Variable in Python

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Variable In Python

Introduction to Variables in Python

Variables are used to store data values in


They have a name and a value associated

with them.

Variables can hold different types of data,

such as numbers, strings, or boolean

Naming Variables

Variable names can contain letters,

numbers, and underscores.

They cannot start with a number or

contain special characters.

Python is case-sensitive, so "myvar" and

"myVar" are different variables.

Assigning Values to Variables

Values are assigned to variables using the

equals sign (=).

Example: myvar = 10

The value can be changed by assigning a

new value to the same variable.

Variable Types

Python has several built-in variable types,

- Integer: whole numbers without
decimal points.
- Float: numbers with decimal points.
- String: sequence of characters enclosed
in quotes.
- Boolean: True or False values.

Your second bullet

Your third bullet

Variable Operations

Variables can be used in mathematical


Example: x = 5, y = 3. Addition: x + y = 8.

String concatenation is also possible using

the plus (+) operator.

Variable Scope

Variables have a scope, which defines

their accessibility.

Global variables can be accessed from

anywhere in the code.

Local variables are defined inside

functions and can only be accessed within
the function.

Best Practices for Variable Names

Use descriptive names that reflect the

purpose of the variable.

Avoid using single-letter names, except

for simple loop counters.

Use lowercase letters for variable names.


Constants are variables whose values

remain the same throughout the program.

Conventionally, constant names are

written in uppercase.

Python does not have a built-in constant

type, but the convention is to avoid
changing their values.

Variable Interpolation

Variables can be inserted into strings using

string interpolation.

Example: name = "John". Greeting =

f"Hello, {name}!"

The f in front of the string indicates that it

is a formatted string.


Variables are used to store data values in


They have a name and a value associated

with them.

Python supports various types of variables

and allows mathematical and string
operations on them.


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