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Opening Prayer (Read Slow)

Dear Lord and Father of all,

thank you for today.
Thank you for ways in which you provide for us all.
For your protection and love we thank you.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on what we are about
to learn. 
Inspire us by your holy spirit as we listen and write.
Guide us by your eternal light as we discover more about the
world around us.

We ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

(a short prayer before class from
 Definitions of Values
 Definitions of Moral Values
 Why we need values?
The Meaning and Nature of Values
Values come from the Latin
word “valere” which means
to have a vigor, a power to do
a specific thing in order to
realize a certain urgent
demand for something
Values- a definition
Our values are the things that define us as human beings
“…the principles and fundamental convictions
which act as general guides to behaviour, the
standards by which particular actions are judged
as good or desirable.”
J Halstead, J & M Taylor, Cambridge Journal of

From The National Framework of Values Education in Australian Schools

“… the ideals that give significance to
our lives, that are reflected through the
priorities that we choose, and that we
act on consistently and repeatedly.”
Emeritus Professor Brian Hill

From The National Framework of Values Education in

Australian Schools
Your values are the principles you believe in
and have invested in (which is why they are
said to have "value" in the first place).
Values are the goals towards which you
aspire. They largely define the core of your
More importantly still, they are the source of
your motivation to improve yourself.

Values and Morals Clarification. Mark Dombeck, Ph.D. and Jolyn

Wells-Moran, Ph.D., 2006
Value refers to the major priorities
that man chooses to act on, and that
creatively enhances his life and the
lives of those whom he associates
Dr. Epitacio S. Palispis, 1995
Moral Values - defined as the ideals and
principles that guide how people act.
- are concepts that are based on
an idea of right and wrong, and moral values shape
an individual's personality

Honesty, respect for others, loyalty, responsibility
for personal actions, generosity and kindness
Why need values?
If you can be well
without health, you
may be happy without
-Edmund Burke
Moral values offer a
guide to lead a noble
life rather than one that
is self-serving and full
of selfish motives and
Source: Importance of Moral Values.
Greek moralists think it
takes someone of good
moral character to
determine what, how and
when actions are
appropriate and reasonable
(in fearful) situations.
The Greek moralists conclude
that a happy life must is the
end of the exercise of virtue.

The Greek philosophers

claim, virtuous activity
completes or perfects human
Why do we need values and morals?

1. They guide our life towards noble


2. They give us energy and a zest for

living and for doing something

Source: Tucker-Ladd, Clay. Ret. From
Why do we need values and morals?
(3) They motivate us to improve.

(4) They are necessary for high self-esteem.

(5) We need to recognize the difference

between pretended (verbalized) values and
operational (acted on) values.
Source: Tucker-Ladd, Clay. Ret. From
Criteria for the Oral Report
Delivery - Clear and can be heard, Holds
attention, eye contact
Content - Demonstrates knowledge;
gives examples
Enthusiasm - Enthusiasm about the topic;
increase audiences’
knowledge and
AV Materials - Prepared AV materials to
facilitate audience
understanding of concepts.
Filipino Values System

Are Filipino values good or bad?

The truth is that Filipino values are ambivalent in the

sense that they are a potential for good or evil, a help or
hindrance to personal and national development,
depending on how they are understood, practiced or lived.

They can be used in a good or evil context.

Split-level Christianity or double-standard

The immorality and hypocrisy of many so-called

Filipino Christians, is a scandal to both
Christians and non-Christians alike.
14 Good Filipino Habits that Make the Philippines a Great
By Victorino Q. Abrugar, 2014

1. Hospitality 8. Family-oriented
2. Adaptability and 9. Bravery
resilience 10. Jolliness and sense of
3. Resourcefulness and humor
creativity 11. Discretion and dignity
4. Faithfulness 12. Gratefulness
5. Unity in bayanihan 13. Honesty and
spirit commitment
6. Thriftiness 14. Helpfulness
7. Politeness
12 Annoying Attitudes of Filipinos We Need
To Get Rid Of (, 2019)
Criteria Wt.
Rubric for the Oral Report
Below Expectation
Very Good
Delivery 30% Not so clear and can be heard, Clear and can be heard, Holds Very clear and can be heard ,
sometimes holds attention and attention, eye consistently holds attention
eye contact contact and maintains eye contact

Content 30% Demonstrates minimal Demonstrates knowledge; Demonstrates more than

knowledge and understanding gives enough enough knowledge and
of the content ; gives examples understanding; gives many
insufficient examples examples and analogies

Enthusiasm 20% Enthusiasm about the topic; Enthusiasm about the topic; Very high level of enthusiasm
increase increase about the topic; increase
audiences’ knowledge and audiences’ knowledge and audiences’ knowledge
understanding understanding and understanding

AV Materials 20% Not so well-prepared AV Prepared AV materials which Very good and well-prepared
materials. facilitate AV materials which facilitate
audience understanding of audience
concepts. understanding of concepts.
Concepts of Values and
Philosophy and Values
Features of Values (Schwartz)
Basic Values: Schwartz Theory
1. Values are beliefs linked inextricably to affect.”
2. Values refer to desirable goals that motivate
3. Values transcend specific actions and
4. Values serve as standards or criteria.”
5. Values are ordered by importance relative to
one another.
6. The relative importance of multiple values
guides action.
For Schwartz, values
are critical
motivators of
attitudes and
Two Kinds of Values
(Esteban, 1990)

1. Absolute Moral Values those which are ethically

and socially binding to all men, at all times and in all

1. Objective- they are derived ultimately from God
2. Universal- encompass all persons and conditions
3. Eternal – they have always existed and will
always exists.
Characteristics of Moral Values

Basic values - more important than

other values
Absolute – regardless of
circumstances. Law is a
Objective – based on real facts
rather than feelings
or beliefs
Freely chosen
When making decisions, we need to be clear
about absolute moral values and behavioral/
cultural values.

What should take precedence?

Moral values are higher than behavioral/cultural

values. This is where conflict of values come in.
E.g. justice vs. family; truth vs. personal interest
2. Behavioral and Cultural Values

 Subjective – personal to the
 Societal
 Situational – applied during a
given occasion or
set of circumstances
Classifications of Values
Intrinsic and Instrumental Values

1. Intrinsic Value is a value in itself.

e. g. Happiness, health

2. Instrumental Value -for the sake of some

other good.
e.g. wealth
Examples of Intrinsic Values (Ward)
- physical and mental health
 all kinds and level of
- appreciation and sympathy
 All moral virtues and their
parts and combinations
Values According to the Levels of Human
1. Physical or Biological- lowest level; present also
in plants and animals

2. Sentiency – middle- level also common in brute

animals; use of senses in experiencing pain and

3. Level of reason - This is the highest level by which

man is able to understand and control nature, guide
and control himself and communicate with God.
According to Occurrence:
1. Accidental - temporality and impermanence

2. Natural - permanent force found in man or

his nature; it befits any man in every place or
every time.
The Immutability and Objectivity of
Higher values are immutable and objective.

They call upon the person and when the person fails to
respond to a value, it is not the values that is destroyed but
the person himself.

Values generate an ought-to-be and an ought- to-do.

Example: because justice is a value, justice ought to exist
and I ought to be just.

- Manuel Dy
“Values ground our obligations,
beliefs, ideals and attitudes.”

-Manuel Dy

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