4.17 SS BIPs and IEPs Presentation

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Behavior Team & ESE

Role of the BI
 Assist school teams with assessing and adjusting  Conduct Tier 2 student observations when needed
classroom management   Assist with development of Tier 2 intervention plan to include
 Provides input on development of school wide and training/modeling 
classroom expectations (PBIS)  Assist with development of emotional regulation plans (ERPs)
 Deliver vetted PD to faculty/staff upon school request  Refer identified student to Behavior Analyst for Tier 3
 Conduct Classroom Ecology “look-fors” upon request  Collaborate with BA and teacher to create, review,
 Collaborate with IEP/504/MTSS teams when behavior and/or revise BIPs
is an area of concern  Review FBA/BIP with classroom teacher to
 Assist ESE self-contained teachers with development ensure understanding
and implementation of a classroom management plan  Assist BA with teacher training on BIP implementation and
 Assist teams with identifying and defining possible behavior data collection
target behavior(s)  Consult with BA on Tier 3 interventions
 Assist in Behavioral MTSS meetings and writing PMPs
Role of the BA
 Conduct functional behavior assessments
 Train BIs and school teams as needed (FBAs) and complete FBA Summary
regarding emotional regulation plans (ERPs)
 Consult with school teams (MTSS/504/IEP) on
 Provide training and input (as needed) Tier 3 interventions to include behavior
regarding identifying and defining target intervention plans (BIPs)
 Attend IEP meetings when consent for FBA
 Consult with BI regarding Tier 2 interventions may be discussed, or a student has an existing
and training/modeling data collection BIP that may need modification
 Collaborate with teachers regarding students  Attend manifestation determination review
requiring Tier 3 level of support. meetings (MDR) when a new FBA may be
 Prepare and conduct teacher training for PBIP indicated
implementation  Participate in student Threat Assessment
 Trains BIs and teachers regarding behavior meetings when requested
data collection and analysis  Support the 504 and IEP process and teams
When to Contact

 BI
 BA
 Transfer BIP
 Tier 1/ Tier 2 is not working
 Tier 2 is not working
 Frequent or intense
aggressive/disruptive behaviors  Parent request  
 Behavior agreement initiated  Intense behaviors
(patterned behavior)  Required FBA (i.e., ASD
 2 suspensions in a month eligibility, manifestation
 2 restraints in a semester
 Creating crisis plans
 Two restraints in a semester 
Tier 2 Behavior in ESE

• PMP vs. IEP
• Conference notes or in the present level: 
• "Behavior supports, interventions, and rewards will be written into a
behavior PMP and revised as needed."

• If a goal is warranted, link the goal with the replacement behavior in

the PMP.


 BIPs in the IEP

 FBA Basics and Process

 Basics on BIPs and When to Review

 Final Tips
BIPs and IEPs
 If an ESE student has a functional behavior assessment (FBA) and behavior intervention plan
 The first  two “Yes” boxes in the special considerations section will be checked 

 Included in the Supplementary Aides and Services section

 Included in the Supports for School Personnel section if teachers require training on the BIP
FBA Basics

 The FBA informs the development of interventions. An FBA must

be conducted before a BIP is completed.

 A new FBA must be conducted every three years when data

indicate a continuation of behavioral support is needed.

 A behavior analyst must be consulted before consent for an

FBA is obtained.
 It is appropriate to wait for analyst involvement when a parent
requests an FBA. The team has 30 days to respond to the request. 
FBA Basics
 When obtaining consent for an FBA, the team should also
consider modifying current behavioral supports.
  Ensure supports address behaviors targeted in the FBA 

 The modifications may include:

  Adjusting existing interventions (e.g., Tier 2 Behavior PMP)
 Adding accommodations or services (e.g., Emotional Regulation
 If the student has an existing BIP, the BIP may be updated and
implemented while the FBA is being conducted. 
FBA Process
Consent and Planning

 Informed consent is obtained

 School team meets to review

updated interventions and FBA
                       FBA Process
                    Data Collection and Drafting

 Teachers implement updated interventions and collect FBA

 At least 10 occurrences across 10 days

 Analyst holds draft meeting 

 Minimum of 2 other school staff to review and provide
feedback on the FBA summary and BIP drafts
FBA Process
IEP Meeting
 IEP Meeting 
 Analyst reviews the FBA summary and BIP 
 FBA results are included in the Evaluation and Assessment Results section in IEP

 Update goals and benchmarks (if needed)

