Unit 3 Class 2

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Unit 3: Cultures of the

 Express your opinion about cultural topics
 Listen and understand the main points of
someone talking about a cultural
 Read and understand the main ideas and
most details of texts about cultures.

Class 2
Complete the following sentence:

It is important to learn about

other cultures because…
Listening activity
1. What does the speaker think about his own culture?
2. What happens every time he travels to another country?
3. What did he learn when he went to the USA as a child?
4. Why is it important to understand the culture of other people?
5. What could be the positive consequence of learning things
about other cultures?
1.What happened?
2.Why did it happen?
3.Who were
4.Where did it
Sri Lanka will deport a British tourist for having a tattoo on her arm of
the Buddha seated on a lotus flower. Naomi Coleman, 37, was arrested
at Sri Lanka's international airport on Monday. She is currently at a
centre in the airport waiting for a flight back to the U.K. Airport officials
told Ms Coleman that her tattoo was disrespectful to Sri Lankan culture.
Also, a police spokesman said she was arrested for "hurting others'
religious feelings". Most Sri Lankans are Buddhist and have deep
respect for images and statues of Buddha. Therefore, they would think
anyone with a Buddha tattoo is culturally insensitive.
Sri Lanka will deport a British tourist for having a
tattoo on her arm of the Buddha seated on a lotus
flower. Naomi Coleman, 37, was arrested at Sri
Lanka's international airport on Monday. She is
currently at a centre in the airport waiting for a
1.What happened? flight back to the U.K. Airport officials told Ms
Coleman that her tattoo was disrespectful to Sri
2.Why did it Lankan culture. Also, a police spokesman said she
happen? was arrested for "hurting others' religious feelings".
Most Sri Lankans are Buddhist and have deep
3.Who were respect for images and statues of Buddha.
involved? Therefore, they would think anyone with a Buddha
tattoo is culturally insensitive.
4.Where did it
This is not the first time that tourists have got in trouble for
misunderstanding Sri Lankan culture. For instance, another Briton was
deported last year because he spoke disrespectfully when passport
officials asked him about a Buddha tattoo on his arm. Additionally,
according to the BBC, three French tourists got prison sentences for
kissing a Buddha statue, the same year. So, British government website
warns people who visit Sri Lanka not to pose for photos in front of
statues of the Buddha.
This is not the first time that tourists have
got in trouble for misunderstanding Sri
Lankan culture. For instance, another Briton
was deported last year because he spoke
disrespectfully when passport officials asked
1.What happened? him about a Buddha tattoo on his arm.
2.Who were Additionally, according to the BBC, three
French tourists got prison sentences for
involved? kissing a Buddha statue, the same year. So,
3.Why did it British government website warns people
happen? who visit Sri Lanka not to pose for photos in
front of statues of the Buddha.
4.Where did it
1. Do you know any other behaviours that could cause you
troubles in other countries?
2. What are some actions that could be considered
disrespectul in our country?
3. Do you agree with this phrase: “When in Rome, do as the
Romans do”? Why?

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