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Micah = Who Is Like Yahowah?

“The Messengers Of The Gospel

(Good News) Of Our Lord
And Saviour Jesus Christ
Will Always Be
Carriers Of Eternal Treasure
With Lovely And Beautiful Feet.” JJD.
Key Text: Micah 5:2

“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,

Though you are little among the
thousands of Judah,Yet out of you shall
come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in
Israel, Whose goings forth are from of
old, From everlasting.”
The Book Of MICAH
Micah, called from his rustic home to be a prophet,
leaves his familiar surroundings to deliver a stern message of judgment
to the princes and people of Jerusalem. Burdened by the abusive
treatment of the poor by the rich and influential, the prophet
turns his verbal rebukes upon any who would use their social or
political power for personal gain. One-third of Micah's book exposes
the sins of his countrymen; another third pictures the punishment
God is about to send; and the final third holds out the hope of
restoration once that discipline has ended. Through it all, God's
righteous demands upon His people are clear: “to do justly, to love
mercy, and to walk humbly with your God” (6:8).
The Christ Of MICAH
Micah 5:2 is one of the clearest and most important
of all Old Testament prophecies: “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you
shall come forth to Me the One to be ruler in Israel, whose goings
forth have been from of old, from everlasting.” This prophecy
about the birthplace and eternity of the Messiah was made seven
hundred years before His birth. The Chief priests and scribes
paraphrased this verse in Matt. 2:5,6 when questioned about the
birthplace of the Messiah. Micah 2:12,13; 4:1-8; and 5:4,5 offer
some of the best Old Testament descriptions of the righteous reign
of Christ over the whole world.
The Key Word:

Messiah would be born in

(Mic 5:2, Matt 2:1-2);
Messiah would be from everlasting
(Mic 5:2, Rev:1-8).

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