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1 Before starting

2 What we did, what we do

Contents 3
Our amazing products

4 Our awesome ideas

5 Marketing data and our estimation

Oracle Database
Oracle Instance
A database is collection of physical operating
system files on disk.
Ex: data files, temporary files, redo log files, and
control files.

An instance is a set of background processes and

shared memory structures.
Ex: PMON, DBWn, LGWR, Buffer Cache, Log

Architectural Overvıew Instance Management Oracle Networking Oracle Storage Oracle Security
Oracle Database
Oracle Instance
A database is collection of physical operating
system files on disk.
Ex: data files, temporary files, redo log files, and
control files.
An instance can mount and open only a single database, ever.
A database may be mounted and opened by one or more instances
An instance is a set of background processes and
(using RAC).
shared memory structures.
Ex: PMON, DBWn, LGWR, Buffer Cache, Log

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Client-Server Processing (two-tier)
Id vis regione gubergren complectitur, vel legere integre corpora ea. Eu error expetenda gubergren eos, eu discere
mentitum vel, ei rebum molestie scaevola pri. Nec id agam iisque commune. Duo at facilisi maluisset, aeque
iuvaret nam at. Sed an vide populo, an nostro accusam fastidii cum, tale purto duo in. Nam ad case assum
dissentiet, ullum labitur ius ea.

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Architectural Overvıew Instance Management Oracle Networking Oracle Storage Oracle Security
Ex labitur deserunt recusabo has,
sensibus erroribus vim eu, cum errem
phaedrum prodesset at. Alii petentium no

INSTANCE MEMORY mea, sale senserit constituto pro at. Ius DATABASE STORAGE
STRUCTURES etiam numquam ad, sed id odio fabulas STRUCTURES

Reque partiendo ad mea. Cu verear

System Global Area (SGA)
INSTANCE PROCESS epicurei constituto vel, iusto volutpat id
Private Global Area (PGA) STRUCTURES
has, no ius errem bonorum conceptam.
Cetero aliquando similique ei mel, eius
primis phaedrum nam ea.

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SGA (Shared Global Area)
Key mandatory memory structures:
 The database buffer cache
 The log buffer
 The shared pool
It may optionally contain:
 A large pool
 A Java Pool
 A Streams Pool

Related parameters:


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Database Buffer Cache

Optimize physical I/O

Because accessing data from disk is slower than from memory,

the database buffer cache’s sole purpose is to cache the data in
memory for quicker access.

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Database Buffer Cache

Types of Buffers

 Dirty Buffers contain data that has been modified but has
not yet been written to disk;
 Pinned Buffers are currently being accessed;
 Free Buffers do not contain any useful data and are
available for use.
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Redo Log Buffer
Key mandatory memory structures:
 The database buffer cache
 The log buffer
 The shared pool
It may optionally contain:
 A large pool
 A Java Pool
 A Streams Pool

Related parameters:


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What is a
Chenge Vector like?

A change vector consists of a single change to a single

data block. A change vector is the smallest unit of change
recorded in a redo log.

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Redo Log Buffer

Optimize physical I/O

Sessions write change vectors to the log buffer in memory. This is

much faster than writing to the online redo log files on disk.

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Redo Log Buffer

Flushing Log Buffer

 A session issues a commit or a rollback command.

 The log buffer becomes 1/3 full.
 A timeout (every 3 seconds) occurs.
 A checkpoint occurs.

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Redo Log Buffer

Ultimate Bottleneck

Flushing the redo log buffer to disk is an ultimate bottleneck in the

Oracle architecture. You cannot do DML faster than the LGWR
process can flush the change vectors to the online redo log files!

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Shared Pool
Used for caching many different types of frequently
used data.

Main shared pool components are:

 Library Cache
 Data Dictionary Cache
 Server Result Cache
 Reserved Pool

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Library Cache

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Library Cache

Ready to Execute

Library cache stores recently executed SQL statements, PL/SQL

programs, and Java classes in parsed form.

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Stages of SQL Processing

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Library Cache Check

Id vis regione gubergren complectitur, vel legere integre corpora ea. Eu error expetenda gubergren eos, eu discere
mentitum vel, ei rebum molestie scaevola pri. Nec id agam iisque commune. Duo at facilisi maluisset, aeque
iuvaret nam at. Sed an vide populo, an nostro accusam fastidii cum, tale purto duo in. Nam ad case assum
dissentiet, ullum labitur ius ea.

