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The basics of asset

The basics of asset securitisation

Flow of credits / servicing

Liquidity / SPV Management
swaps / fee
Bonds / Loans

Parties: Originator

• Originator sells the credit rights (assets) to

SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle)

• SPV repays sale price immediately to

Parties: Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)

• SPV finances asset purchase with….

– Bank loan

Or with…

– Bond issue
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)

• SPV grants….

– Security to investors over credit rights

– As collateral over the loan made by investors

Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)

• Little share capital

• Single purpose

• Its shares do not belong to originator

• Pays to originator any funds in excess of the

credit rights which may not be necessary to
repay the loan to investors
Servicer (originator)

• SPV authorizes originator to collect credit

rights in its name

• SPV uses the funds collected from credit rights

to repay principal and interest of loans or

• SPV pays a fee to servicer / originator

Credit enhancement

• To ensure that credit rights are enough to

repay investors

• A third party may grant a guarantee to SPV

• Originator may grant SPV a subordinated loan

Rating agency

• Rates the loan granted by investors to SPV

• Rating is usually higher than the rating that a

direct loan to originator would obtain
Economic effects of securitisation

• Originator obtains funding with the credit rights

as security

• Originator transfers to investors the risk of non

payment on the credit rights

• Originator removes the assets and the loan

from its balance sheet

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