The Enviormental Issue of CSR

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The major environmental issues are as follows:

 Recycling policies:
The recycling of wastes can make them another source of energy.
 Use of package:
The org. should use the biodegradable packages for the betterment of the environment.
 Logistic delivery and congestion:
The congestion may cause harm to the environment in which we
are living. Environment should be kept clean as possible.
 Pollution:

The business organizations are mostly liable for the pollution in the worldwide. The discharge
of wastage by the clinic and industries are polluting the environment.
 Carbon foot print:
The carbon footprint must be reduced to the tolerable range. The inception greener
business is now the requirement of the day. The organization should believe in the philosophy that the
greener, the safer.
The economic and political issue of CSR

 Location of the suppliers:

The location of the supplier should be in convenient place so that the
customers can get the desired products and services in reasonable cost, time and visits.
 Supporting local business:
The local business must be supported by the large business
organization so that it can provide a helping hand for accomplishing the aims and objectives
of business. The local business can help tremendously the large organization and can help to
minimize the price level.
The economic and political issue of CSR

 Supporting developing countries:

This is the duty and responsibility of the developed
countries to support the under developed and developing countries to enhance their business.
 Fair trade:

The trade practices must be fair so that the ethics of business can be established
from bottom to the top level. The fair trade practice will tremendously reduce cut-throat
competition from the market. Thus, the budding business organizations will get the
chance to extend their business opportunities both regionally and globally.
The social and community issues in CSR
 Employment of disadvantaged and disabled people:
The business
organizations should render their help to the disadvantaged and disabled
people. This will help to create a balance in the society by strengthening
the empowerment of the disabled.
 Sponsorship:

Sponsorship is another form through which business

organization can serve the society .Business firms can take sponsorship of
different social events in order to serve the society as well as to increase
the social acceptance of goods and services delivered by the firms.
The social and community issues in CSR

 Encouraging education and training:

Technical and vocational education and training can be
delivered to the students and unemployed people so that they can touch a new height. Business
organizations should arrange such programs to enhance their social presence.
 Volunteering:

Volunteering service is recognized as the one of best social services. Incase if

disaster or any other social crisis organizations should render voluntary services to the society.
The Social and Community issues in CSR

The corporate social responsibilities of an Organization provide some benefits to the society that
sometimes may unprecedented (MORISH, 2006). The community as whole will be affected by the
CSR activities in an organization. The social and community issues of CSR include volunteering,
sponsorship, helping the disadvantage and the disabled promotions of educations and training.
Most of the time CSR shape the social and community issues so that brand value and brand
differentiation can be flourished. With the passage of time the trend is changing rapidly.
Organizations now are become more interested to be engaged in social activities.

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