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Simple Linear Regression

Jodie Banaag
Robert John Quizana
Benjie Reyes

When to use?
Used to analyze relationship
between the dependent variable,
which is denoted y, and the
independent variable, denoted x,
by approximating through a
straight line and by the use of
scatter plot or scatter diagram.

Sample Footer Text 2

A teacher desires to know whether the typing speed of an accounting
student(in words per minute) is related to the time. Given the speed
of a students (x) and the corresponding time it will take for him to
learn the word processing program, predict the time it will take the
average student who has a typing speed of 72 words per minute to
learn the word processing program.
45 85 2025 3825
68 67 4624 4556
69 56 4761 9864
45 78 2025 3510
58 68 3364 3744
55 89 3025 4895
∑X=340 ∑Y=443 ∑x² =19,824 ∑XY=24,594

Sample Footer Text 20XX 3

y = a + bx

a = (443)(19824) – (340)(24594) / 6 (19824) – (340)² y= 125.62 + (-0.91)x

a = 125.62 y = 12.62 + (-0.91x)

b = 6(24594) – (340)(443) / 6(19824 - (340)² y = 125.62 – 0.91x

b = -0.91 y = 125.62 – 0.91(72)

y = 60.1 mins
Follow up question:

1.) How long will it take a student who has a typing

speed of 64 words per minute to learn the word
processing program?

2.) How fast should a student be in typing words in

order to learn the word-processing program in just
50 minutes?

Hirap Company wants to know whether the price of

the merchandise is related to the corresponding
demand. Given the price of their merchandise and
the corresponding demands, predict the demand if
the price is amounted to 14.
PRICE (X) 10 12 13 12 16 15
DEMAND (Y) 40 38 43 45 37 43
Follow up question:

1.) How much should be the price in order to have a

demand of 42?

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