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Agile Product Collaboration 9.3.

Basic Navigation and Functions
➢Agile Modules
➢Agile Classes
➢Basic Navigation
➢Class Structure
➢Approve and Reject
➢Running and Creating Reports
Section 1
Agile PLM Modules
Product Hub Enterprise Visualization

Product Quality
Enterprise Data Cloud

Oracle Agile Product Cost

Product Collaboration
Enterprise Management
Product Record
Engineering Product Governance &
Collaboration Compliance

Oracle Product Product Portfolio

Lifecycle Analytics Management
Agile Classes
Changes Items AML

Change Request Part Manufacturer

Change Order Document Manufacturer Part

Manufacturer Order


Stop Ship
Agile WebClient Login Page
Agile WebClient Home Page

Navigation Buttons Home Page Quick Search

Reports Drawer

Navigation Drawer
Section 2
Items and Changes

Part Document

Assembly Component ... CAD File Form ...


Change Manufacturer
Change Order Deviation Stop Ship
Request Order
Base Class Title Block

Class Part Document Page two

Assembly Component ... CAD File Form PDF Page

SubClass three
Item Types

> Documents and Parts are Non-routable objects that can be changed from a workflow
created through routable objects i.e. Change Orders or Change Requests.
> These objects can be flagged for progress from lifecycle phases.
Title Block of a Part
Product Lifecycles


Obsolete Prototype

Inactive Pilot

Page two and Page three

> Page Two and Page Three are added as extensions of Page One.
> Page Two fields are the same for all objects in the same object class.
> Page Three fields are the same for all objects in the same subclass.
Changes Tab

> Pending Changes and Change History tables are the two tables on the Changes tab.
Bills of Material (BOM Tab)

> This tab displays all Items (parts, documents) that make up the current part or subassembly.
Manufacturers Tab

> This tab lists manufacturers that have been approved to supply an Item.
Where Used Tab

> This tab lists other objects where the current object is being used.
Part Attachments
History Tab

> This tab shows the summary of actions taken on this object.
Change Order-Actions Drop Down Menu Options

● Adds the current record to bookmark’s

Bookmark mode

● Sets up notifications to you when events happen to

the record, such as when the lifecycle status
Subscribe changes, a field is altered, or an attachment added,

● Save As feature is a quick way to create

Save As an item which is similar to an existing

Delete ● Deletes the Object.

Change Order-Actions Drop Down Menu Options

● Sends email to another Agile user with a

Send link back to the record.

● Copies and Paste URL to clipboard.

Copy URL to Board

● Prints the current tab or all tabs of the

Print data record
Items Order-Actions Drop Down Menu Options

Delete ● Deletes the Item or Change

● Sends email to another Agile user with a

Send link back to the record.

Sharing ● Shares an Object with another Agile User.

Copy URL to Clipboard ● Copies and Paste URL to Clipboard

Items Order-Actions Drop Down Menu Options

Incorporate ● Incorporates a Document

Unincorporate ● Unincorporates a Document

Change Types
● Engineering Change Orders (ECOs)
● Used to tell what changes need to be
made to an Item(s) and to make changes
Change Order ● Assign Revision
● Assign Lifecycle Phase
● "Releases" an Item

● Engineering Change Requests (ECRs)

● Used to request a change be made to an
Change Request Item(s)
● No redlining functions

● Manufacturing Change Orders (MCOs)

● Redline manufacture data of Item
● Allows AML redlining without a revision
Manufacturer Order change
● Assign/Change Item Lifecycle Phase
● Releases" an Item without a revision (not
Change Types

● Used to switch from one part to another

deviation for a specific period of time
● No redline functions

● Used to alert users to stop shipping or

using an Item
Stop Ship ● Create a non-latest released revision of
an Item
● No redline functions
Cover Page Tab of a Change (Page One)

> This tab can be updated if clicked on Edit button.