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Data Dictionary Cache

The data dictionary cache stores descriptive information, or metadata, about schema objects. Oracle Database uses
this metadata when parsing SQL statements or during the compilation of PL/SQL programs.

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Server Result Cache

The server result cache is a memory pool consists of the SQL query result cache, which stores results of SQL queries,
and the PL/SQL function result cache, which stores values returned by PL/SQL functions.

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Server Result Cache

The server result cache is a memory pool consists of the SQL query result cache, which stores results of SQL queries,
and the PL/SQL function result cache, which stores values returned by PL/SQL functions.

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How Results are
Retrieved in a Query

A query of hr.employees that uses the RESULT_CACHE hint to

retrieve rows from the server result cache.

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A portion of the
execution plan

The results are retrieved directly from the result cache, as indicated in
step 1 of the execution plan. The value in the Name column is the
cache ID of the result.

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A query for result
cache statistics

A query of the V$RESULT_CACHE_OBJECTS view to retrieve

detailed statistics about the cached result.

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The output of a
result cache

The descriptive information of data kept in server result cache.

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Reserved Pool

The reserved pool is a memory area in the shared pool that Oracle Database can use to allocate large contiguous
chunks of memory (usually over 5 KB).

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What is a latch?

When changing a memory structure only one process can make a

change at a time. Latches are locks designed to be held for
extremely short periods of time to protect certain memory

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Reserved Pool

Large allocations

For large allocations, Oracle Database attempts to allocate space

in the shared pool in the following order:
1. From the unreserved part of the shared pool.
2. From the reserved pool.
3. From memory.
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Large Pool
The large pool is an optional memory area intended for
memory allocations that are larger than is appropriate
for the shared pool.

Used for large allocations of:

• UGA for the shared server
• Buffers for Recovery Manager (RMAN) I/O

Pieces of memory are allocated and cannot be freed

until they are done being used.

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Shared Server
Dedicated Server Processes

When changing a memory structure only one process can make a

change at a time. Latches are locks designed to be held for
extremely short periods of time to protect certain memory

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ECM Overview

Workflow Solutions

Integration with ERP

ECM Market

Patent Explanation
Types of Processes
1. Client Process:
A client program acting on behalf of the user, such as
Oracle Enterprise Manager, SQL*Plus, or an application
2. Oracle Processes:
Server Process: Performs much of the work
based on a client request. Such as parsing and running
SQL statements, and retrieving and returning results
to the client program.
:Background Processes: Starts with the
database instance and perform maintenance tasks

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SMON (System Monitor)
Initially has the task of mounting and opening database


All database files are opened.

3 Ready for end user.

2 Contol file located and read


Read parameter file

1 SGA created
SHUTDOWN Background processes started

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SMON (System Monitor)

Housekeeping tasks

1. Each time oracle is re-started, SMON performs a warm start and

makes sure that the transactions that were left incomplete at the
last shut down are recovered.
2. Performs instance recovery, if necessary, at instance startup.
3. Performs periodic cleanup of temporary segments that are no
longer needed.
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SMON’s instance recovery
with example

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PMON (Process Monitor)

PMON monitors the other background processes and performs process recovery when a server or dispatcher process
terminates abnormally.

When a session terminates abnormally, PMON:

 Destroys related server process.
 Returns PGA memory to the operating system’s free memory pool
 Roll backs any incomplete transaction
 Releases locks that are no longer required etc.

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DBWn (Database Writer)

Lazy Writer

• DBWn writes dirty buffers from the databaase buffer cache to the
datafiles on disk.
• Although one database writer process (DBW0) is adequate for
most systems, you can configure additional processes (DBW1,

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DBWn (Database Writer)

Write Conditions

• No free buffers
• Too many dirty buffers
• 3 seconds timeout
• A checkpoint requested
Note: DBWn does absolutely nothing when a transaction is
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What is a checkpoint?

