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• Young adulthood is a crucial period for marriage and
YOUNG child bearing in Nepal. It can be termed as the
ADULTHOOD expectancy and parenthood stage.
LIFESTYLE: • Family Planning : Is a conscious activity of reproductive
 FAMILY PLANNING  age that inclines, not only to regulate the number and
timing of birth, but also to have a healthy child and to
fulfill all its role throughout the lifecycle.
• Parenthood and family planning are
optional for the couples there is
availability of family planning methods.

• There are variety of family planning

methods like; Temporary OCP, Norplant,
IUCD, Condom as well as
Permanent ; Minilap , Laparoscopy,
Vasectomy etc .

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

Source; reproductive from Aguilar and Cortez 2015,
based on NDHS 2011data

• Early Marriage ; ( i. e  below the legally

specified threshold) . In 2011, 29% of
adolescent girls age 15 to 19 were in formal
marriage compared to 7 % boys of the same
age group. 
• The proportion of married women and men
is 77% and 45% at age 20-24 years.
Reasons for Child Bearing
• The couple may have child for numerous reasons ;
• Extension of self
• Psychological and spiritual fulfillment of having a
• Sense of pride or joy
• Offset of loneliness  
• Attempt to hold marriage together 
• Representation of wealth 
• Religious conviction
Developmental Task for the couple
during the expectant stage
• Re -arrange the home to provide space, facilities and supplies for expected
• Re-work the budget and determine how to obtain and spend income to
accommodate changing needs and maintain the family unit financially.
•  Evaluate the changing roles, divisions of labour, how responsibility of child
care will be divided, who has the final authority, and weather the mother
should continue working outside the home if she has a career or profession.
• Adapt pattern of sexual behaviors to the pregnant status.
• Re-work the communication system between the couple,
explore feelings about the pregnancy and ideas about
children and parenthood.
• Acquire knowledge about pregnancy, childbirth and

In the past , the issue of whether to have children

was for many adults . But today ,parenthood is an
option for either the couple or a single person. Due
to listed reasons;
>Effective birth control techniques available 
>Changing cultural values 
>High literacy rate & Awareness among youth
>Women Empowerment 
Developmental tasks that must be mastered during
pregnancy and the intrapartum period to ensure readiness
for the maternal role are;

1. Pregnancy validation:
• Accepting the reality of the
• pregnancy, working through feelings of ambivalence
2. Fetal embodiment:
• Incorporating the fetus and
• enlarging body into the body image
3. Fetal distinction: Seeing the fetus as a separate entity,
fantasizing what the baby will be like
4. Role transition: After birth, an increasing readiness to take
on the task of parenthood

1.Education & Career opportunities

 2. Personal Development
3. Health and Well-being
4. Financial Stability 
1.  Education & Career
• Family planning allows young adults to make informed choices
about when to start a family.
• By delaying pregnancy or spacing out births, individual can focus on
their education and career goals without the added responsibilities of
raising children.
• This can lead to higher educational attainment, better job prospects &
increased financial stability.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

2. Personal Development ;
• FP empowers young adult to take
control of their lives & make
decisions based on their personal
goals and aspirations.
• It allows them to explore their
interest, hobbies, passions & pursue
personal growth without the
immediate demands of raising a

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.

3. Health and Well-being 
• According to the NDHS 2022 report, the use of modern
contraceptive methods among married women aged 15-49 has
increased from 35% in 2001 to 43% in 2022. This indicates that
more women are using family planning methods to control their
reproductive health.
• The report also shows that the total fertility rate (TFR) in Nepal has
declined from 4.8 in 1996 to 2.1 in 2022. This means that Nepali
women are having fewer children on average, which can have a
positive impact on their lifestyle.
• This increase in contraceptive use has contributed to a decline in the
maternal mortality ratio from 539 per 100,000 live births in 2001 to
239 per 100,000 live births in 2016.

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.

4. Financial Stability
• Family planning allows young adults to plan their finances more
• By spacing out births and having smaller families, they can allocate
their resources more efficiently, such as investing in education,
housing, and career development.

• This  can contribute to greater financial stability and ability to provide

a higher quality of life for themselves and their future children.
• Murray R.B, Zenther T.P and Yakima R, 2009, Health
Promotion Strategies through the lifespan 8th
edition page 534-536
• Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
(MoEST) [Nepal]. 2021. Nepal Education Sector
Analysis. Kathmandu: Ministry of Education,
Science and Technology.

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