Workflow Statuses

Unassigned Pending Submitted CCB

Released Complete Cancel/Hold

Workflow Statuses

> Unassigned- No workflow assigned.

> Pending- The first status in the workflow.
> Submitted- Sends the routable object to the specified routing manager who decides
whether to route the object to the next status.
> CCB- This is a review status where Approvers sign off. Observers and Acknowledgers may be
included as well.
> Released- This status releases the routable object. New revisions are created with the new
BOM on affected Items. Redlines are incorporated into a new Rev. Manufacturer part
information is updated.
> Complete- This must be the last active status in the workflow if this is used.
> Cancel/Hold- Hold temporary removes the routable object from the workflow and allows
you to reinsert it later. Cancel permanently removes a routable object from the workflow.
Change Page Two/Page Three
Change Orders Affected Item Tab

> This tab lists the items that are affected by the Change.
Change Orders Affected Item Tab

> Highlights in Red are the changes made to the object.

Change Order Workflow Tab
LAB 2 - Browsing Item Information

> Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to help you navigate Change records and attachments.
Section 3
Types of Searches
Quick Searches

> Searches for Objects that match the criteria.

Parametric Search

> A basic Pre-Configured search for objects that match the criteria.
Advance Search

> This search is used for more specific search conditions and multiple conditions which are not
pre-configured in the parametric search.
Saved Searches

> These are Advanced Searches that are saved for future use.
Global Searches and Personal Searches

> Global searches are seen by all Agile users with Discovery & Read privileges.
> Personal searches are seen only by the User who create the search.
Searching with Variables
> Show me all of the changes where I’m the originator that have been created at least 10 days ago.

> Show me all of the Parts whose Number starts with PRT-002.

> Show me all of the documents where the yearly audit is coming due (in the next month) or are

> Show me all the Deviations about to expire in next week.

Navigator Search Results

> The Navigator drawer in the left navigation Pane

populates search results.
> You can Drag and Drop highlighted Items onto a
BOM table as well as Copy and Paste.
Quick View

> The Default Thumbnail is Displayed. No actions are available.

LAB 3 - Searching for Data

> Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate various out-of-box searching features
Section 4
Approve and Reject
Notifications Tab

> Notifications about the Change Order

and Changes Pending approval.
> Reminder notifications
> Escalation notifications
Change Review Process

2. Reason 3. Review 4. Review 5.

1. What are you
for the Affected Attach- Read/Add
CHange Items ments Comments
Approve or Reject

> The Change Control Board (CCB) will either Approve or Reject the Change Order.
Section 5
Exporting, Printing & Reports
Exporting Search Results

> Users can Export data to a file.

> The files can be comma-delimited, text format (CSV) or Product Definition eXchange (PDX)
Exporting Data
Printing Objects from Actions Menu
Standard Reports
> Provides you with basic information you need to analyze business processes.

Assembly Cost BOM Comparison BOM Explosion Compare Item

•Rolls up the cost •Displays BOM deltas •Displays fully exploded BOM Attributes
using a Page Two between assemblies or with option to stop at a given
•Visual display of attribute
revisions of an assembly level & include subclass type
currency field (such as exclude all documents)
differences between items

Consolidated Effective BOM Item Activity Item Attribute

BOM Explosion •How many items went History
from one lifecycle status to •How have the Title Block / P2 /
•Similar to a parts list •What did the BOM look
another in a given P3 fields changed between
for the entire assembly like at a given date
timeframe revisions

Item Manufacturer Where Used

Manufacturer BOM •Shows the parent(s)
•List of a set of specified •Same as BOM of an item up
items with their AML Explosion, But with AML multiple levels
Standard Reports

Change Activity Change Backlog Change Cycle Time

•How many changes •How many changes did not •How long did it take
moved from one status to move from one status to changes to move from one
another in a given another in a given status to another in a given
timeframe timeframe timeframe

Change Metrics Change Package IP Transfer

•How many changes •A report that encapsulates an •List of what data was sent
entire change including redlines using CTOs to a given
moved to a given
(handy for giving to others for destination in a given
status in a given manual ERP system input)

User Signoff
•Who's taking the
longest to signoff?
Custom Reports
> Create Custom user specific or company specific reports.

