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Bahasa Inggris

kls VIII D (Rusmah)

MTs Alwashliyah gading

Murni Afriani, S.Pd.


• 1. can
If we want to state our ability, we can use “
can” it is modal auxilary verb. So pay attention
to the structure below.
Subject + auxilary verb (can) + main verb{verb
1. Negative
She cannot drive a car
a. s Auxiliary verb 1 obj

2 positive

a. I can hear your voice

3. Introgative

Can you see that sign?

Example “can “
• We can use the boat (+)
• We cannot use the boat (_)
• Can we use the boat?
Example be able to
I am able to swim(+)
She is not able to swim (-)
Are you able to swim?
Example could
• She could swim(+)
• She could not swim(_)
• Could she swim(?)
Be able to
• “ Be able to “ is also used when we want to
talk about our ability(beside can, and could )
so, pay attention to the structure below:
• Subject + be +able +to infinitife
• Example:
• Ryan is able to guitar
• She is not able to swim
• Are you able to sing english song
• Could is the past form of “ can “ ,so “ could “ is
used to talk about past ability or possibility. An
addition, we can use “ could” to make request
more polite. So pay attention to the structure
• Subject + Auxilaryverb (could ) +main verb
(verb 1)

• Diana could speak three language fluently

when she was 5 year old
• She could not swim
• Could she understand what he was saying

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