A checkpoint performs the following three operations:

1. Every dirty block in the buffer cache is written to the data
files. That is, it synchronizes the datablocks in the buffer cache
with the datafiles on disk.
2. The latest SCN is written (updated) into the datafile header.
3. The latest SCN is also written to the controlfiles.

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LGWR (Log Writer)

Fast Sequential Writer

LGWR writes the contents of the redo log buffer to the online log files
on disk. In the following circumstances, LGWR writes all redo
• A user commits a transaction.
• Three seconds have passed since LGWR last wrote.

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LGWR (Log Writer)

Fast Sequential Writer

• An online redo log switch occurs.

• The redo log buffer is one-third full or contains 1 MB of buffered
• Before DBW writes dirty buffers to disk.

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ARCn (Archiver)

Fast Sequential Writer

• ARC process copies change vectors from inactive online redo log
files to an offline storage.

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CKPT (Checkpoint)

Consistent Database

CKPT updates the control file and data file headers with checkpoint
information and signals DBW to write blocks to disk. Checkpoint
information includes the checkpoint position, SCN, and location in
online redo log to begin recovery.

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(Manageability Monitors)
Automatic Management

MMON performs many tasks related to the Automatic Workload

Repository (AWR). For example, MMON writes when a metric
violates its threshold value, taking snapshots, and capturing statistics
value for recently modified SQL objects.

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ECM Overview

Workflow Solutions

Integration with ERP

ECM Market

Patent Explanation
Physical Database Logical Database
Structures Structures

The physical database structures of an Oracle The physical database structures of an Oracle
database are viewable at the operating system database are viewable at the operating system
level. level.

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Physical Database Structures

Operating System Files

• Data Files
• Control Files
• Online Redo Log Files
• Archieved Redo Log Files
• Instance parameter file
• Password File
• Alert Log and Trace Files 49
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Data Files Structure

Data Repos

• The header contains metadata about the data file.

• When a data file is first created the allocated disk space
is formatted but contains no user data.
• As the data grows in a tablespace, the free space in the
data files are used to allocate extents for the segment.

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Control Files

A small binary file

Oracle Database reads and writes to the control file

continuously during database use and must be
available for writing whenever the database is open.

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Control Files

Used everywhere

• It contains information about data files, online redo log

files, and so on that are required to open the database.
• It tracks structural changes to the database. 

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Control Files

A small binary file

• It contains metadata, information required to recover

the database etc.
• The dynamic performance views, also known as V$
views, can be used to view the information stored in
the control file.

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Online Redo Log Files

Crucial for Recovery

• Records changes to the data files.

• Protects against data loss.
• Useful source of historical information about
database activity.
• Contents may include uncommitted transaction
also undo data.
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Online Redo Log Files

Log Switches

• An online redo log consists of two or more online

redo log files.
• A log switch occurs when the database stops
writing to one online redo log file and begins
writing to another.

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Logical Database Structures

Not OS Files

• Datablock
• Extent
• Segment
• Tablespaces

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Data Blocks

Minimum Logical Unit

• An operating system block is the minimum unit of data

that the OS can read or write.
• An Oracle block is a logical storage structure whose size
and structure are not known to the OS.
• The database requests data in multiples of data blocks, not
operating system blocks.
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Data Block Format

Block Overhead

• Block Header: Contains general information about the

• Table Directory: Metadata about tables whose rows are
stored in this block.
• Row Directory: Describes the location of rows in the data
portion of the block.
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Data Block Format

Actual Data

• Row Data: Contains the actual data, such as table rows

or index key entries.

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Data Block Format

Free Space

• Free Space: As the database fills a data block from the

bottom up, the amount of free space between the row data
and the block header decreases.

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Contiguous data blocks

• An extent is a logical unit of database storage space

allocation made up of contiguous data blocks.
• An extent is always contained in one data file.

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• User segments
• Temporary segments
• Undo segments

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Storage Containers

• A tablespace is a logical storage container for

• Each database user is assigned a default
permanent tablespace.
• There are many types as well as segments.

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Usage Areas

• Control disk space allocation for database data

• Assign a quota (space allowance or limit) to a
database user
• Take individual tablespaces online or offline
without affecting the availability of the whole
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Usage Areas

• Perform backup and recovery of individual

• Import or export application data by using the
Oracle Data Pump utility

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