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State the Aim and
the Motto of the
Army Cadet
By: Sgt Dai
In this lesson you will be
able to…
 You will be expected to be
familiar with the mission and
vision of the Cadet Program
 Be able to state the aim and
motto of the Army Cadet
Why is this important?
 Knowing the aim and the motto of
the Army Cadet Program is for any
cadet. This information will give a
better understanding of how the
Cadet Program can help them
develop both as a cadet and an
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
TP1: State the mission of the Cadet Program

-Take some time to think about what the mission of the Cadet Program
The mission of the Cadet Program
 The mission of the Cadet Program is to contribute to the development and
preparation of youth for the transition to adulthood, enabling them to meet the
challenges of modern society, though a dynamic, community-based program.
 Long story short, the Cadet Program prepares you to face adulthood and the
challenges that come with it.
TP2: State the vision of the Cadet Program
 Brainstorm some ideas what the vision of the Cadet Program is.
The vision of the Cadet Program
 The vision of the Cadet Program is a relevant, credible and proactive youth
development organization, offering the program of choice for Canada’s youth,
preparing them to become the leaders of tomorrow through a set of fun,
challenging, well organized and safe activities.
 Summary: The vision is to create a fun but informative way to prepare you to take
on leadership roles.
TP3: Describe the aim of the Cadet Program
The aim of the Cadet Program is to…
-Develop the attributes of good citizenship and leadership in youth;
-Promote physical fitness; and
-Stimulate the interest of youth in the sea, land and air activities of the
Canadian Forces (CF)
How do we do that? Pt.1
 Develop attributes of good citizenship and leadership in youth
 Through citizenship and community services activities and involvement within
cadet, local, regional, provincial, national, and global communities ex:
fundraisers, poppy tagging, bottle drives.
How do we do that? Pt.2
 Promote physical fitness
 Cadets develop an understanding of the benefits of fitness and a
healthy lifestyle ex: Fitness tests, sports nights, field exercises, day
hikes, etc.
How do we do that? Pt.3
 Stimulate the interest of youth in the sea, land and air activities of
the CF
 Through introduction and interaction with their respective CF communities. We
educate and promote communication with civilian maritime, adventure and
aviation communities
TP3 Confirmation
 Q1. What is the aim of the Cadet Program?
 Q2. How does the Cadet Program promote physical
 Q3. How does the Cadet Program stimulate an
interest in the sea, land and air activities of the CF?
Q1 Answer
 Develop in youth the attributes of good citizenship and
leadership, promote physical fitness and stimulate the
interest of youth in sea, land and air activities of the CF.
Q2 Answer
 Cadets develop an understanding of the Benefits of
fitness and a healthy lifestyle.
Q3 Answer
 The Cadet program aims to expose the youth to the sea, land and air activities of the
CF. Cadets develop elemental skills through introduction and interaction with their
respective CF communities. The Cadet Program educates and promotes
communication with civilian maritime, adventure and aviation communities.
TP4: State the motto of the Army Cadet
The motto of the Army Cadet Program is, “Acer Acerpori”. Acer
Acerpori is a latin term which means “as the maple, so the sapling”.
The Motto
The maple leaf is a traditional
symbol of Canada, and the crown
signifies allegiance to Her Majesty
the Queen. The motto ACER
ACERPORI is latin. “ACER” is the
maple tree. “ACERPORI” is literally
a “little boy maple”-a sapling.
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
TP4 Confirmation
 Q1. What is the motto of the Army Cadet Program?
 Q2. What does “Acer Acerpori” mean?
 The aims, mission, vision and motto of the Army Cadet
Program provide the cadet with a greater understanding of
what it means to be an Army Cadet. The tenets of aim and
motto will contribute to the development of a sense of pride
in belonging to the Army Cadet Program.

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