00 Student To Register

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User Guide
Rev 03 – 27 August 2020
Student to login
Student Email
• Student to obtain email from
– http://www.gmi.edu.my/email/emailquery.html
Student Email

• Students may use GMAIL to login to their email addresses

• Password would be their MyKad number without - symbol
Student to self-register
• Surf to http://vlu.gmi.edu.my

• Click at top right of the page

Create New Account

Student to self-register
Student email should
end with

Remember your username and password for VLU

Use student email for

confirmation code later

Use name similar to MyKad (cannot

be changed later on)

Example First Name: Nuqman Hadiff

Surname: bin Abdullah
Student to self-register
Student to check email

Open this email

Check in SPAM if email is not received
Student to check email

Click the link to activate account

Account activated
Student to check subject/course

Search for subject/course

Example: CIT 0553
Stay tuned..

Will be updated from time to time

Enquiries regarding GMI VLU:


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