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Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles

Lecture 5

Learning Objective & Outcome
• Objective:
– To apply the key concepts in cell cycle and sexual
life cycles
• Outcome: Successful students will be able to
– To relate cell division to its regulations, as well as
to the phases of the cell cycles involving mitosis
and/or meiosis in prokaryotic and eukaryotic

Inheritance of Genes
• Genes are passed from parents to their offspring &
become the genetic link between parents & their
– Genes are translated into specific enzymes & proteins that
give rise to an organism’s inherited traits
– The genetic information is passed on in the form of specific
DNA nucleotide sequence  precise replication of DNA
produces copies of genes
• Reproductive cells called gametes carry the genes &
upon fertilization, the genes of both parents are passed
to their offspring
Inheritance of Genes
• In the nucleus of eukaryotes, DNA & associated
proteins are packaged into chromosomes
• Hundred to thousand of genes are found along
one chromosome; each is a specific sequence
of nucleotides
• This specific location of gene along a
chromosome is called the gene’s locus (plural;

Comparison of Asexual & Sexual
Asexual reproduction
• A single parent that passes copies of ALL of its genes to
its offspring
• Hence, offspring are exact copies of the parent
• Both single-celled & multicellular eukaryotic organisms
are capable of reproduce asexually in which DNA is
copied, allocated equally to 2 daughter cells & give rise
to a clone
• If mutation occur, it will give rise to variation
Comparison of Asexual & Sexual
Sexual reproduction
• Two parents involve in giving rise to offspring
that consist of a unique combination of genes
inherited from the two parents
• Genetically vary among the offspring and to
their parents  variations; not exact replicas

Sets of Chromosomes in Human Cells
• Life cycle refers to the generation-to-generation
sequence of stages in the reproductive history of an
organism, from conception to production of its own
• In human, each somatic cell contains 46 chromosomes
– (Somatic cell refers to any cell in a multi-cellular organism
except a sperm or egg cell)
• During mitosis, these chromosomes condensed &
become visible under light microscope; microscopic
examination allow the chromosomes to be distinguish
from one another
Sets of Chromosomes in Human Cells
• Karyotype
– (= A display of the chromosome pairs of a cell arranged
by size & shape)
– Homologous chromosome / homolog refer to a pair of
two chromosomes which has the same length,
centromere position, & staining pattern; each
chromosome of a pair carries the genes controlling the
same inherited characters
– In medical, it is used to screen for abnormal numbers of
chromosomes / defective chromosomes associated with
certain congenital disorders
Sets of Chromosomes in Human Cells

Karyotypes are prepared from

isolated somatic cells that are treated
with a drug to stimulate mitosis &
then grown in culture for several
days. Cells arrested in metaphase are
stained & then viewed with a
microscope equipped with a digital 9
Sets of Chromosomes in Human Cells
• However, there are two distinct chromosomes found
in human somatic cells: X & Y chromosomes
– Females: a homologous pair of X chromosomes (XX)
– Males: XY; only small parts of X & Y chromosomes are
homologous; most genes on X chromosome do not have
counterparts on Y chromosome & Y chromosome carries
genes not found on the X
– They are known as the sex chromosomes which determine
an individual’s sex
– The rest of the chromosomes in a human somatic cell are
called autosomes

Sets of Chromosomes in Human Cells

• Human somatic cells inherited a maternal set

(n = 23 chromosomes) & a paternal set (n = 23
chromosomes) from each parent which give
rise to the total of 46 chromosomes (2n)
– n: number of chromosomes from a single set of
– 2n: diploid number of chromosomes found in a
diploid cell (= any cell with two chromosome sets)
– Human somatic cells are diploid cells (2n = 46)

Sets of Chromosomes in Human Cells
Figure 13.4 Describing chromosomes.
After chromosome replication &
condensation, the cell has a diploid
number of 6 (2n=6)
Each of the 6 chromosomes here
consists of two sister chromatids
associated closely along their lengths
Each homologous pair is composed of
1 chromosome from the maternal set
(red) & the paternal set (blue)
Each set is made up of 3 chromosomes
Non-sister chromatids are any two
chromatids in a pair of homologous
chromosomes that are not sister
Sets of Chromosomes in Human Cells