> Navigation
> The records stored in Agile PC
> How to find the records
> How to approve changes
> How to export data
> How to run reports
Any Questions?
Thank you!
Agile Product Collaboration 9.3.6
Creating Items, BOMs and Change Orders
> Creating Items: Parts and Documents
> AML (Approved Manufacturers List)
> Creating a Change Order
> Creating a Bill of Material (BOM)
> Submitting a Change Order
> Redlining functions
Section 1
Creating Items: Parts and Documents
Creating a New Part

> Go to > Create New and select > Items > Parts
Required Fields*

> Required fields are indicated with a red asterisk*

Fill out Required Fields and

> Click the Edit button to fill out information

> Click the Save button once you are done editing

> The information you will be filling out are in the form of Text fields,
Large Text fields, Lists, Multi-Lists, Cascading Lists, Money,
Date/Time, Calendars, etc.
Fill out Required Fields and

> Lists – Allows entering a single list value.

1. Multi-Lists – Allows entering more than one selection from a list

2. Cascaded Lists – List selections are based on levels. (i.e. North America|United

3. Money – Supports multiple currencies

4. Date both Date/Time and Date (i.e. 08/03/2009 06:12:56 PM PDT or

Fill out Required Fields and Information
> Large Text field – “LargeText” is a new attribute type for Page Two and Page Three tabs.

1. LargeText attributes have a default length of 60,000 characters and a maximum

length of 2,000,000 characters

2. Enter and edit rich text (HTML formatted). “LargeText” attributes can be edited with
a configurable HTML editor
Adding More Information to Part
Adding Attachments
> Parts may or may not have attachments. All Documents should have an attachment.
Section 2
Adding AML (Approved Manufacturers List)
Approved Manufacturer
(AML) Record


Manufacturer Manufacturer Part

Manufacturers Tab
A Manufacturer Part status is either Active or Obsolete
The Preferred Status is an optional column
> The status is typically either Preferred or Alternate
Adding AML
> Adding AML is a way to track the relationships between Items and their Manufacturers
> You can find which Manufacturers are producing a particular part, information for that
part, where used and the contact information
Section 3
Creating a Change Order

> A revision is a counter. This documents a particular

configuration point in the history of the Part or Document

> They can be letters or numbers. The companies’ business process will
determine this revision sequence and format

> It is not recommended using OBS (Obsolete) as a revision.

Change Types

01 Change Requests

Business requests to consume resources
Typically requires

● Assign Revision

02 Change Orders ●

Assign Lifecycle Phase
“Releases” an item

● Used to temporarily alter the BOM or

03 Deviation ●

manufacturing process
Usually based on quantity or time built
“Request” to deviate from the norm - proactive

● Allows AML redlining without a revision change

04 Manufacturing Order ●

Assign Lifecycle Phase
“Releases” an item without a revision

● Records the event/gets approval for the event of a stop

Stop Ship ● Records things happening out of the norm - reactive
● Someone still needs to “push the red button” on the factory
Create a New Change
> Create a new Change from the Create New drop down menu, then select Changes > Change Orders
> You can also create the Change Order from the Item’s Actions drop down menu
Adding Affected Items to the Change Order
Submitting Change Order to the Change Analyst
Submitted Changes
Review the Change

> Reviewing the change for a Change Analyst is different than reviewing as an
approver. The Change Analyst role at Submit is to make sure the form is filled out
correctly, not that the change is technically correct or good for the business.

There are specific items to consider:
1. Ensure required fields have proper data
2. Ensure New Rev and Lifecycle Phase are set
3. Ensure disposition fields are filled for items being revised
4. Ensure Attachment availability and Redlining
5. Look for conflicting changes.

