Presentation On: Female Reproductive System

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The reproductive organ in female are those
which concerned with copulation,
fertilization, growth and development of
fetus and its subsequent exit to the outer
Division of female reproductive system
The female reproductive system
The external organs
The internal
organs • The ovaries • Mons pubis
• The uterus • Labia majora
• The fallopian tubes • Labia minora
• The vagina • Clitoris
• Opening of the vagina
• The urethra
• Hymen
Accessory organs :- Breast
External female structures
Collectively, the external female reproductive
organs are called vulva.
Mons pubis
Is rounded, soft fullness of subcutaneous fatty tissue, prominence
over the symphysis pubis thay forms the anterior border of the
external reproductive organs.
It is covered with varying amounts of pubic hair.
Labia majora
 The labia majora are to rounded, fleshy thick folds of tissue that
extended form the Mons pubis to the perineum.
 It is protect the labia minora, urinary meatus and Vaginal introitus

Labia minora
• It is the thin folded of skin which lie in the space enclosed by labia majora
• The labia minora lie just inside the labia majora
• A reach supply of blood vessels gives the labia minora a pink colour
 The clitoris located between the labia minora at their upper end it
is a small protrusion that corresponds to the penis in the male.
 Erectile organ
 It is highly sensitive structure to sexual stimulation
Bartholin glands
Bartholin glands located beside the Vaginal opening secrete
a thick fluid that supplies lubrication for Intercourse
Vaginal opening
The opening to the vagina is called the introitus
The vaginal opening is the entry way for the penis
during sexual Intercourse and the exit way for
menstrual blood and Vaginal discharge as well as a
The urethra
 The opening to the urethra which carries urine from the bladder to
the outside, located above and infront of the Vaginal opening

• It is a sensitive part which ruptures during Intercourse.
• It is usually perforated ao as to menstrual flow. It is also called
virgin women
 Itis the most posterior part of the external female reproductive
 It extends from fourchette anteriorly to the anus posteriorly.
 And is composed of fibrous and muscular tissues that support
pelvic structures
Internal genitalia
 This is a fibro muscular tubular tract leading from the uterus to the
exterior of the body
 Inthe vagina semen from the male penis is deposited in to the females
body at the climax of sexual Intercour, i. e ejaculation.
 The vagina is a canal that joins the cervix to the outside of the body.
 It is also known as the birth canal.
 Thevagina has a thick layer outside & it is the opening where the fetus
emerges during delivery.
Blood supply
• Cervico Vaginal branch of uterine artery
Internal iliac vein
Internal iliac group
Nerve supply
Sympathetic and parasympathetic from the pelvic plexus
The vagina acts receptacle for the penis during coitus
(sexual Intercourse) and provides an elastic passage way
through which the baby passes during chlid birth
 The uterus or womb is the major female reproductive organ of human.
 It is a hollow muscular organ situated in the pelvis in front of bladr and behind the
 Its normal position is antiversion and antiflexon.
 The uterus majors about 7.5cm long wide 5cm thickness 1.25 w. t of uterus is 50 –
 The uterus provides mechanical protection nutritional support and waste removal.
 For the developing embryo (weeks 1-8) & fetus (from week 9 until the delivery).
Parts of uterus
The uterus can be
divided into 3 parts
1. Body /corpus
2. Isthmus
3. Cervix
Body /corpus

The upper part is the corpus, or body of the uterus

The funds is the part of the body or corpus above the
area where the fallopian tube enters the uterus
Length about 5 c. m
2. Isthmus

A narrower transition zone

Each between the corpus of the uterus and cervix
During late pregnancy, the Isthmus elongtes and is
known as the lower uterine segment.

The lower most position of the uterus “ neck”.

The length of the cervix is about 2.5 —3 cm.
The os, is the opening in the cervix that runs between the
uterus and Vagina.
The upper part of the cervix is marked by internal os and
the lower cervix is marked by the external os.
Layers of uterus

Itis the outer peritoneal layer of serous membrane

that covers most of the uterus.
Laterally, the perimetrium is continuous with the
broad ligaments on either side of the uterus.

Is the middle layer of thick muscle.

 Most of the muscle fibers are concentrated in the upper uterus, and their
number diminishes progressively to ward the cervix.
The myometrum contains 3 types of smooth muscle fiber.
1. Longitudinal fibers (outer layer) which are found mostly in the funds.
2. Middle layer – these fiber contract after birth to compress the blood vessels.
3. Inner layer (circular fiber) which form constriction where the fallopian tubes
enter the uterus. Circular fibers prevent reflux of menstrual blood.

It is the inner most layer of the uterus and it is highly

It helps developing embryo, built up each month for
pregnancy , if not, shed during menstruation.
The 2 or 3 layers of the endometrium are :- compact layer,
Basal layer, the functional or sponge layer this layer is shed
during each menstrual period and after child birth in lochia
Blood supply, Lymph Drainage &
Nerve supply
Arterial supply
• The blood supply is from the uterine artery one in each side.
• The artery arises directly from the anterior division of the internal iliac or
in common with superior vesical.
• Veins :- Internal iliac vein
Lymph Drainage
• Deep and superficial lymph vessels
Nerve supply
• Parasympathetic and sympathetic
Ligaments of uterus
 The uterus is held in position with in the pelvis by ligaments
which are called endopelvic fascia.
 These ligaments include
1. Broad ligaments
2. Round ligaments
3. Uterus sacral ligaments
4. Transverse cervical ligaments
5. Pubocervical fascia
Function of uterus
 Menstruation :- The uterus slough off the endometrium.