• However, gametes (sperm & eggs) are haploid

– i.e. they contain only haploid number of
chromosome, n
– In human, gametes contain only a single
chromosome set, i.e. set of 23 = 22 autosomes + a
single sex chromosomes (X chromosome for
unfertilized egg; either X or Y chromosome for a

Behavior of Chromosome Sets in the Human
Life Cycle
• A human life cycle begins when a haploid sperm (from
father) fertilized a haploid egg (from mother) in the
process called fertilization which involves the fusion of
the nuclei
• The fertilized egg / zygote is diploid in which the union
of gametes (two haploid sets of chromosomes) restore
the diploid number of chromosome
• As the zygote / organism grows & develops, mitosis of
zygote generate somatic cells which contain diploid
number of chromosomes
Behavior of Chromosome Sets in the Human
Life Cycle

Figure 13. 5 The human life

The number of chromosome
sets double at fertilization in
each generation
The number of chromosome
sets is halved during meiosis
E.g. in human, the number of
chromosome in haploid cell is
23 (n=23); the number of
chromosome in diploid zygote
& all somatic cells arising from
it is 46 (2n=46)
Behavior of Chromosome Sets in the Human
Life Cycle
• However, another type of cell division known
as meiosis takes place in the germ cells of
sexually reproducing organisms
• During meiosis, the number of sets of
chromosomes is halved
– Upon fertilization, the diploid number is restored
again with the union of two haploid sets of

Variety of Sexual Life Cycles
• The life cycle of sexually reproducing
organisms alternate between meiosis and
• Generally it can be grouped into 3 depending
on the difference in timing of the two events:
– Human & most animals
– Plants & some algae
– Most fungi & some protists

Variety of Sexual Life Cycles
• In human & most animals:
– Meiosis in germ cells
produce gametes (the only
haploid cells, n) with NO
any further cell division
prior to fertilization
– After fertilization, the
diploid zygote (2n) divides
by mitosis to produce a
multicellular organism that
is diploid (2n)

Variety of Sexual Life Cycles
• Plants & some algae:
– Experience alternation of
generations that have both diploid &
haploid stages in multicellular form
– The multicellular diploid stage called
sporophyte undergoes meiosis,
producing haploid spores which
divide mitotically to generate a
multicellular haploid stage called
– Cells of gametophyte undergo
mitosis to produce gametes
(haploid); two gametes fused during
fertilization result in a diploid zygote
that enters the next sporophyte
generation 19
Variety of Sexual Life Cycles
• In fungi & some protists
– When gametes fuse & form a
diploid zygote, meiosis follows to
produce haploid cells
– Haploid cells divide mitotically &
give rise to either unicellular
descendants or a haploid
multicellular adult organism
– Haploid organism further divide by
mitosis, producing cells that develop
into gametes
– The single-celled zygote is the only
diploid stage found in these species

Meiosis Reduces Number of Chromosome
• Meiosis begins with the replication of
chromosomes and consists of two consecutive
cell divisions – meiosis I and meiosis II that
result in 4 daughter cells (each contains half
the chromosome number of the parent cell)

Meiosis Reduces Number of Chromosome
• Figure 13.7 Overview of
– In this diagram, only one pair
of homologous chromosome
at interphase is shown at the
condensed state (which
normally do not condensed
during interphase)
– Chromosomes replicate
during interphase, follow by
dividing twice to yield 4
daughter cells

States of Meiosis
• Meiosis is separated into two divisions: meiosis I and meiosis II

Meiosis I (separating Meiosis II (separating sister

homologous chromosomes) chromatids)

Prophase I Prophase II
Metaphase I Metaphase II
Anaphase I Anaphase II
Telophase I & Cytokinesis Telophase II & Cytokinesis
• Stages of meiosis in animal cell (2n=6) are shown in Figure 13.8

Meiotic Division – Meiosis I

Meiotic Division – Meiosis I (Glossary)
• Crossing over
– = The reciprocal exchange of genetic material between non-sister
chromatids during prophase I of meiosis
• Chiasma (chiasmata)
– = The X-shaped, microscopically visible region where homologous
non-sister chromatids have exchanged genetic material through
crossing over during meiosis, the two homologs remaining
associated due to sister chromatid cohesion
• Synapsis
– = The pairing & physical connection of replicated homologous
chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis

