Narrative Text Kelompok 5 9H

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01 Abigel Alinskie A.N.

02 Aidha Putri Hidayah

Members of the
03 Akbar Al Kahfi

04 Aurelya Nandita M.

05 Diva Maureen M.

06 Nabil Wicaksono
The sleeping
Once upon a time, there was a king and queen who lived in the castle for a very long time had no
children, and when at length a little daughter was born to them they were so pleased that they gave
a christening feast to which. They invited a number of fairies.

But, unfortunately, they left out one rather cross old fairy, and she was so angry that she said the
princess should die when she reached the age of sixteen, by pricking her hand with a spindle. All
the other fairies present, except one, had already given the princess their beautiful gifts, and this
last one said she could not prevent part of the wicked wish coming true; but her gift should be that
the princess should not really die, but only fall into a deep sleep, which should last for a hundred
years, and at the end of that time she should be awakened by a king’s son.
It all happened as the fairies had predicted.
When the princess was sixteen years old she
saw an old woman spinning and took the
spindle from her to try this strange new work.
Instantly she pricked her hand and fell into a
deep sleep, as did everyone else in the palace.

There she lay in a bower of roses, year after

year, and the hedge around the palace garden
grew so tall and thick that at last you could not
have told that there was a castle at all.

At the end of the hundred years a king’s son

heard of the castle and the enchanted princess
who lay asleep there and determined to rescue
her. So he cut his way through the thick prickly
hedge and at length he came to the princess.
When he saw how lovely and how sweet she
looked he fell in love with her and, stooping,
kissed her lips
At once she awoke and with her the king
and queen and all the courtiers, who had
fallen asleep at the same time.

As the princess was as much taken with the

prince’s appearance as he was with hers,
they decided to be married. And so the
wedding was celebrated the same day with
great pomp and ceremony.

1 2
Generic structur
Orientation Once upon a time, there was a king and queen who for a very
long time had no children, and when at length a little daughter
was born to them.

Complication An old elf was so angry at the neglect of the princess's parents
that she declared that the princess must die when she reached
the age of sixteen.

Resolution At the end of the hundred years, a king’s son heard of the
castle and the enchanted princess who lay asleep there and
determined to rescue her. So he cut his way through the thick
prickly hedge and at length he came to the princess. When he
saw how lovely and how sweet she looked he fell in love with
her and, stooping, kissed her lips. At once she awoke and with
her the king and queen and all the courtiers, who had fallen
asleep at the same time.

Reorientation As the princess was as much taken with the prince's

appearance as he was with hers, they decided to be married.
And so the wedding was celebrated the same day with great
pomp and ceremony.

1. What is the title of the story? 5. What did the fairy predict?
The sleeping beauty. The princess may not die, but only in a deep sleep,
which will last for a hundred years, and at the end of that
2. Who did they invite to the pesta of time she must be awakened by the king's son.
Some fairies. 6. Who helped the princess from the curse?
The Prince.
3. who cursed the little princess?
Uninvited old elf. 7. In what way did the prince wake up the princess?
With love and the prince kisses the princess on the lips.
4. what is the curse that the old elf
passes on the princess? 8. Did the princess and prince fall in love with each other?
The princess must die at sixteen years old. Yes, they fall in love and they decided to be married.
Moral value:

that love is the most powerfull

force in the world

1). Had - verb 2 : memiliki 21). awoke - verb 2 : terbangun

2). Pleased - verb 2 : merasa
22). taken - verb 3 : diambil
3). senanggave - verb 2 : memberikan
4). Invited - verb 2 : mengundang
23). decided - verb 2 : diputuskan
5). said - verb 2 : mengucapkan 24). married - verb 2 : menikah
6). Reached - verb 2 : tercapai 25). celebrated - verb 2 : dirayakan
7). wicked - verb 2 : jahat
8). awakened - verb 2 : terbangun
9).happened - verb 2 : telah terjadi
10). predicted - verb 2 : diprediksi
11). saw - verb 2 : melihat
12). took - verb 2 : telah mengambil
13). pricked - verb 2 : tertusuk
14). grew - verb 2 : tumbuh
15). heard - verb 2 : mendenga
16). renchanted - verb 2 : terpesona
17). determined - verb 2 : ditentukan
18). came - verb 2 : datang / menghampiri
19). looked - verb 2 : tampak
20). kissed - verb 2 : mencium
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