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Qais Alefan

R.Ph, B.Pharm, M.Pharm, PhD

< hen asked about pharmacy?!,.
a drugstore or a place where you buy your
< Most people do not think about pharmacy as
a profession!
< Pharmacy is a place, a profession, and
sometimes a business!
< a place where licensed pharmacists dispense medicine on
receiving a valid prescription written by a legal prescriber
< A pharmacy is not a drugstore. Some businesses today do
not have pharmacies, but do sell medicines bought without a
prescription (OTCs)
< They also usually sell nonmedical items like cosmetics,
hardware, and magazines
< A pharmacy can be a free-standing building, or it may be
found inside other places like a drugstore, a medical office
building, or a hospital
< The word medicine in defining pharmacy (as
a place) is preferable to the word drug
< n today's society, "drug usually means an
unlawful drug or drug abuse
< The word medicine is more positive, as its
consumption usually improves health
< A profession is a disciplined group of individuals who
adhere to ethical standards and uphold themselves to
and are accepted by the public as possessing special
knowledge and skills in a widely recognized body of
learning derived from research, education, and training
at a high level, and who are prepared to exercise this
knowledge and these skills in the interest of others
< The three commonly recognized characteristics of a
profession: study & training, measure of success, and
< arly humans most likely discovered that applying water,
mud, & some plants soothed the skin
< By simple trial and error, humans slowly discovered things in
nature that helped them
< The earliest known record of the art of the apothecary-the
forerunner of the pharmacist-is in Babylon, the jewel of the
ancient Mesopotamia
< Practitioners (ca. 2600 B.C.) were priests, pharmacists, and
physicians, all in one
< The Chinese also contributed to early pharmacy (ca. 2000
< rom this point forward in history, the art of crude medicine
preparation and pharmacy became more refined by the
gyptians, the Greeks, & the Romans
< One Roman in particular, Galen (A.D. 130-200), practiced and
taught pharmacy & medicine in Rome
< His principles of preparing and Compounding ruled in the
estern orld for 1500 yrs
< Separation of pharmacy & medicine took place ca. A.D. 300
and is portrayed by twin brothers of Arabian descent, Damian,
the apothecary, and Cosmas, the physician
< Plants with medicinal value were cultivated in monasteries by
monks during the 5
to 12
< The Arabs were the first to have privately owned drugstores
called apothecary shops
< Public pharmacies like these did not appear in urope until
the 17
< The first official compendium of drugs, or pharmacopoeia,
originated in lorence, taly, in 1498
< The Society of Apothecaries of London was the first
organization of pharmacists in the Anglo-Saxon world
< ven some pharmacists, answer by saying "to supply
the medication
< The purpose of pharmacy practice is to help patients
make the best use of their medication
< rom a public health point of view, pharmacists are
needed to assure the rational & safe use of the
< Over the past 4 decades there has been a trend
for pharmacy practice to move away from its
original focus on medicine supply towards a more
inclusive focus on patient care
< The role of the pharmacist has evolved:
Compounder &
supplier of
a provider of
services &
a provider of
patient care
< The pharmacist's task is to ensure that a patient's drug
therapy is appropriately indicated, the most effective, the
safest, & convenient for the patient
< Pharmacists can make a unique contribution to the
outcome of drug therapy & to their patients' quality of life
< This new approach has been given the name
pharmaceutical care
< !harmaceutical care is the responsible provision
of drug therapy for the purpose of achieving
definite outcomes that improve a patient's quality
of life". (Hepler and Strand, 1990)
< n 1998, the nternational Pharmaceutical
ederation (P) added one significant
amendment: "achieving definite outcomes that
improve or maintain a patient's quality of life".
< The practice of pharmaceutical care is new, in
contrast to what pharmacists have been doing for
< Because pharmacists often fail to assume
responsibility for this care, they may not
adequately document, monitor and review the
care given
< The knowledge base of pharmacy graduates is
< Pharmacists already in practice were mainly educated
on the basis of the old paradigm of pharmaceutical
product focus
< f these pharmacists are to contribute effectively to the
new patient-centred pharmaceutical practice, they
must have the opportunity to acquire the new
knowledge & skills required for their new role
< To do this they must become life-long learners, one of
the roles of the new pharmacist

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