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Presented by: Kim Rodulph Soriano
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this chapter, students must have to:

• discuss the concept of consumer buying behaviour,

• describe the need for entrepreneurial research, and
• determine the marketing mix

Behavior refers to the reaction of the consumers to changes
happening in the environment that influences their buying decisions.

Consumer Buying Behaviour is simply the reaction
of consumers to various events or forces that are happening
in the business community which contribute to the decision
1. What are the taste and preferences of the consumers?
2. What makes the consumers buy or not buy the product?
3. What factors influence the consumer buying behavior?
4. How does the consumer decide in buying the product?

Environmental Factors
• Cultural Factor (perceptions, attitudes, value system, religion)
• Social Factor (social class, social roles)
• Personal Factor (age, occupation, income and lifestyle)
• Psychological Factor (beliefs, attitude, experience)

Need/Want Recognition
• the buying decision process • at this point, the customer may or
begins when a consumer may not know what will solve their
realizes they have a need. problem. They may only be aware
They become aware they have that they want to change their
a problem they want to solve reality or situation. Or they may
or a gap they want to fill. have an idea about what will help
them but are not quite sure which
brand, product, service, or solution
will provide the best option.

Information Search
• the next phase of the buying • the customer starts searching for
decision process begins when information that will help him or
the customer starts looking for her better understand their situation
information that will help and identify what will fix their
them solve their problem. issues. At this point, the customer
They know they need frequently turns to online research
something to fix their situation and conducts searches to find
but aren’t sure which solution solutions.
is best for them.

Option Evaluation
• once the initial information • customers at this point in the buying
search is complete, customers decision process have a lot to
start reflecting on what they consider. They must determine what
learned or discovered. They solution is the most trustworthy,
begin to evaluate their options affordable, highest quality, and
to determine which is the best highest performing. They look for
solution for their problem. reasons to believe why one solution
has more benefits than the other.

Purchase Decision
• at this point of the buying • the research and evaluation are
decision process, the customer over, so now the customer just
is ready to pull the trigger and needs a clear pathway to purchase.
make a purchase. They have For a brand to help customers
made their decision about through this phase, you need to
which product, service, brand, make it simple to buy.
or solution is best for them,
and they are ready to buy.

Post-Purchase Evaluation
• at the last step of the five-stage • the customer will consider if the
consumer decision-making solution accurately and fully meets
process, the path to buying is their needs. They will decide if it
complete. The customer has made was worth the cost and if the brand
a purchase. But that doesn’t mean delivered on their promises. They
the customer journey is complete. will feel either satisfaction or
Now is the time when the buyer’s remorse.
customer reflects on whether they
made the right decision.

Research on
Consumer Behaviour
Entrepreneurial Research
• A scientific investigation
• It involves the collection, presentation, analysis, and
interpretation of gathered data
• Conducted to find out the buying behaviour of the
consumers by following a procedural process

Research may be conducted to:
• Determine the • Know the • Determine the
taste and competitors, the relationship of the
preferences of the suppliers of raw different
consumers materials, and the marketing
processing variables relative
methods that best to the buying
apply to the behaviour of the
business, and: consumers

Procedural steps:
Deciding the type Evaluating how
Identifying the
of data to be data will be Gathering the data
gathered collected

Reporting the result Making a

Analysing the date
of the research conclusion and
work recommendation

Explanatory Research
Preliminary research work
conducted by an entrepreneur
Hypothesis – a statement of
that is primarily designed to
assertion that must be proven
gather baseline information to
in a subsequent research work
be used in solving a problem
whether it is true or not.
or forming a hypothesis.

Descriptive Research
Conducted by the entrepreneur when the foremost objective is to
describe the present buying behaviours of the customers in terms of
environmental factors, buying decision process, and marketing

Causal Research
Correlational study when the The entrepreneur must test
objective is to determine whether the hypothesis is true
whether the buying behaviour or not by determining the
of the consumer is caused by relationship of the buying
some environmental factors behaviours and other variables
of the study.

Research Data

Quantitative Data
Can be
counted and

Qualitative data
ally data (cannot
computed be counted)

Primary data
Direct from

Secondary data
in the gathered by
market other
segment researchers
for other


Research Instrument is the tool used by the entrepreneur
in gathering or collecting data. Choice of instrument to be
used will depend on the type of research to be conducted and
the type of data to be gathered.

Commonly used research instruments:
Survey Questionnaire Personal Interview Focus Group
- any written set Discussion (FGD)
of questions, while -  the foremost tool to - a qualitative research
a survey is both the set judge the abilities of a method and data
of questions and the person. In the face-to- collection technique in
process of collecting, face contact between the which a selected group
aggregating, and interviewer & of people discusses a
analyzing the responses interviewee, it is possible given topic or issue in-
from those questions.  to record more than only depth, facilitated by a
verbal responses; which professional, external
are often superficial.  moderator.
Types of Buying

Complex Buying Behaviour
• Manifested when they are buying expensive goods.
• They normally go through the buying decision process
where they gather enough information about the features of
the product that they intend to buy.

** The term complex in this context simply indicates that there are
several variables involved in the buying decision process because
the consumer makes a critical evaluation of the different variables.

Simple Buying Behaviour
• Usually exhibited when the goods are not highly prices and
the consumers are not deeply attached to certain brands
• Mostly manifested when buying common household
• Consumers in this buying behaviour are mostly concerned
with the PRICE.

Brand-Sensitive Buying Behaviour

• Consumers in this buying behaviour are very particular with

• They highly value branded products or those that have
established a certain image in the market.
• Consumers are less conscious with the price.

Price-Sensitive Buying Behaviour

• Consumers with this buying behaviour are mostly

concerned with the PRICE of the product instead of the
brand – the price becomes the determining factor when they
buy a product.
• For consumers, the higher the price of the product, the
better it is than low-priced ones.
• They equate high price with high quality, and inversely, low
price with low quality, regardless of the brand.
Any questions?

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