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Special Thanks To:

Sir. Sajid Mehmood


RUKHSAR JAVED 14074220-050

Chapter Objective

 When and why to Delegate and Empower

 How to delegating and empowering
 Arguments for and against greater empowerment and engagement
Authority, Power, Empowerment &

 Authority
 Make particular decision
 Exercise control over resources

 The ability of individual or group to persuade

 Induce other into following certain courses of action

 Power sharing process

 Manager give subordinates the responsibility
 Authority to make certain decision

 Manager cannot delegate

 Responsible for the decision and action of their subordinates
Employees engagement

 Individual involvement and satisfaction with as well as enthusiasm

For work.

 Employees are allowed greater freedom

 Autonomy and self control over their work
 Responsibility for decision making
Arguments why empower

 Senior manager can be relieved of less important or less immediate

 Enables decisions to be taken nearer to the point of impact and
without delay.
 Develops and encourages managers to cope with responsibility.
 May motive employees.
Chapter 24
Chapter Objective

 Theoretical foundation of change management

 Planned and the emergent approach to change
 Common change management models
 Understand resistance to change
Theoretical Change Management

Organization Change
 in order to guarantee long term success
 alteration of organizational component(mission ,goal structure etc.
 improve the effectiveness or efficiency of the organization
Planned and the emergent approach to change

Reactive change
 Change mainly in response to external circumstances

Proactive change
 Change mainly in response to internal circumstances
Approach to Change

Trigger of change
 disorganizing pressure indicate that current system ,procedure,
rules , organization structure and process are no longer effective.
Approach to Change

External triggers
 change in demand organization product and services
 Threatening tactics of competitors
 Arrival of newcomer with a competing product or services
 Political change
 Merger of the business with another
 development of new technology
Approach to Change

Internal triggers
 Planned change in strategy
 Introduce cultural change
 Improve quality of product or services
 Improve productivity
Approach to Change

Continuous change
 Change that tend to be ongoing evolving and cumulative

Episodic change
 Change that tend to be infrequent ,discontinuous and intentional.
Change model

Transformational change
 Fundamental change impacting upon the whole organization (the
leader , mission , strategy, and culture.

Transactional change
 Change to components of the organization such as the structure
systems and processes.
Resistance to Change

 Use of individual as a agent of change

 Cost of implement of change
Direct cost
 Equipment cost ,relocation cost ,recruitment cost etc.
Indirect cost
 Communicating ,training and temporarily redeveloping etc..

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