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• defined as the details given by the author in order
to support his/her claims.
• It reveals the position of the writer and makes the
reading more interesting.
• Evidences are details that strengthen, add variety
or weight to any argument.
Harlem by Langston Hughes gives me the feeling, or mood of
anger and depression. It feels like the idea of deferring dreams
is hurtful and maybe even causes one to become resentful
before eventually being overcome by anger. I know this
because the poem uses the words "foster like a sore," which
gives me a feeling of pain. Further, describing deferred dreams
as if they "stink like rotten meat" is an unpleasant image, giving
me the feeling of resentment. Finally, when the poem end with
"Or does it explode?" makes me think of a person who boils
over in anger.
Here, the author claimed that the poem gives him the
feeling of anger and depression. He uses exact words
from the poem like foster like a sore, stink like rotten
meat, or does it explode which are directly relevant to his
idea of anger and depression. Thus, we can say that the
writer's claim in this essay is valid and relevant.
To support one's claim, you should explicitly cite the ideas that
support your claim in your writings. There are different ways on how
you can present textual evidence in your writings. It can be through
paraphrasing or restating the text in your own words, through
summarizing or stating in a shorter way the text and other relevant
details to support the idea, through referencing or mentioning a
specific section in the text, and through quoting or directly restating a
part of the text.
• Paraphrasing means putting someone else’s ideas into your own
• Paraphrasing a source involves changing the wording while
preserving the original meaning.
• In academic writing, it’s usually better to integrate sources by
paraphrasing instead of quoting. It shows that you have
understood the source, reads more smoothly, and keeps your own
voice front and center.
1. Read the original source carefully.
2. Identify the main point(s) and key words.
3. Write the paraphrase in your own style.
4. Review your paraphrase to check it accurately
reflects the original text but is in your words and
Students frequently overuse direct quotation in taking
notes, and as a result they overuse quotations in the final
[research] paper. Probably only about 10% of your final
manuscript should appear as directly quoted matter.
Therefore, you should strive to limit the amount of exact
transcribing of source materials while taking notes.
In research papers, students often quote excessively,
failing to keep quoted material down to a desirable level.
Since the problem usually originates during note taking,
it is essential to minimize and choose important materials
to be recorded.
• Summarizing is when you take a longer passage,
from several sentences to several paragraphs or
even more, and restate the essential main ideas
in your own words.
• When you summarize, you end up with
considerably less words than the original source.
1. Read the text
2. Break it down into sections
3. Identify the key points in each section
4. Write the summary
Because of the differences in the way the aircraft fly, there are also differences
in what they’re able to do. An airplane is more limited than a helicopter in its
abilities and will not be able to do all the things that make a helicopter so cool
and useful. For example, an airplane needs a long runway in order to take off
while a helicopter can take off by lifting straight up. This means that a
helicopter is able to go places that an airplane can’t because it will be able to
get out again without a long runway. Helicopters are able to land in many
places that would otherwise be inaccessible, which makes them very useful in
search and rescue missions."
One of the significant differences is that
airplanes have more limitations to taking off
and maneuvering in different spaces than a

A citation is using a particular idea

that you got from another author.

quotation is using the exact words of

another author.
A source text from Government of Canada website:

What are industrial designs?

If you're producing distinctive-looking new products, you'll want to register your

Industrial designs are product features that appeal to the eye. They can be a
new shape for the hood or fenders of a car, the original pattern in a woven
sweater or all of the visual features of a computer monitor. A product's visual
appeal gives it a competitive edge, setting it apart from others and making it
the one people will buy.
The Government of Canada explains that “
The Government of Canada Industrial designs are product features that
explains that industrial appeal to the eye. They can be a new
shape for the hood or fenders of a car, the
designs are products with original pattern in a woven sweater or all of
the visual features of a computer monitor. A
unique features--products product's visual appeal gives it a
that are different in shape, competitive edge, setting it apart from
others and making it the one people will
pattern, or design. buy."

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