The War in The West Grup 3 9B

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-Grup 3-
Alondra, Ambar, Adriana, Clarissa, Ligia,
and Keiry

We will not build a peaceful world by
following a negative path. It is not
enough to say we will not wage war. It is
necessary to love peace and sacrifice for
it. We must concentrate not merely on
the negative expulsion of war, but on
the positive affirmation of peace.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
The VE
Learn about the War in the
West and its importants moves
in history, also how The north
won the war, by a short
Bible Principle
Ecclesiastes 3:1
There is time for everything
There is a time for everything, and a season
for every activity under the heavens:


Siege A military blockade of a city or
fortified place to compel it to surrender.

General Ulysses S. Grant

A Commander of Union forces in the
West. He was aggressive and always
wanted to attack.

Advantages and
Disadvantages of
the North and the

Adventages of the North
(The Union)
● A larger population(22 million)
● Industry (factories) more than 75% of the
country more natural resources.
● A better banking system- helped raise $$$ for
war Naval force-they had more ships.

● Lots of ports.
● 70% of the railways in the country and more
● Abraham Lincoln- they didn't know until later-
dedicated, intelligent, humanity guided them to
victory Patricia
Disadvantages of the North

● Few good military leaders.

● They had to invade and hold
the South. A large area filled
with a hostile population.
● Unknown ground/terrain.
Adventages of the South

● They were defending their home.

● They knew the terrain.
● Senior Military Leaders-Davis,
Disadvantages of the South
● Smallest population 9 million (3.5 million in slavery).
● Little industry- difficult to manufacture the necessary
weapons and uniforms.
● Materials had to be imported from other countries.
● Not much money.
● Few marine ports.
● It produced less than half the food produced by the
● Less than half the miles of railways and fewer trains.
● They had difficulty bringing food, weapons and other
supplies to the soldiers.
● States' rights impeded the war effort-they didn't want
to give the Confederate government too much power.
War Map


Battle of Shiloh
How did the Battle of Shiloh
change the people’s view of the
Civil War?
● Union victory. The South’s
defeat at Shiloh ended the
Confederacy’s hopes of blocking
the Union advance into
Mississippi and doomed the
Confederate military initiative in
the West. With the loss of their
commander, Gen. Albert Sidney
Johnston, in battle, Confederate
morale plummeted.

Battle of Shiloh
Despite the Union victory, Grant and his second in command,
Sherman, made tactical mistakes at Shiloh. What led to their
● Grant's previous victories at Forts Henry and Donelson had boosted his
confidence. He believed he had the superior army and that the Confederacy would
soon collapse.

The Union won the Battle of Shiloh

Battle of Ft. Henry
What was the significance of the
unconditional surrender?
● President Harry Truman
believed unconditional
surrender would keep the Soviet
Union involved while reassuring
American voters and soldiers
that their sacrifices in a total war
would be compensated by total

Battle of Ft. Henry
Why was it important for the Union to gain access to the rivers?
● Access to the water allowed the navies to blockade, attack, and transport supplies
throughout their region. The Union needed to gain access to the Tennessee and
Cumberland Rivers in order to move their ships throughout Tennessee and beyond
as part of the plan to defeat the Confederacy.

The Union won theBattle of Ft. Henry

Battle of Ft. Donelson

What was the impact of General

Grant's victories at Fort Henry and
Fort Donelson?
● Gen. Ulysses S. Grant advanced 12
miles to invest Fort Donelson on the
Cumberland River. Operations against
Donelson were part of an amphibious
campaign launched in early 1862 to
push the Confederates out of middle
and western Tennessee, thereby
opening a path into the Southern

Battle of Ft. Donelson
What was the personal relationship between Ulysses S. Grant and
Simon B. Buckner?
● Mutual Respect and Trust.
● Buckner said that he knew the manager, and would vouch for his old friend. He
convinced the manager that Captain Grant was an honorable man and good for his
debts. Grant gained an extra day or two of room and board. No money exchanged
hands, but Buckner was a friend when a friend was needed, and Grant never

The Union won the Battle of Ft. Donelson

01 Name of the 3 battles?
01 Name of the 3 battles?
The Battle of Shiloh, The Battle of Ft. Henry, The
Battle of Ft. Donelson. The Union won them.
Name of the 3 battles?
01 The Battle of Shiloh, The Battle of Ft. Henry, The
Battle of Ft. Donelson. The Union won them.

Who was General Ulysses

02 S. Grant ?
01 Name of the 3 battles?
The Battle of Shiloh, The Battle of Ft. Henry, The
Battle of Ft. Donelson. The Union won them.

Who was General Ulysses

02 S. Grant ?
A Commander of Union forces in the West. He was
aggressive and always wanted to attack.
01 Name of the 3 battles?
The Battle of Shiloh, The Battle of Ft. Henry, The
Battle of Ft. Donelson. The Union won them.

Who was General Ulysses

02 S. Grant ?
A Commander of Union forces in the West. He was
aggressive and always wanted to attack.

Who won the battles? In general

03 the war ?
Name of the 3 battles ?
01 The Battle of Shiloh, The Battle of Ft. Henry, The
Battle of Ft. Donelson. The Union won them.

Who was General Ulysses

02 S. Grant ?
A Commander of Union forces in the West. He was
aggressive and always wanted to attack.

Who won the battles? In general

03 the war ?
The North, the Union.
The End

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