> Introductory revisions are the initial revisions of newly created, unreleased
Items. There are no Changes against them.

> Once the object is listed on a Change a revision is assigned in letter


> The rev dropdown list is set to the last Change by default.

> Creating an ECO against an Item creates a Pending revision of that

Audit the Change
Audit the Change
> When a CO or other type of change is submitted to the Change Analyst, this person should
confirm that the change is correct and complete. One tool that is helpful is the Audit function.
The Audit Release function shows you any errors that would occur were you to release this
change now.
> Above the Audit Release option is the Audit Status menu option. This function shows you any
errors relevant to the current status. For example, if you are missing a field value that is
required at the current status this function will inform you of the error. It won’t display errors
for missing values required at future statuses.
> Resolve any audit errors you might encounter. Add revisions, lifecycle, or Unreleased Children
to the change order.
> All warnings and Errors are hyperlinked to take the user directly to the issue for resolution.
> Selecting the Unreleased Child link will add the item directly to the Change order.
Audit the Change

> To route a change for approval, click on the Next Status button, as shown above, or simply
click on the next available status in the graphical workflow, such as CCB.
> Automated approvers are individuals or groups who are pre-defined to approve each type of change
that meets a certain criteria. They are defined in a change’s workflow by the Agile administrator.
They appear as approvers automatically and do not need to be manually entered by the Change
Ad-Hoc Approvers
> Ad-Hoc approvers are people or groups that are added manually by the Change Analyst. They are not
pre-configured as approvers in the change’s workflow. To add an approver, click on the button circled
above. Ad Hoc reviewers can be added or removed from the change while in the Submitted, Review or
Release status.
Changes Ready to be
Release the Change
Release the Change
> To release a CO, simply click the Next Status button or go to the graphical workflow and choose
> Only someone with Change Analyst privileges can perform this function.

> When you release a CO, Agile prompts you for approvers. You don’t have to enter any
approvers if they are not relevant at this status. These are approvers who must approve the
CO before it goes to the Implemented status. This “approval” is typically used as an indication
that the steps required to Implement the change are completed, such as scraping old rev
material, ordering new material, putting new drawings on the shop floor, etc.
> Some companies end their CO process at the Released status and never use the Implemented
status. Other companies use the Implemented status to indicate that not only have the
changes dictated in the CO been ordered, but these changes have been implemented, or
performed, on the production line.
Release the Change
Lab 8: Create Change to
Release Items


The purpose of this exercise is to teach you how to

create a change order to release the items you
created in your earlier labs.
Section 4
Creating Bill of Material (BOM)
Adding a Bill of Material
Drag and Drop function
> Select objects in the Navigation pane and drag and drop onto the table.
Editing a BOM
Find Numbers and Ref Designators
Copy a BOM doing a ‘Save As’
> Creates a new object based on the current object.
Using Navigator
Copying Components of
Lab 9: Create an Assembly


The purpose of this exercise is to teach you how to

build an assembly structure and place it on a change
order for release.
Section 5
Revision Changes, Redlining and Attachments
Change Orders

Change Orders are used to:

> Assign Revision > Assign Lifecycle Phases > “Releases” an Item
Creating a Change Order

> Click on Actions > Create New > Change

> Choose the type of Change you want to create

> Fill in the Cover Page and Page Two information

> Add as many Affected Items as and change

information. (Rev, Lifecycle, Effective Date)

> Don’t forget to fill in the disposition fields

Creating Redlines

> Click on Actions > Create New > Change

> Choose the type of Change you want to create

> Fill in the Cover Page and Page Two information

> Add as many Affected Items as and change

information. (Rev, Lifecycle, Effective Date)

> Don’t forget to fill in the disposition fields

Redlining BOM rows

> Redline BOMs, AML data and attachments

through and ECO (Engineer Change Order)
> To redline a BOM, click on the Affected Item
row you want to modify and then navigate to
the BOM tab on the lower window pane.
> To edit an existing row of the BOM,
highlight a single cell and change the value.
> To delete an Item, highlight the entire row
and click the Remove button or DEL.
> Use the Add button to add a new Item.
> To exit the redline window click the Save
Redlining Manufacturers

> To redline the AML, click on the Affected Item

row you want to modify. Navigate to the
Manufacturers tab on the lower window
> To edit an existing row to the AML, highlight a
single cell and change the value.

