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Movement of different parts of GIT

• Basic movement: 1) mixing movement 2)
propulsive movement

• Movement in mouth: Mastication/chewing

• Movement of Pharynx and oesophagus: Deglutition
• Movements ot stomach:
– Mixing movement- Mixing
– Propulsive movement- Peristalsis
• Movements of small Intestine:
– Mixing movement- Segmentation
– Propulsive movement- Peristalsis
• Movements of large Intestine:
– Mixing movement- Hustration
– Propulsive movement- Mass movement
– Antiperistaltic movement
• A coordinated reflex in which a wave of contraction
preceded by a wave of relaxation and passes down a
hollow organ.
• General effect: It helps to propel food to anal
direction, also help in mixing food particle

• M/A: distention of gut wall by food stimulation of

myenteric plexus appearance of circular constrictive
ring behind the point of stimulation relaxation in
front of it propelling the content forward.( oral to
caudal/anal direction)
Where peristalsis occurs
• GIT (esophagus to rectum)
• Bile duct
• Glandular duct
• Ureter
• Other smooth muscle of the body
Law of Gut
• In peristaltic reflex circular contraction ring
normally begins orad side of distention, and
moves towards the distended segments
pushing the contents towards the anal side.
• Simultaneously receptive relaxation appear on
anal side of distention allowing food propel to
anal direction more easily.
Peristaltic rush
• Intense irritation of intestinal mucosa causes
1.powerful and 2. rapid peristalsis, called
peristaltic rash.
• Ex: severe case of infectious diarrhoea.
Segmentation contraction
• Mixes intestinal content
• Transit time: usually it takes 2-4 hours for the chyme to
move from one end of small intestine to other.
• During segmentation 1. about 2 cm of intestinal muscle
wall contracts , forcing chyme back towards stomach
( oradly) and towards colon (aboradly) . 2. when muscle
relaxes in that segment , chyme returns to the area from
where it replaced. 3. this alternative back and forth
movement eables the chyme to become thoroughly
mixed with digestive juice.4. lasts for 5-6 sec.
Mass movement
• Propulsive movement of large gut
• Modified peristalsis. From the Beginning
transverse colon to sigmoid colon , whole
length contract as a unit, forcing the fecal
matter in mass into the rectum.
• Initiation : by Distention, irritation and reflexes
( gastrocolic, duodeno-colic)
• Movements occurs 1-3 times per day
Mass movement…..
• Sequence of events:

• Constrictive ring appear in response to distention

or irritation
• About 20cm of colon distal to the constrictive ring
lose their haustration and contract as a unit .
• Propelling fecal matter as a mass further down
the colon
• So, distention of rectum with feces which initiates
reflex contraction and causes desire of defecation.
• Mixing movement of large intestine
• The combine contraction of the circular and
longitudinal strip (tinea coli) causes the unstimulated
portion of large intestine to bulge outward into a bag
like sacs called haustration.each haustration reaches
peak intensity in about 30 sec and then disappear
• After few min haustration contraction occurs in other
area therefore the fecal material slowly rolled over.
Defecation reflex
• Defecation is initiated by defecation reflex
• It is a spinal reflex that can be voluntarily
inhibited or facilitated by contraction or
relaxation of external sphincter.
• It has two parts:
– Intrinsic reflex
– Parasympathetic defecation reflex
• Intrinsic defecation reflex is weak, for effective
defecation it must be fortified with
parasympathetic defecation reflex.
Functions of large Intestine
Hunger contraction
• What are hunger contractions?
• Hunger pangs

The physical sensation of hunger is related

to contractions of the stomach muscles. These
contractions—sometimes called hunger pangs once
they become severe—are believed to be triggered by
high concentrations of the ghrelin hormone.  
• Hunger pains, are caused by strong contractions of
the stomach when it's empty

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