Meiotic Division – Meiosis I
Prophase I
– Chromosomes condense, homologous
chromosomes loosely pair along their
lengths, aligned gene by gene
– Paired homologs occurs between non-
sister chromatids; homologs in
synapsis are held tightly along the
lengths by proteins
– At mid-prophase, synapsis completes
& chromosomes in each pair move
apart slightly

Meiotic Division – Meiosis I
Prophase I
– One/more chiasmata is found on the
homologous pair; homologs are still
associated due to the cohesion between
sister chromatids (sister chromatid
– Centrosomes movement, formation of
spindle & breaks down of nuclear
envelope occur (as in mitosis)
– At late prophase I, microtubules extend
from the opposite poles attach to the
two kinetochores at the centromeres of
both homologs
– Homologs move toward metaphase plate
Meiotic Division – Meiosis I
Metaphase I
– Pairs of homologous chromosomes
arrange at metaphase plate with each
chromosome of a pair faces the
opposite pole
– Kinetochore microtubules attach to
both chromatids of one homolog
extending from one pole; the other
homolog is also attached by
kinetochore microtubules extending
from the opposite pole

Meiotic Division – Meiosis I
Anaphase I
– Proteins responsible for sister
chromatid cohesion along chromatid
arms break down
– This enables the homologous pairs to
separate; homologs move toward
opposite poles along the spindle
– Sister chromatid cohesion remains at
the centromere causes the chromatids
to move as a unit toward the same

Meiotic Division – Meiosis I
Telophase & Cytokinesis
– Each half of the cell has a complete
haploid set of chromosomes
– Each chromosome composes of 2 sister
chromatids (one/both may include
regions of non-sister chromatid DNA)
– Cytokinesis occurs simulatenously with
telophase I to form 2 haploid daughter
– Cytokinesis of animal cells: a cleavage
furrow forms
– Cytokinesis of plant cells: a cell plate
– No replication between meiosis I & II
(chromosome already replicated)
Meiotic Division – Meiosis II

Meiotic Division – Meiosis II
Prophase II
– A spindle apparatus forms
– In late prophase II, chromosomes
(with the two chromatids still
associated at the centromere) move
toward the metaphase II plate

Meiotic Division – Meiosis II
Metaphase II
– Chromosomes (each with two
sister chromatids) positions on
the metaphase plate
– Two sister chromatids of each
chromosome are not genetically
identical due to crossing over
that occurred in meiosis I
– Microtubules extending from
opposite poles attach to the
kinetochores of sister

Meiotic Division – Meiosis II
Anaphase II
– Proteins that held the sister
chromatids at the centromere
breaks down
– Chromatids separate & move
toward opposite poles
– Each chromatid is an individual

Meiotic Division – Meiosis II
Telophase II & Cytokinesis
– Nuclei form, chromosomes
decondense, cytokinesis begins
– Meiosis of 1 parent cell gives rise
to 4 haploid daughter cells (each
with a haploid set of
chromosome); they are
genetically distinct from one
another as well as from the
parent cell

Comparison of Mitosis & Meiosis
Meiosis Mitosis

•Halves the number of •Chromosome number is

chromosome sets from diploid to conserved; daughter cells are
haploid; produces daughter ells genetically identical to the
that are genetically different parent cell & each other
from parent cell & each other
•Meiosis I  reductional division;
halves the number of
chromosome sets per cell
•Meiosis II  equitional division;
sister chromatids separate,
produce haploid daughter cell;
virtually identical to mitosis

Comparison of Mitosis & Meiosis

Comparison of Mitosis & Meiosis
• In addition, there are 3 unique events occur
during meiosis I
(i) Synapsis & crossing over
(ii) Homologs on the metaphase plate
(iii) Separation of homologs

Comparison of Mitosis & Meiosis
(i) Synapsis & crossing over
– During prophase I, synapsis occurs in which replicated
homologs pair up & physically connected along their lengths
by a synaptonemal complex (a zipper-like protein structure)
– Crossing over completes during prophase I in which the
genetic rearrangement between non-sister chromatids occur
– The synaptonemal complex disassembles during late
prophase I, the two homologs pull apart slightly but remain
connected at 1/more X-shaped region called a chiasma
(chiasmata) as the sister chromatid cohesion holds the two
original sister chromatids together
– Do not happen during mitosis
Comparison of Mitosis & Meiosis
(ii) Homologs on the metaphase plate
– During metaphase I of meiosis, pairs of
homologous chromosomes are arranged on the
metaphase plate
– However, the individual chromosomes are
positioned during metaphase of mitosis