 Pregnancy :- The uterus support fetus and allows the fetus to grow. It
provides nutrition to developing embryo.
 Itmaintain appropriate and supportive environment for growth of
developing embryo

 Labour and birth :- The uterine muscle contract and the cervix dilates
during labour to expel the fetus
Fallopian tube
 Thetwo fallopian tubes /uterine tubes are about 10 cm
long and extend from the sides of the uterus.
Parts of uterine tube
There are 4 part s of uterine tubes
1. Intramural / Interstitial

2. Isthmus
3. Ampulla
4. Infundibulum
Interstitial part

 Whichruns into uterine cavity, passes through the

myometrum between the fundus and body of the uterus.
About 1-2c.m in length

 Which is the narrow part of the tube adjacent to the uterus

 Straight and cord like, about 2 – 3 c. m in length.

Which is the wider part about 5 c. m in length

Fertilization occur in the Ampulla .

Itis a funnel shaped.

Fimbriae are finger like process, one these is longer than
the other and adherent to the ovary
The fimbriae become swollen almost erectile at ovulation.
Function of fallopian tube
 Gamete transport (ovum pick up, ovum transport, sperm
 Fluid environment for early embryonic development
 Transport of fertilized and un fertilized ovum to the uterus
 Final
maturation of gamet post ovulate oocyte maturation,
sperm capicitation.
Oval solid structure, 1.5c.m in thickness, 2.5 c.m in
width and 3.5 c. m in length.
Each weights about 4 – 8 gm.
Ovary is located on each side of the uterus, below and
behind the uterine tube
Structure of the ovaries
1. Cortex
2. Medulla
3. Hilum
Function of the ovary
Production of ova.
Secrete estrogen and progesterone
Accessory organ :- Breast
• The breasts is mamary glans are accessory glanf of
the female reproductive system
• They exit also in the male, but in only a
rudimentary form.
Structure of the breast
 The breast lie on the pectoralis major muscle on both side.
 On the sides the extended between sternum and axila.
 From above downwards they extend between the second and six ribs.
 Eachbreast contain about 20 lobes, each if which contains a number of
glandular structure called lobules, where milk is produce.
 Lobules open into tiny lactiferous ducts which drain milk towards the
 These ducts have an enlargement at the end which is called Ampulla.
Blood supply , lymph Drainage
& Nerve supply
Blood supply
Arterial supply
• The breast are supplied with blood from the thorasic branches of the axillary
Lymph Drainage
This is mainly into the superficial axillary lymph vessels and nodes.
Lymph may drain through the internal mammary nodes if the superficial route is
Nerve supply
The nerve supply is from 4th 5th 6th intercostal nerves
The Nipple
This is small conical emenece at the centre of the beast
surrounded by a pigmented area the areola.
On the surface of the areola are numerous sebaceous
glands (Montgomery’s tubercles), which lubricate the
nipple during lactation
Development of Breast /function
 At birth the breast is poorly developed and it contains only a rudimentary
 At puberty the breast starts developing and the gland tissue increases.
 This is due to the action of Estrogen and progesterone hormone secreted by
the ovaries.
 The active development commences at the starting of menstrual life when
there is deposition of fat and increase in size.
 After menopause, the ovaries loose there function and the breast also
Secretion of milk
 During pregnancy, Estrogen and progesterone secret by the
ovary, stimulate the growth of ducts and lobules of breast.
 Later these two hormone secreted by placenta and produced the
same effect.
 After child birth, the secretion of two hormones decreases.
 Now milk secretion is stimulated by prolactin of anterior
 Oxytocin of posterior pituitary is responsible for milk ejection.
Menstrual cycle
 Menstruation cycle is start at puberty.
 It stops temporarily during pregnancy but permanently at menopause.
 It occurs almost evry 28 days.
 Menstruration involves periodic discharge of blood from uterine cavity.
 During menstrual cycle, the endometrium undergoes cyclic changes and is
prepared to receive the fertilized ovum.
 The average blood loss during normal menstruation us about 35ml
Phases of menstrual cycle
Menstrual phase (1-5
 Menstrual bleeding, menses, period.
 Discharge of bloody fluid containing endometrial cells, glandular secretions
and blood cells, lasts 3-5 days.
 Ifthe ovum is not fertilized, corpus luteum regrsess from 24th day of the
 This causes a decreases in Estrogen and progesterone levels.
 It results in shrinkage of endometrium, coilling and spasm if arteries
leading to focal necrosis of the endometrium.
 The necrosed endometrium is shed along with blood and other secretions.
Proliferative phase /follicular phase( 6-
 The proliferative phase second phase of the menstrual cycle.
 Proliferative phase starts at the end of menstrual phase. It duration is about 10 days.
 At the beginning of the phase most of the endometrium has been desquamated.
 Later endometrium starts healing and than proliferates rapidly from 5th – 14th day of
menstrual cycle.
 This proliferation occurs under the influence of Estrogen.
 Immediately after bleeding has ended the endometrium is less than 2mm thick.
 For day 5-14 the endometrium thickness is increases about 3-5mm
Ovulatory phase (14 days)
 Theovulatory phase occurs due to a sudden rise in luteinizing hormone
 When the ovum has nearly mature, levels of Estrogen reach a threshold
above which they stimulate production of LH.
 The release of LH matures the ovum and weakness the wall of the follicle in
the ovary, causing the fully developed follicle to release it’s secondary oocyte.
 After being released from the ovary, the ovum is swept into the fallopian
Secretory phase /luteal phase (15-28 days)

 This phase lasts for about 14 days.

 Itstarts after ovulation and extends up to the next menstrual
 Endometrium thickness up to 6mm.
 Stromal cells proliferate Spiral arteries become more coiled and
 This is caused due to the action of progesterone and Estrogen in
uterine endometrium.

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