Minor Project Phase-II

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RV College of Minor Project Phase -I :

Engineering 18MCN24
Security Analysis in Surveillance System

Lavanya Naik Sangeetha S

1RV21SCN05 1RV21SCN07

Dr. Sowmyarani C N
Associate Professor
Dept. of CSE, RVCE

M.Tech in Computer Network Engineering – Sept 2022

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• Design
• Methodology
• Simulation/ algorithm development
• Experimental setup/Conducting experiments
• Testing
• References

Security Analysis in Surveillance System 2

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Engineering Design Go, change the world

Work flow diagram for proposed system

Security Analysis in Surveillance System 3

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Engineering Methodology Go, change the world

The distributor’s constraint is to satisfy agents’ requests, by providing them with the number
of objects they request or with all available objects that satisfy their conditions.
His objective is to be able to detect an agent who leaks any portion of his data. We consider
the constraint as strict.

DLD is the system such that DLD={A,D,T,U,R,S,U*,C,M,F}.
1.{A} is the Administrator who controls entire operation’s
performed in the Software
2.{D} is the Distributor who will send data T to different agents U.
3. T is the set of data object that are supplied to agents.
T can be of any type and size, e.g., they could be tuples in a
relation, or relations in a database.
T= {t1,t2 ,t3,...tn}
4. U is the set of Agents who will receive the data from the
distributor A
Security Analysis in Surveillance System 4
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Engineering Methodology Go, change the world

5. R is the record set of Data objects which is sent to agents

R={t1,t3,t5..tm} R is a Subset of T
6. S is the record set of data objects which are leaked.
S={t1,t3,t5..tm} S is a Subset of T
7. U* is the set of all agents which may have leaked the data
U*={u1,u3,...um} U* is a subset of U
8. C is the set of conditions which will be given by the agents to the distributor.
9. M is set of data objects to be send in Sample Data Request algorithm

Our goal is to detect when the distributor’s sensitive data have been leaked by agents, and if
possible to identify the agent that leaked the data.

Security Analysis in Surveillance System 5

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Engineering Algorithm Development Go, change the world

Key Operation in Application

1) Distributor sends file
2) Agent can download file
3) Agent can request
4) Distributor finds the probability
5) Admin or distributor can block the guilty agent

Encryption Algorithm (AES Algorithm)

1. Key Expansion—round keys are derived from the cipher key using Rijndael's key schedule
2. Initial Round
AddRoundKey—each byte of the state is combined with the round key using bitwise xor

Security Analysis in Surveillance System 6

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Engineering Algorithm Development Go, change the world

3. Rounds
SubBytes—a non-linear substitution step where each byte is replaced with another according to
a lookup table.
ShiftRows—a transposition step where each row of the state is shifted cyclically a certain
number of steps.
MixColumns—a mixing operation which operates on the columns of the state, combining the
four bytes in each column.
4. AddRoundKey
Final Round (no MixColumns)

Security Analysis in Surveillance System 7

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Engineering Experimental setup/Conducting experiments Go, change the world

The module is written in PHP and SQL.

•WAMP Server – It is open source cross platform web server solution stack package consisting of
Apache, HTTP server, Mysql database. This is used for running the application
•Mysql – Most used RDBMS that runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of
•PHP frameworks to build secure, flexible, high-performance websites and web applications. This
is used for backend development
•HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a text-based approach to describing how content
contained within an HTML file is structured. This markup tells a web browser how to display
text, images and other forms of multimedia on a webpage.
•CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to style and layout web pages — for example, to alter the
font, color, size, and spacing of your content, split it into multiple columns, or add animations and
other decorative features and javascript – Front end
•Windows is the operating system chosen for the module.
Security Analysis in Surveillance System 8
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Engineering Experimental setup/Conducting experiments Go, change the world

Welcome Page, to login as Distributor or as Agents

Security Analysis in Surveillance System 9

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Engineering Experimental setup/Conducting experiments Go, change the world

Registration Page
Security Analysis in Surveillance System 10
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Engineering Experimental setup/Conducting experiments Go, change the world

User login Page

Security Analysis in Surveillance System 11

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Engineering Testing Go, change the world

Security Analysis in Surveillance System 12

RV College of
Engineering References Go, change the world

• Elharrouss, O., Almaadeed, N. and Al-Maadeed, S., 2021. A review of video surveillance systems. Journal of Visual
Communication and Image Representation, 77, p.103116.
• Shidik, G.F., Noersasongko, E., Nugraha, A., Andono, P.N., Jumanto, J. and Kusuma, E.J., 2019. A systematic review of intelligence
video surveillance: trends, techniques, frameworks, and datasets. IEEE Access, 7, pp.170457-170473.
• Lee, K., Yeuk, H., Kim, J., Park, H. and Yim, K., 2016. An efficient key management solution for privacy masking, restoring and
user authentication for video surveillance servers. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 44, pp.137-143.
• Rahman, S.M.M., Hossain, M.A., Hassan, M.M., Alamri, A., Alghamdi, A. and Pathan, M., 2016. Secure privacy vault design for
distributed multimedia surveillance system. Future Generation Computer Systems, 55, pp.344-352.
• Bentafat, E., Rathore, M.M. and Bakiras, S., 2021. Towards real-time privacy-preserving video surveillance. Computer
Communications, 180, pp.97-108.
• Matos, S., 2019. Privacy and data protection in the surveillance society: The case of the Prüm system. Journal of forensic and legal
medicine, 66, pp.155-161.
• Gouglidis, A., Green, B., Hutchison, D., Alshawish, A. and de Meer, H., 2018. Surveillance and security: protecting electricity
utilities and other critical infrastructures. Energy Informatics, 1(1), pp.1-24.
• Kim, J.S., Kim, M.G. and Pan, S.B., 2021. A study on implementation of real-time intelligent video surveillance system based on
embedded module. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2021(1), pp.1-22.

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