Comparison of Mitosis & Meiosis
(iii) Separation of homologs
– Sister chromatids attach along their lengths by cohesins
– During metaphase I of meiosis, homologs are held by
cohesion along sister chromatids arms (with DNA segments
– During anaphase I of meiosis, the cohesins are cleaved that
allow the homologs (replicated) to move toward opposite
poles with the sister chromatids of each replicated
chromosomes still remain connected
– During anaphase II of meiosis, cohesins are cleaved at the
centromeres in which the chromatids separate
– However, sister chromatids separate during anaphase of
mitosis 42
Genetic Variation In Sexual Life Cycles
Contributes to Evolution
• In sexually reproduce species, there are 3
mechanisms occur during meiosis &
fertilization which contribute to the genetic
variation among offspring:
1. Independent assortment of chromosomes
2. Crossing over
3. Random fertilization

Genetic Variation In Sexual Life Cycles
Contributes to Evolution
1. Independent assortment of chromosomes
– At metaphase I of meiosis, homologous chromosome pairs (1
maternal & 1 paternal) are positioned in a random orientation
at metaphase I plate
– Each pair is oriented randomly with either its maternal or
paternal homologs closer to one pole
– 50% chance that the daughter cell has maternal chromosome
of a certain homologous pair & 50% chance that it has the
paternal chromosome
– i.e. each homologous pair of chromosomes independently
assorted its paternal & maternal homologs into daughter cell of
every other pair  Independent assortment

Genetic Variation In Sexual Life Cycles
Contributes to Evolution
1. Independent assortment of chromosomes
– Each daughter cell represents the possible combinations of
maternal & paternal chromosomes
– According to independent assortment, the number of
possible combinations during meiosis is 2n (n = haploid
– For instance, in human where n = 23, number of possible
combinations in which each chromosome is sorted
independently during meiosis = 223
– i.e. each gamete has 1/8.4 million of possible combinations
of chromosomes inherited from two parents

Genetic Variation In Sexual Life Cycles
Contributes to Evolution
1. Independent assortment of chromosomes

Genetic Variation In Sexual Life Cycles
Contributes to Evolution
2. Crossing over
– In human averagely, 1-3 crossover takes place per chromosome
pair during meiosis; depending on the size of chromosomes &
the positions of centromeres)
– During early prophase I, homologous chromosomes are paired
loosely along their lengths in which each gene on one homolog
is aligned precisely to its corresponding allele on the other
– Specific proteins direct the exchange between segments of two
non-sister chromatids of each homologous pair during crossing
over which results in recombinant chromosomes that carry
genes derived from both parents

1 1. In prophase I, synapsis &
crossing over occur; then
homologs move apart
2. Chiasmata & attachments
3 between sister chromatids
hold homologs together;
they move to the
metaphase I plate.
3. Breakdown of proteins
holding sister chromatid
arms together allows
homologs with recombinant
chromatids to separate.

Genetic Variation In Sexual Life Cycles
Contributes to Evolution
3. Random fertilization
– In humans, each gamete (male & female) is equals
to a 1/8.4 billion (223 ) possible combination of
chromosomes due to independent assortment
– When a male gamete fuses with a female gamete
during fertilization, zygote that forms represents a
possibility of about 70 trillion (223 x 223) diploid
– Conclusion: Each one of us is truly unique

Variation in Traits
• Darwin realized that in any population, some
individuals have traits that make them better suited
to their environment than others – and those traits
might enhance the individual’s ability to survive and
reproduce (fitness)

• Adaptive traits (adaptations) that impart greater

fitness to an individual would become more common
in a population over generations, compared with less
competitive forms
Natural Selection
• Darwin considered the way humans select desirable
traits in animals by selective breeding (artificial
• Darwin called the process in which environmental
pressures result in the differential survival and
reproduction of individuals of a population natural
• Darwin published On the Origin of Species, which
laid out the theory of evolution by natural selection

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