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Aim of the course
The aim of the course is to give the basic understanding of
the ‘environment’, environmental issues and the environment
Management System.

Working together for a safer environment

Working together for a safer environment
Environmental Awareness
It is of the utmost importance that personnel have a
good level of environmental awareness within the oil
sector to ensure that work is carried out in an envi-
ron-mentally acceptable manner.
Before work commences Managers and Supervisors
should brief their staff on the environmental issues
that need to be taken into account when carrying out
their duties.

Working together for a safer environment

Environmental Priorities
Environmental issues may be prioritized depending on
global significance: -

• Depletion of Ozone Layer

• Global Warming
• Air Pollution
• Water Pollution
• Toxic Chemicals

Working together for a safer environment


Protection of Natural Reservation

Air Pollution Control

Waste Management

Marine Pollution Control

Working together for a safer environment


Pollution Categories


Water Pollution

Chemical Waste

Working together for a safer environment

Air Pollution
Pollution of the upper atmosphere causes ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect. Pollution of the
lower atmosphere is also an equally serious issue.

It is estimated that 20% of the world’s population breathes air pollution beyond the World Health
Organization (WHO) safety limits. Water courses and seas have long been used to dispose
of waste.

Water pollution may come from: -

 Industrial Establishments
 Run of from agricultural Pesticides,
• Herbicides and Fertilizers
 Oil Tanker Spills
Toxic Chemicals
Organic Pesticides such as DDT, Dieldrin and Lindane are a proven cause of Cancer.

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB’s) found in plastics, electronic insulators and hydraulic fluids are toxic
to humans and cannot be excreted.

Working together for a safer environment


Pollution Prevention

Source Recycle

Treatment Disposal

Working together for a safer environment


Protection of Air – Emission & Dust

1. All vehicles shall be properly maintained
to minimize excessive exhaust emission.

2. All internal combustion engines will be

suitably serviced and maintained to reduce

pollutant emissions to an acceptable level.

3. Dust and sand emissions in populated are

as will be kept to a minimum by watering
methods and speed restraints.

4. Trucks for the transport of material

susceptible of emitting dust will be
covered with tents.
Working together for a safer environment

Protection of Land – Waste Control

- Waste materials must be segregated to
hazardous and non-hazardous.

- Only licensed contractor is authorized to han-

transport and dump hazardous & medical waste.

- All chemicals and lubricants shall be properly

stored to avoid leakage into the soil.

- Actions to be taken in the event of a land spill.

Drip tray must be used to prevent land pollution.

Working together for a safer environment

Major Environmental Issues

Waste Management

Waste emissions is a major environmental impact, therefore, management and employees

practice waste prevention by: -
 Waste elimination at source through good design and operating practices
 Re-cycling, re-use and recovery of waste wherever possib le
House Keeping & Clean-up

Good House Keeping is essential, if the worksite has not been cleared after a job has finished,
then the job is not complete.
Clean-up demonstrates Management Commitment.
Desert clean-up is as important as all waste affects the environment.

Working together for a safer environment


- Non-Hazardous Waste

Wood paper, metals, ceramic,

bricks, cement, concrete, glass etc.,

- Hazardous Waste

Asbestos, rubber, oil, grease, paints,

chemicals, solvent, medical waste.,

- Waste bins to be emptied on regular


Working together for a safer environment

Safe Storage of Chemicals

• Flammable liquids shall be kept in covered containers

when not actually in use

Working together for a safer environment

Rules to protect the environment
Think of the consequences.

Plan our work.

Drive on designated roads only.

Don’t set fire to rubbish.

Keep your work area clean.

Place rubbish in the bin.

Use oil traps.

Don’t dispose of oil filter in the rubbish bin.

Don’t clear vegetation without permits.

If in doubt, ask.

Working together for a safer environment

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