> To delete an Item, highlight the entire row

and click the Remove button or DEL.
> Use the Add button to add a new Item.
> To exit the redline window click the Save

> This example shows a BOM that

is changing from Rev 3 to Rev 4,
and an associated Document
that is changing from Rev B to
Rev C.
Section 6
Manufacturing Change Order (MCO)

> Allows AML redlining

without a revision change

> Assign Lifecycle Phase

> "Releases" an Item

without a revision (not
Agile Product Collaboration 9.3.6
Admin Training
Admin Functions
> Navigation
> Configurations
Users and User Groups
> Creating Roles and Privileges
Section 1
Agile Administrator Overview
Basic Agile Administrator Functions
Below are the basic Agile Administration functions

● Creating new User accounts

01 User Configuration ●

Creating and Assigning Roles and Privileges
Creating Criteria

● Create and configure workflows

02 Workflow Configuration
● Defining default Approvers, Observers,
Acknowledges and those to notify
● Setting status-based required fields

● Create Classes and Subclasses

03 Record Configuration ●

Enable and create fields (text, list, etc.)
Create Attributes

● Verifying the database and attachments backup

04 Technical Administration

Monitor Application speed
Running Averify (database integrity tool)
● Patches and Upgrades
Admin functions will be performed in the Java Client
There is limited administration capability in the Web Client, such as User Administration
Admin Toolbar

> Disable System Access - users won’t be able to log in to the application
> Synchronize Admin data across cluster– performs a synchronize data routine across multiple AAS
servers in a cluster.
Email to Users– sends an e-mail to all logged in users, all active users, or select users.
> Global Replace – Replaces one user with another in workflows, escalations and transfer authority

assignments. Used when a user leaves the company.

Admin History – shows history of the configuration changes within the system.
Disable Triggering Events – global setting to enable or disable triggered events in Agile. The event
framework is an advanced topic and will not be covered during this course.
Section 2
Configuring an Existing Item Record
The Block Tab and Configurable Fields
The Title Block has a fixed number of configurable fields that can be enabled or disabled

> List entries can be deleted or disabled.

If the list value is used in a configuration then the list value cannot be deleted.
Include the list value and the API name when entering in new values. Description is optional.
The format for entering list values is:
<list value>::<api name>::<description>
Single List- presents a list from which only one value can be selected.
Multi List- presents a list from which multiple values can be selected.
Cascading List- A Single or Multi List with multiple hierarchical levels.
Dynamic List- contains a list of values that are updated at run time.
Page Two Fields

You can define your own fields using Page Two
There are already configured fields in the database that just need to be named and made
Page Two Fields
Available fields in the Filter by Type drop down list:

