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Homeroom Guidance - Kindergarten

Quarter 4 – Module 12:

Reach for the Stars

Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Describe ways on how to achieve your goals.

2. Express feelings in achieving your goals.
3. List goals as a kindergarten.

This module is designed for you to

know and learn about the people in
your community and what
you want to be in the future. It will
also discuss ways on how you can
achieve your ambitions in life.
Identify each of the pictures of the people in the community below.

On a sheet of paper, write your answer


1. What line of work does each community h

helper do?
2. How do you feel about them?
On a sheet of paper, write what you want to be when you
grow up. Draw at least three things that is
related to your goal.

I want to be a Basketball player.
ring – the player needs to shoot the ball in the ring
ball – the player needs to throw or shoot the ball in the ring
basketball uniform – the player needs to wear proper attire
Processing Question:

1. Why are these things important to your goals?

2. What did you do to find the things that are listed in your
Goals are what you aspire to be and aspire to do.
To be able to reach your goals you must act or do
something to achieve it.

Goals can be small or big tasks and can be done in

a short time or long time to reach it.

Remember that your goals must be realistic and

can be done
Here are some tips in achieving your goals. Start
with the small goals, then move to bigger goals.

If you fail to do a task in achieving your goal, try

again until you achieve it. Do not lose hope.

Ask the help of family members if you need

assistance in doing a task or in achieving your
What are your goals ?
Writing my name
Counting 1-100
Unbuttoning my clothes
Tie my shoes
Sing my favorite song
Choreograph a dance
Processing Questions:

1. What goals did you choose?

2. Why did you choose these goals?
3. Who can help you achieve these goals?
4. What can you do to achieve these goals?
On a sheet of paper, draw a bucket. Fill the bucket with drawings
or cut-out pictures of the things or activities that you want to
have or do

What I Have Learned

Date: _______________________________________________________
On a sheet of paper, draw a star.
Inside the outline of the star (a 5-
pointed star), draw yourself or paste
your picture in the middle

For each point of the star, write or

draw your goals as a Kindergarten

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