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Malachi = Yahowah’s Messenger.

“The Book Of Remembrance

Records The Thoughts,
The Words And The Works
Of The Children Of God,
Only To Be Rewarded
By God For Eternity.” JJD
Key Text: Mal. 3:1
“Behold, I send My messenger, And
he will prepare the way before Me.
And the Lord, whom you seek, Will
suddenly come to His temple, Even
the Messenger of the covenant,
In whom you delight. Behold, He is
coming,” Says the LORD of hosts.”
Malachi, a prophet in the days of Nehemiah,
directs his message of judgment to a people
plagued with corrupt priests, wicked practices,
and a false sense of security in their privileged
relationship with God. Using the question-and -
answer method, Malachi probes deeply into their
problems of hypocrisy, infidelity, mixed

So sinful has the nation become that God's

words to the people no longer have any
impact. For 400 years after Malachi's ringing
condemnation, God remains silent. Only with
the coming of John the Baptist (3:1) does God
again communicate to His people through
a prophet's Voice.
The Christ Of MALACHI
The Book of Malachi is the prelude to 400 years
of prophetic silence, broken finally by the words
of the next prophet, John the Baptist: “Behold!
Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the
world!” (Jn. 1:29). Malachi predicts the coming
of the messenger who will clear the way
before the Lord (3:1; Is. 40:3).
The Christ Of MALACHI
John the Baptist later fulfills this prophecy, but
the next few verses (3:2-5) jump ahead to Christ
in His second advent. This is also true of the
prophecy of the appearance of “Elijah the
prophet” (4:5). John the Baptist was this Elijah
(Matt. 3:3; 11:10-14; 17:9-13; Mk. 1:3; 9:10, 11;
Lu. 1:17; 3:4; Jn. 1:23), but Elijah will also
appear before the second coming of Christ.
The Key Word:

Messiah Would Appear At The Temple

(Mal. 3:1, Mk. 11:15-16);
Messiah's Forerunner Would Come
In The Spirit Of Elijah
(Mat. 4:5, Matt. 3:1-2).

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