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                       -BRIAN TRACY

Chapter 10 :
Take it One Oil
Barrel at a •ASIM NASEER
Time •BSCS
• Introduction
• The Importance of Consistency
• Breaking Down Goals

Contents • The Power of Habits

• Overcoming Procrastination
• Conclusion
Introduction Welcome, everyone, to Chapter 10 of our journey
towards success. Today, we are going to explore
the importance of taking things one step at a
time, just like filling up an oil barrel, until we
reach our goals. It may seem daunting at first, but
with the right mindset and approach, we can
achieve anything we set our minds to.
The Importance of Consistency is key when it comes to achieving
success. It's not about making one big effort and
Consistency hoping for the best, but rather consistently
putting in the work day after day. This is because
small, consistent actions over time can lead to
huge results. For example, if you save just $10 a
day, you'll have over $3,600 at the end of the
Breaking down big goals into smaller, more
manageable tasks is a powerful way to achieve
Breaking Down success. By dividing a large goal into smaller,
achievable tasks, you can avoid feeling
Goals overwhelmed and stay motivated. This approach
allows you to focus on the progress you're
making rather than the distance you have left to
The Power of Habits Habits are powerful tools that can either help or
hinder our progress towards our goals. We often
don't realize the impact of our habits until we
take a step back and examine them closely. Good
habits, such as exercising regularly or setting
aside time for self-reflection, can have a positive
effect on our lives and propel us towards success.
On the other hand, bad habits like procrastination
or overindulging in unhealthy foods can hold us
back and prevent us from reaching our full
Overcoming Procrastination is a common challenge that many
of us face when trying to achieve our goals. It's
Procrastination easy to get distracted by other tasks or to put
things off until the last minute, but this can have
negative effects on our progress. When we
procrastinate, we waste time and energy that
could be better spent working towards our
• In conclusion, we've learned that achieving
success requires consistency and breaking
down big goals into smaller, more manageable
tasks. We've also seen the power of good habits
and the negative effects of procrastination on
our progress. It's important to apply these
Conclusion lessons to our own lives and stay motivated
towards our goals.
• Remember, success is not achieved overnight
but by taking it one oil barrel at a time. So let's
commit to making small but consistent
progress towards our goals every day.

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