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Presented by

Myat Su San

Unveiling the Layers:

Generating Concept Hierarchies for

Nominal Data

● Introduction
● What is a concept hierarchy?
● Generations of concept hierarchies
● Methods and Applications
What is a concept
A concept hierarchy is a tree-like structure that
represents the relationships between concepts or
In other words, it is a way of organizing information
based on its similarity and difference.
In the context of nominal data, understanding
concept hierarchies is crucial for effective data
This allows us to identify patterns and relationships
in the data that might not be immediately apparent
Generations of
concept hierarchies
First generation: Flat hierarchy based on
attribute value frequency, treating all values
Second generation: Subsumption hierarchy
introduces higher-level concepts that encompass
lower-level ones, improving efficiency and
reducing redundancy, but still lacks attribute
Why is Concept Hierarchy
Generation Important?
Let's say we are analyzing customer feedback for a
restaurant chain. Without a concept hierarchy, we
might only see a list of individual comments and
ratings. But by generating a hierarchy of concepts
such as food quality, service, and atmosphere, we
can gain a deeper understanding of what aspects of
the restaurant are most important to customers and Another example is, in healthcare, a
how they interact with each other. concept hierarchy could help identify
risk factors for certain diseases by
analyzing the relationship between
symptoms and diagnoses.
Straightforward and widely used
methods for concept hierarchy
● Users or Professionals Specify the Ordering
● Manual Data Grouping
● Automatic Generation from Attribute Information
● Partially Specified Hierarchies
Users or Professionals Specify the Automatic Generation from
Ordering Attribute Information

Partially Specified
Manual Data Grouping Hierarchies
“The Titanic Dataset”
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