> Date – Can be configured to hold date & time or just the date.
Heading – Separator text, much like the Page Two and Page Three separators.
List – One value in the list is selected. Can make into a cascading list.
Money – Numeric values are entered and a currency code selected.
> MultiList –More than one value may be selected.
> MultiText – A text box that can accept up to 4000 characters (about 1-1/3 page of typed text)
> Numeric – Input numbers only.
Text – Can accept up to 50 characters.
Large Text – LargeText attributes have a default length of 60,000 characters and a maximum length
of 2,000,000 characters.
Configuring Attribute Fields
Choose the field type to use, text, list, etc.
Double click the field you would like to use
Set the field properties. Different field types will have different properties
Configuring Attribute Fields
> Name – This is the label for the field and is displayed on the screen.
> API Name – Used for scripting (not covered in this manual.)
> Description – This is for admin use only, the end users won’t see it. A best practice is to take the
original field name and put it as the description so if you ever want to disable the field the original
name can be copied and pasted back in.
> Visible – Whether or not the field is displayed.
> Default Value – Note that variables can be used as the default value, depending upon the field
type. For instance, Date and Text fields can have the variable $TODAY, and Text and List fields can
use $USER. Some companies insert Instructions on how to use a MultiText field as default text.
> Required – Whether or not the field must be entered at CREATION of the record. It is possible to
have a field required during a workflow progression as well (covered later.)
Configuring Attribute Fields
> Available for Subscribe – Users can subscribe to a field, which means if on a given record that they
subscribe to if the field value changes then a notification will be sent to the user of the event.
> Enable for Search Criteria – Defines whether or not the field shows up in a Parametric Search.
> Attribute – This is the table and field name in the database.
> Type – The field type.
> Date Time Format – Whether the input includes date and time or just the date.
> Input Width – How wide is the field on the form. Values are Long, Medium, and Short.
> Change Controlled – Defines whether or not the field can be redlined.
User Defined Flex Fields
You can create attributes in any class or subclass
They can be created only on Page Two or Page Three tabs
> Click on the New button and give the attribute a name, the API name, and define the
attribute type.
List Objects
List and MultiList fields have a corresponding list, which is a separate object in Agile
The List can be shared across multiple Lists or MultiList fields
> The description of a list value is displayed to the end user, either in a list pick box or as
hover text over a drop down list
Cascade Lists
> SingleList or MulitList can be configured into a Cascading list which has multiple
hierarchical levels
Read-Through Fields
> There are fields to configure on tables,
such as the BOM and Where Used tabs
> In addition to the out of the box flex
fields there are read-through fields,
meaning fields defined at other
locations, but can be displayed on the
> To enable a read-through field find the
attribute name of the originating field,
such as List11 on Page Two of Parts.
Open the corresponding field on the
BOM table configuration field on the
BOM table configuration, named item
List11. Give it a new name and make it
Sorting Attribute Fields
> Attribute fields can be sorted on the page vertically (Title Block, Page Two tabs) or
horizontally (BOM, Where Used Tabs)
> You can sort by clicking on the Order visible attributes button moving fields up or down.
To Lock, select the field in the Order dialog and click the lock button
Lifecycle Phases
> Lifecycles are defined at the Base Class Assembly
‘Items’, that includes all Parts and
> If it is defined at the Parts Class level Parts Component

then only Parts will have access.

> If defined at the Subclass then only the ….

subclass record will be able to use that

particular lifecycle phase.
CAD File
> This distinguishes lifecycle phases
between parts and documents.

> Parts can have lifecycles such as Documents Form

Prototype, Pilot, and Production while
Documents may have only Released
lifecycle. PDF
Lifecycle Phases
Section 3
New Item Record Configuration
Base Class, Class and Subclass
> Base Class- parent object of classes. Can’t be deleted but can be renamed. Examples are Users,
Items and Changes.
> Class- this is the primary level which inherits the general properties and process extensions of its
Base class. These can’t be deleted but can be renamed or disabled. Examples are Parts, Change
Orders and Change Request.
> Subclass- inherits all properties and attributes of its parent class. Subclasses can be renamed. Can
be deleted or disabled except those descending from Items, Changes and File Folders base classes.
Examples are User, Part, Document, ECO and ECR.


