade people begins to
demonstrate some expanded hazard, specifically for mind tumors, from
cell phone use. Greater uses of cell phones harm our cerebrum tissue.
And increases the extent of the mind tumor inhuman beings.

Electricity³Studies of workers exposed to strong electric and magnetic

fields (60 Hz ) from power lines provide no consistent evidence that these
fields are damaging to DNA or that they are capable of causing mutations
or cancer.RF³The most apparent biological effects of RF energy to living
cells are due to heating. While it is not certain that RF radiation
generally poses any risks to human health, some reasons exist for being
concerned about human health effects from the cellular phones
themselves. These concerns exist because the antennas of these phones
deliver much of their RF energy to small portion of the user’ s head. No
evidence exists regarding any harmful effects resulting from exposure to
typical levels of RF and EMF radiation. However, everyone should be
aware that exposure to such radiation may not be completely safe at
certain power levels and frequencies. It is always a good idea to avoid
unnecessary radiation exposure whenever possible. EMR exposure at the
highest frequencies (X-Rays, Gamma rays) is a source of serious biological
damage. Health effects from exposure to this form of radiation vary from
no effect at all to death, and can cause diseases such as leukemia or
bone, breast, and lung cancer.
References :
Possible effects of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) on Human
Health. (19 July

Scientific Committee On Emerging And Newly Identified Health


Electromagnetic Field Theory, BY DR. AMIT SAIRIN


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