 BIP added to the Supplementary Aides and Services section
  Update Matrix 
                     FBA Process
                       IEP Meeting
 Addition of BIP needs to be reflected on PWN
 Signed informed consent for BIP should be obtained prior to
                       FBA Process
                        IEP Meeting
 Analyst uploads completed FBA Summary, BIP, and data collection tool into PEER
 Emotional Regulation Plans and Crisis Intervention Plans Uploaded 
 FBA Summary and supporting documents filed in red folder
1. This FBA Summary includes the following components:
Review of records, including prior interventions and results (no form required-see planning sheet for details)
Teacher Questionnaires (multiple teachers should be interviewed – e.g., behavior may be different in
academic classes vs. PE, or during a preferred vs. non-preferred subject area class, etc)
Student Interview (as able based on age/cognitive ability)
Parent Interview
Observation Data (minimum 2 weeks of ABC data collection required) The student must be observed in
different settings/activities around school by more than one person.
Social History
*Attach above documentation to the FBA Summary
                       FBA Process
                Training and Implementation
 Case manager ensures all necessary people have copies of the BIP and data collection

 Include the interventionist and/or analyst when training, clarification, or modeling

is needed

 Implementation and data collection

BIP Basics
 BIP data must be collected on
 Replacement Behaviors 
 Target Behaviors 
 Fidelity of Implementation 

 Replacement behavior(s) should be congruent with

social/behavior goal(s) in IEP.

 A student’s BIP must be followed.

 Interventions in the BIP supersede any other strategies or
de-escalation procedures
BIP Basics

 All BIPs must be reviewed/updated annually during an IEP meeting.

 The case manager or behavior analyst may review BIP with the team
 The most recent copy of the BIP should be filed behind the current IEP

 BIPs should also be reviewed/updated when: 

 Target behavior is becoming more severe or frequent 
 Manifestation Determination Meeting 
 Changes in placement, including when a student changes schools/classrooms
Reviewing BIPs
 When reviewing BIPs, IEP teams may consider the following actions
 Dismiss the BIP
 Continue BIP with no changes
 Modify the BIP
 Obtain consent for a new FBA

 Please note, the list above is not exhaustive

BIP is Effective
 The student is meeting their behavioral goals related to the BIP and their behavior
does not impede his or her learning or that of others
 When dismissing: 
 Document the improved behavior in the IEP, referencing any supporting data available. 
 A behavior goal (or behavior consultation goal if student is in regular class placement) in
the IEP would be appropriate in order to ensure a smooth transition to decreased services. 
 Services page will need to be adjusted 
 Matrix will need to be reviewed 
 Dismissal of BIP needs to be reflected on PWN
                       BIP Is Effective 
               Continue, No Changes

 If BIP is continued with no changes 

 IEP meeting notes state continuing of BIP
 Copy of the BIP should be filed behind the current IEP
BIP is Effective
 Modify the BIP in a way that reduces the intensity of
support provided

 Examples
  Remove one or two of antecedent strategies
 Provide fewer break cards
 Exchange tokens less frequently 

 The target behavior and  function cannot be changed

without a new FBA
BIP is Not Effective
 If the student’s behavior continues to impede his or her learning or
that of others and the hypothesized function and target behavior
have not changed:
 The BIP may be amended/updated during an IEP meeting (involve
behavior analyst in process).  
 Amended version of the BIP is signed by IEP team members
BIP Does Not Address Current Needs

 Obtain consent for a new FBA when: 

 The target behavior changes and new behavior is impeding his or her
learning or that of others
 The team suspects the function has changed since the last FBA 
 The student’s behaviors are resulting in STP (multiple days typically warrant
consideration of new FBA, consult behavior analyst for guidance), OSS or a
change in placement. 
BIP is Not Current

 BIP is more than three years old

 If the student’s behavior continues to impede his or

her learning or that of others and the FBA and BIP are
not current, the team may obtain consent for a new
Transfer BIPs
 If the transfer FBA and BIP are current, the IEP team may consider one of the options below 
 Transfer the outside behavior plan to a district BIP forms 
 This option is appropriate when the transfer FBA and BIP address present behavioral concerns and
the interventions are appropriate for the new setting
 Obtain consent for a new FBA when:
 The transfer BIP does not address current behavioral concerns
 The team suspects the function has changed since the last FBA 
 The interventions included in the transfer BIP are not appropriate in the new setting
 Dismiss the BIP when student does not demonstrate a need for the BIP. 
Transfer BIPs
Not Current
 If the transfer FBA and BIP are not current (i.e., more than three
years old) or cannot be obtained, the IEP team may consider one of
the following options:

 Obtain consent for a new FBA

 Dismiss the transfer BIP
Tips to Remember
• If the target behavior changes, or the team suspects a change in function, then a new
FBA is warranted. 

• A behavior analyst must be consulted before informed consent for an FBA is obtained.

• Review the BIP during annual IEP meetings. 

• BIPs can be updated, but the target behavior and the function cannot be changed
without a new FBA.

• If the BIP is not effective, then reconvene the team in order to problem solve. 

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