Parts Documents

Equipment/ CAD Document Document

Assembly Component
Create Subclass
Create a new subclass
> From the Classes dialog (Data Settings >> Classes) click the New Subclass button.
> In the resulting New Subclass dialog enter a Name and click OK.
> You can define an AutoNumber source, set it to automatically generate the next number when a user
selects to create a new record of that subclass, and even force the user to use the AutoNumber
(Autonumber Required.)
> You can configure sources used in automatic numbering of Objects in Agile
AutoNumbers are created from the AutoNumbers dialog or from the Subclass dialog.
They are configured as follows:

> Prefix – the number that shows up at the beginning of the number (optional.)
> Suffix – the number that shows up at the end of the number (optional.)
> Character Set – What numbers are allowed to be used.
> Number of Characters – Defines how may 0s will be padded to the left of the number.
> Starting Number – What will be the first number generated when is pressed.
> Next Number – Displays what the next generated number will be
Page Three
> To track data specific product information you can set up a Page Three tab
> Page Three contains fields that are unique to the subclass
Page Three
> Configure Page Three Fields by double clicking on the Subclass name
> Click on the User Interface Tabs tab, and then double click the Page Three row
> Page Three is not visible by default. You need to set Visible to Yes for users to see the configured
Subclass Specific Tabs
> You can disable some of the record tabs at the subclass level
> Tab names can be configured differently for the subclass
> For example, the BOM tab can be renamed to Formula for some subclasses, but remain BOM for
Section 4
Change Record Configurations
Configuring Fields
> Field configuration for a Change and Item are the same
> The tab names may be different, but the concepts are the same
> The tabs can be renamed, enabled or disabled

Changes Items

Form Tabs Form Tabs

Cover Page Title Block

Page Two Page Two

Page Three Page Three

Table Tabs Table Tabs

Affected Items Changes

Workflow BOM

Relationships Manufacturers

Attachments Suppliers


Configuring Fields
Configuring Lists
> Changes have lists that need to be configured just like items
> Product Line(s) is a shared list between Items and Changes, so that field will already be
set if the list was previously configured for items.

Two additional lists to consider for Changes:

> Change Category - Used to define the risk level of the change, thus determining the approval
requirements. Sample values are Class I and Class II or 1, 2, 3 and 4.
> Reason Code - Used for trend analysis, being able to identify how many changes over were
of a given type. A good metric to capture is how many changes were improvements vs fixes
and what was the source, internal, a supplier or a customer
Configuring Lists
Section 5
Users and User Groups
Creating Users
> To create a user opens the Users dialog (User Settings>>Users) and click the New button
> Note that it is possible for users to have a separate login vs approval password. Usually the login
password is the approval password
User Toolbar

> The toolbar on the Users dialog is helpful for quick user administration
The New button is for new User creations
> The Delete button is used to remove users from the system. When users are “deleted” they are
not permanently removed, but flagged as a deleted user. Deleted users can be undeleted by
opening the Deleted Users dialog
The Assign Roles button reassigns roles to a selected user
The enable or disable button enables and disables a user account
> The sixth button is used to refresh the Active Directory users, including creating new user accounts
and updating existing user account information, such as title and phone numbers
> The reset button resets the password for internal system accounts. This is typically not changed as
it will affect the File Manager and internal processes, such as generating reports automatically, etc.
User Properties
> You can view any User or User Group
account. There are two sections on the
General Info tab.
> Upper half includes basic configuration of
the User; role(s), e-mail address, etc.
> Lower half includes contact information &
fields that assist in working with PPM.
> Roles – The Roles assigned to the User
> Lists – The Change Lists the user appears,
such as the Change Analyst list.
> Searches – The Search folders assigned to
the User.
User Password Reset
> User passwords can be reset by an Administrator
> The Reset password button allows the Administrator to change the login and/or approval

