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Non Verbal Communications and body language

Communication is a process of sending and

receiving signals that enables humans to share messages , attitudes and signals Although we tend to relate communication with speech , it is of two types:
Verbal Non Verbal

What is Non Verbal Communication?

Non Verbal Communication includes Facial Expression Eye Contact Tone of Voice Body Posture Motions Positioning within Groups Clothes/Dress

Social Anthropologist , Prof. T Hall says that

Only 35% of communications is transmitted through verbal form of communications and remaining 65% is through non verbal forms of communications
His actions were so loud . I could barely hear

what he was saying

Categories of Non Verbal Communication

Facial Expressions Tone of Voice Sense of Touch Sense of Smell Body Motions

Form of Communication through creative

Painting Playing Music Sculpturing

These play a pivotal role in non verbal


Use of religious symbols or status symbols

What is Kinesis ?

Kinesis or Body Language

Refers to body motions such as Foot Tapping Shrugs Eye Movement ( Winking , facial expressions and gestures ) Drumming

Facial Expressions
Face is the index of mind Lips, eyes and the muscles can express many

feelings It can also be deceived by manipulation

Stare or fixed gaze suggests involvement ,

wonder or eye disapproval Raised look shows dominance Downcast look suggests weakness or surrender Direct eye contact suggests honesty and neutral attitude

Behaviour Interpretation
Non Verbal Behaviour Brisk , erect Walk Standing with hands on hips Sitting with legs crossed, foot kicking slightly Sitting , legs apart Arms crossed on chest Walking with hands in pockets, shoulders hunched Interpretation Confidence Agression Boredom Open, relaxed Defensiveness Dejection

Hands to cheek Touching , slightly rubbing nose Rubbing the eye Hands clasped behind the back Locked ankles Head resting in hands , eyes downcast Rubbing Hands Evaluation, Thinking Rejection , doubt , lying Doubt, disbelief Apprehension , doubt , frustration Apprehension Boredom Anticipation

What do the following Images signify?

Interpreting Body Language

Open Responsive Forward Reflective Back




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