Levels of Management

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Before heading towards the topic “LEVELS
OF MANAGEMENT” we are going to
learn about LEVELS OF
In an organisation the employees working in it are divided in two
categories ,
i) Managerial members
ii) Non-managerial members
i. Managerial members – In this category, Chief
executive officer(CEO), Departmental
managers (i.e., purchase manager, sale
manager, R & D), etc are included . They are
called managers because they manage some or
the other person.

ii. Non-managerial members – In this

category workers are included. The place at
which such employees are work is known as
platform area . They are the lowest level of the
chain in an organization, they do not have
subordinates ,that’s why they are not included
in levels of management
Now we can learn about the “LEVELS OF
Numbers of levels are fixed according to the
nature, size, etc of the business. Brech has
devided levels of management in three
categories :

i. Top-level Management
ii. Middle-level of Management
iii. Lower-level Management

FUN FACT; Do you

know why the levels of
management are in the
form of pyramid ?
i. Top-level of Management - top level
management includes chief executing
officer, board of directors, managing
directors, president, vice presidents etc.
Functions are :
a) Formulate overall objectives.
b) Framing policies.
c) Arrange resources(man, machine,
material and money).
d) Overall coordinates.
e) Overall control.
ii. Middle-level of Management – It includes
Departmental heads (purchase manager, sale
manager, production managers, marketing
manager, etc), plant superintendents. Functions
a) Interpreting policies.
b) Smooth functioning of their department.
c) Assign duties and responsibilities to person
working in their departments.
d) Motivating employees.
e) Co-operate with other departments.
c. Lower-level of Management - Also
known as operational management or first
line manager. Under this, various foremen
and supervisors are included. Funtions
are :
d. Ensure safety of workers.
e. Ensuring proper working environment.
f. Creating better human relations.
g. Inviting suggestions.
h. Helping middle level management.
Thank you

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