> The Reset User Account button is used to “unlock” a

user if they had too many failed login attempts and
have locked themselves out of the system.
User Preference
> User preferences consists of on page displays, such as which client they prefer to use, what the
number formatting will look like, and what home page will display when they login.
> These values can be set as a default when a new user is created
User Profile Tabs
> Escalations – Identifies who to contact if the User has not approved a Change within a given
> User Groups / Functional Teams – A User can belong to one or more User Groups
Share – A privileged User can share a role with another User to a given record and a list of all the
shares are on this tab, which can also be removed by an Administrator. Not everyone will have the
privilege to share their roles and possibly no one at all.
Subscription – Users can subscribe to Changes on a record and the list of subscriptions is listed
User Groups
> User Groups are a collection of Users in that can be searched in the Agile address book.
> The User Group record looks similar to a User record.
> They can have assigned roles and be members of different lists.
> Groups can be personal or global.
> They can have roles assigned to them & the users of the group acquire the roles through the
Section 6
Roles and Privileges
A Role
> A collection of privilege masks that can be assigned to a User or User Group
> A User can have one or more roles assigned to their account
> Roles can also be enabled and disabled by an Administrator
Role Configurations
> Agile provides a list of Out of the box roles

Administrator Manufacturer Content Manager

Approve/Reject Markup For All

Change Analyst Markup For Self

Compliance Manager My User Profile

Component Engineer Price Administrator

Content Manager Price Manager

Creator can read and discover object he or she created Product Content Read Only

Design Engineer Program Administrator

Discussion Administrator Resource Pool Administrator

Discussion Participant Resource Pool Owner

Enfoece Field Level Read RFQ Manager

Executive Sourcing Administrator

Folder Administrator Sourcing Project Manager

Folder Manager Timesheet Administrator

Incorporator User Administrator

Item Content Manager View Historical Report

An action performed in the system, such as being able to read or modify a record

> Administrator – Allows access to the Admin tab in the Java Client
> User Administrator – Users are able to create and manage users in the Web Client.
> Attachment Redlines For Others/Self – Grants access to redline attachments
> Change Status – Users are able to change the status of a change from one status to another
> Create From Template – Used in PPM to create projects from a template
> Dashboard Tab View – Grants User to discover / read Dashboard tabs
> Discovery – Defines whether or not a user can discover if a record exists. This is highly related to
the Read privilege
> Read – Allows reading of the individual fields for records the user can discover
> Modify – Allows modifying of the individual fields for records the user can read/discover

> FileLoad – Privilege that controls whether or not the FileLoad operation is available to the User
> Grant – A User is able to grant a role they have to another user for a given record
> Incorporate – Ability to lock attachments at a given revision
> Override – Allows the User to change a status even if required fields are not entered or approvers
have not responded or rejected. Change Analyst and Administrators are usually the ones given this
> Subscribe – A User is able to get an email when a subscribed event occurs, such as a lifecycle
change or field modification.
Privilege Masks
> Privilege masks are a combination of a privilege type and criteria detailing what and when the
action applies, such as being able to checkout item attachments only when the item is
Preliminary or on a pending change.
> A best practice for naming is <Privilege> <Criteria> <Applied To>.
> Applied To fields are only available for Read and Modify privilege masks.
Common Privilege Masks
Examples of complex privilege masks:

> Get Only the Latest Released Attachments of an Item

Common Privilege Masks
> Discover Documents That I have Created
Common Privilege Masks
> Modify Pending Engineering Changes
Common Privilege Masks
> Modify if Lifecycle not in Production
Section 7
> Workflows can be enabled and disabled
> A workflow is a series of statuses with associated rules and criteria that allow for automation
Required Fields
> There are two types of required fields. Entry Required Fields and Exit Required Fields are fields
that are required upon creation of a record and required upon moving to a particular workflow
> To set required fields select the status of the workflow where the field will be required then
double click the associated Criteria for that status. Then click the down arrow in the Entry
Required Fields or Exit Required Fields list and enter the fields that will be required.
Default Approvers
> Default Approvers and Observers are selected automatically by the Administrator
> To make a User a default Approver double click the criteria associated with the Review status
> Make a User or User Group selection from the address book and click the Save button
Any Questions?
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