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Stress And Personality:

Factors that Influence your Stress

Stress and Personality

When I was 25, I got testicular cancer and nearly died. I dont know why I am still alive. I can only guess. I have a tough constitution and my profession taught me how to compete against long odds and big obstacles. Lance Armstrong

Personality is thought to be comprised of several
traits; characteristics; behaviors; expressions; moods; and feeling as perceived by others.

The complexity of ones personality is thought to be shaped by:
genetic factors; family dynamics; social influences; and personal experiences.

Who you really are is an evolutionary process.

Personality types and Stress

Type A behavior Codependent personality Helpless-hopeless personality Hardy personality Type R personality (sensation seeker)

An awareness of who you are as a person and how your personality affects your stress levels is an essential element of a comprehensive stress management program. An analysis of your strengths and weaknesses lets you target or work on those elements that impact your ability to cope with stress.

To raise or maintain your SelfEsteem

Focus on your good qualities. Try to change or improve your weaknesses Avoid the statement I should have Focus on who you really arebe true to yourself Avoid comparisons with others Reassert yourself and your values Recognize that every individual has an intrinsic self-worth.

Type A Behavior Characteristics

A sense of Time Urgency: Preoccupied with time, impatient, feels guilty about relaxing. Polyphasia: Engaging in more than one thought or activity at a time. Ultra-competiveness: Egocentric, more concerned with quantity than quality Rapid Speech Manipulative Control: a desire to influence others, exert dominant control Hyperagressiveness/Hostility

Helpless/Hopeless Personality
Based on an external Locus of Control
perception that external factors control behavior Often shows signs of apathy and complacency Takes little responsibility for their actions

Poor self-esteem and low self-motivation Perceptions of failure dominate Often associated with emotional dysfunction, depression.

Hardy Personality
More resistant to stress and its effects Has a strong Internal locus of control, sense of empowerment, will-power Has the ability to just do it Has an investment into personal values and potential (high self-esteem) Sees changes and problems as an opportunity for growth and not as a threat

Co-Dependent Personality
Super-overachievers; Perfectionists Always seeking approval from others Crisis managers (thrive on chaos) Loyalty to others Martyrs (puts others needs first) Victims (always taken advantage of) Reactionaries (overreact to situations) Manipulators Tries to gain a sense of self-importance from others

Type R personality (sensation seekers)

This is the sensation-seeking personality; those people who seek thrills and sensations but take calculated risks in their endeavors They appear to be dominated by an adventurous spirit. They are willing to accept challenges, and in fact, thrive on them.

1. What personality characteristics do you have that have a tendency to create stressful situations or increase your levels of stress? 2. What personality characteristics do you have that help you get through stressful situations? 3. What two elements of your personality would you like to change the most in order to allow you to cope with stress more effectively? How could this be accomplished?

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