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Program Overview
LDL-C and Atherosclerosis: A Coalescence
of Evidence
Main Principles for ASCVD Risk Reduction
Main Principles for ASCVD Risk Reduction
Main Principles for ASCVD Risk Reduction
Main Principles for ASCVD Risk Reduction
LDL-C Treatment Goals Are Based on an
Individual's CV Risk
Treatment Goal for LDL-C: 2019 ESC/EAS
Treatment Goal for LDL-C: 2019 ESC/EAS
Treatment Goal for LDL-C: 2019 ESC/EAS
Treatment Goal for LDL-C: 2019 ESC/EAS
Setting an LDL-C Goal
SCORE CV Risk Chart: 10-Year Risk of
Fatal CVD
Cumulative Effect of LDL-C Reduction
Use of LLT in Patients With Established
Data From the DA VINCI Study
LDL-C Goal Attainment in Patients With
Established ASCVD
Data From the DA VINCI Study
Central Role of LDL-C in ASCVD
Atherosclerosis Is CAUSED by Trapping
LDL-C (ApoB) Particles
Slowing Plaque Progression by Lowering
Slowing Plaque Progression by Lowering
Benefit of Lowering LDL-C Increases With
Each Additional Year of LDL-C Lowering
Clinical Benefit of Lowering LDL-C by
Magnitude and
Duration of Therapy
EAS Consensus Statement: LDL-C Causes
EAS Consensus Statement: LDL-C Causes
Goals of Lipid-Lowering Therapy
Lowering LDL-C by Lowering LDL Particles
Through the
LDL Receptor Pathway
Clinical Benefit of Any LLT Determined by
Absolute Reduction on ApoB-Containing
Clinical Benefit of Any LLT Determined by
Absolute Reduction on ApoB-Containing
Clinical Approach to the Management of
As CVD Risk Increases, So Does Intensity of
Lipid-Lowering Therapy
Dyslipidemia Treatment
Clinical Approach to the Management of
Choice of LLT
Know the Math: Intensity of Lipid-Lowering
Principles of LDL-C Lowering
Stepwise Approach to Lowering LDL-C
2019 ESC/EAS Guidelines
Use Combination Lipid-Lowering Therapy as
First-Line Strategy in Very-High-Risk
Safety of Reduction of LDL-C to Very-Low
Levels (< 30 mg/dL)
Patient Example
Patient Example
Patient Example: Treatment Goal
Patient Example: Clinical Approach
Patient Example: Clinical Approach
Achievable Reductions of LDL-C as a
Function of the
Therapeutic Approach
Achievable Reductions of LDL-C as a
Function of the
Therapeutic Approach
Adherence to Long-Term Therapies
Success of Hyperlipidemia Treatment
Success of Hyperlipidemia Treatment
CV Risk Factor Control in Patients With CAD
Medication Adherence in RCTs
Medication Adherence
Medication Adherence: Time for Success
Determinants of Medication Adherence
Using a Person-Centered Approach
Shared Decision-Making
Using a Person-Centered Approach
Shared Decision-Making
Shared Decision-Making
Multiple Benefits of Shared Decision-Making
for Patients
and Clinicians
Encourage Patients to Consider Certain
Questions Before
Their Appointment
Shared Decision-Making With Patients
Supporting Long-Term Change
Patient Decision Aids: Tips for
Patient Decision Aids: An Example
Peter K
Physical Examination
Laboratory Results
Peter K:
Multiple Recurrent CV Risk Factors
Peter K:
Multiple Recurrent CV Risk Factors
Swedish Heart Registry
Feasibility of Achieving LDL-C Targets:
Very Potent LDL-C Reduction in Very-High-
Risk Patients:
Achieving Plaque Stabilization ( Regression)
Very Potent LDL-C Reduction in Very-High-
Risk Patient:
Data From the FOURIER-OLE
Peter K:
Multiple Recurrent CV Risk Factors
Peter K:
Multiple Recurrent CV Risk Factors
Lp(a) Elevation Markedly Increases ASCVD
Drug Therapy to Reduce Lp(a) Concentration
Peter K:
Multiple Recurrent CV Risk Factors
Despite Optimal Lipid-Lowering Therapy
Patients With Diabetes Are at Very High
ASCVD Risk Reduction in Patients With
Peter K:
Multiple Recurrent CV Risk Factors
Medical Therapies Targeting Inflammation
Efficacy of Colchicine for CVD Risk
Peter K:
Medication Changes to Reduce ASCVD Risk
A Real Challenge in Very-High-Risk Patients
Maria T
Maria T:
LDL-C Treatment Goal
Treatment Issues With This Patient
Proper Motivation Over the Long Term Is
Maria T: Risk for ASCVD
Maria T: Years Gained Free of CV Events
Adherence to LLT Will Improve the Patient's
Goals of Lipid-Lowering Therapy
Maria T: Clinical Approach
Maria T: Treatment Options
Maria T: Treatment Options
Initial Combination Therapy
Initial Combination Therapy

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